Monday, January 21, 2013

Obama's First 100 Days

The first 100 days of a presidential term took on significance during Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, and the period is used to measure the early success of a president. During his legendary "First 100 Days," FDR sent Congress a record number of bills, all of which passed easily.

So how will the first 100 days of Barack Obama's second term compare to Roosevelt's? I'm glad you asked! I've uncovered a few of the proposals Obama has planned for the next 100 days. Here's a sample:

A bill to repeal the 22nd Amendment to allow him to run for a third term as president, which would a life term. Personally, I think Obama deserves a life term.... in the pen!

Pay off the national debt by minting a new gold coin. The coin would feature Obama's two faces.

Change title from "President" Obama to King Obama and eliminate Congress and the Supreme Court. Heil Obama!

Grant statehood to Kenya, making it the 58th state. Finally, Obama would be a legal U.S. citizen.

Reconstruct Mount Rushmore. He doesn't want to add his face to the mountain.... he wants to plaster his face over EACH of the existing faces carved in the mountain.

Change national motto to "In Obama We Trust." Fifty-three percent of Americans are already using the new motto.

Create a news network inside the White House that would report only positive news about Obama. Wait, he already has that.... it's called NBC!

I'm sure you think these things are far-fetched and could never happen, right? You might want to think again. Remember, this is Obama we're talking about!

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