Monday, August 30, 2010

At Your Beck And Call

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck hosted a rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on Saturday. The theme of the rally was "Restoring Honor in America."

Beck's message was simple: If America is to remain the greatest nation on Earth, it must return to its roots. That means upholding the Constitution that our forefathers gave us. And it means returning to God. Our country was founded on Christian values and principles, and that's the reason it has prospered all these years.

Today, though, various groups are trying to expel God from America. The country is now in chaos. It is faced with a faltering economy, deteriorating moral values and government corruption. Glenn Beck is right on. Our nation must return to God.

Hundreds of thousands of people turned out at the rally and seemed to embrace Beck's message, but Beck himself came under attack for holding the rally.

The rally was not a political event, but the godless liberals attacked Beck for his commonsense conservative views. Beck was also accused of racism because the rally was held on the anniversary of the famous Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have A Dream" speech and the rally was staged on the National Mall where King marched.

Sadly, some Christian groups even criticized Beck. Beck is a Mormon, and some said he was trying to force his Mormon religion on America.

I don't think he was. I don't know exactly what Mormons believe, but it sounded to me like Beck was just trying to urge people to seek God again. That's the message Americans need to hear, and it's the only thing that can save this country.

As Beck himself has said, he is not a politician, and he's not an evangelist. He is simply a concerned citizen who loves his country. I wish we had more Patriots like Glenn Beck!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lifelong Learning

I learned a long time ago that being a Christian isn't a one-time decision. It's a lifelong process. There are many bumps along the way, but if we remain faithful until the end, it will all be worth it.

I grew up in church and made a commitment to Christ at a young age. But I didn't know what it really meant to live for Christ until much later in life. I always tried to "be good," but I discovered that's not enough. I could never be "good enough" to earn heaven. I needed God's saving grace.

When I started to really read and study the Bible a few years ago -- I hadn't been reading it regularly -- I saw that I had not been obedient. I was not doing all that God wanted me to do.

I made a new commitment to Christ, and I thought that all my "habits and hang-ups" would just disappear after that and I would be a model Christian. But it wasn't that easy. It was -- and continues to be -- a process.

Some things changed right away; others were a struggle. I was growing as a Christian, but old habits were still pulling me down. Each time I'd fall, I'd have doubts about whether I was really saved. I'd pray and ask God to forgive me, but I still had doubts. That's when I began to learn about faith.

As time went on and I continued to read and study the Bible, I saw that we are saved through grace by faith and not by trying to be good. I began to stand on God's promise in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Sometimes, I can't "see" God moving in my life. But I know He is. I have faith that God will see me through. And when I fall or just totally blow it -- and I still do more times than I care to admit -- I have faith that God will not abandon me.

So this process continues, and God is still pruning me. As I look back and see how far God has brought me and all He has done, I am amazed at His love for me.

Wherever you are in the process -- whether you've been living for God for many years or you're just starting out -- press on. You will receive a great reward if continue to look to Jesus and faint not. Never give up. Keep pressing on!

Monday, August 23, 2010


I listen to the radio a lot. When I'm not listening to music or conservative talk radio, I like to listen to radio preachers. But you have to be careful about what you hear and filter out false teachers. There's a lot of wacky teaching -- everything from post-modernism to teaching about the emergent church.

I'm blessed that I can hear my former pastor in Amarillo. His Sunday morning sermon is recorded and played on the radio throughout the week. Billy Nickell is one of the best preachers of the Word that I know. I was blessed to sit under his ministry when I was at college in Canyon and then again when he moved to Amarillo. I'm glad I can stay in touch with my church there and still hear Pastor Nickell preach on the radio.

I like to hear some of the old-time preachers, too. Some of them apparently didn't have much schooling. There's one old guy who always says, "Is ya borned again, friend? Is ya, is ya?" Well, thank God, I is!

There's another preacher that I hear a lot on the radio. I like him because he is bold in speaking the truth without all the political correctness that has invaded the church world today. He's not afraid to call sin sin, and he still preaches a message of repentance. Some churches seem to have abandoned that message.

This preacher does have some rather strange views, though. He takes every word very literally.

For instance, if someone tells him to "take care," he'll say, "No, I cast my care on the Lord." Well, that is what the Bible tells us to do. But I still tell people to "take care" when I close an e-mail or phone call.

He's also very particular about the songs he plays on his radio show. He calls the old song "One Day At A Time" a "dumb" song. He objects to the lyrics, "I'm Only Human, I'm Just A Man." Apparently, he must think he already has his glorified body and never goes through tough times. That's great. But I haven't reached that place yet. I'm still very much human, and I need God's help every day. Besides that, I like that song.

So the radio is great for hearing the Word, but you do have to test the mixed messages you hear. If it doesn't line up with God's Word, reject it and cling only to the truth!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ye Shall Know Them By Their Fruit

Barack Obama says he's a Christian, but he has a strange way of showing it. A recent poll shows an increase in the number of Americans who believe Obama is a Muslim.

The poll by the Pew research group found that nearly one in five Americans (18 percent) say Obama is Muslim. Only 34 percent think Obama is a Christian, and 43 percent say they don't know what religion the president follows.

That doesn't speak well for someone who claims to be a Christian.

In Matthew, Jesus said just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. "By their fruit, ye shall recognize them," Matthew 7:20 says.

Maybe the reason so many people doubt Obama's Christianity is that his actions are contrary to the Bible.

Look at what he's done (or hasn't done) since he's been in office. In May, he refused to recognize or participate in the National Day of Prayer. He has invited gay groups to have a rally on the White House lawn. He has spoken out against the country of Israel.

During a debate before the election, Obama showed his support for abortion rights when he said he could not say when life begins. That's "above my pay grade," he said. Yet, the Bible makes it clear that God knew us when we were in the womb.

Obama's actions do not reflect a biblical world view. So what about our own actions? Can the world tell that we are Christians by the fruit in our lives? If not, it's time to make some changes. That's something for all of us to think about today.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bunch Of Bull

No, I'm not writing about Congress. The rodeo was in town over the weekend. I loved to go to the rodeo in Pampa when I was growing up, but I haven't been to it in 15 years or more.

So I donned my cowboy hat and blue jeans and headed out to the Top O' Texas Rodeo. I'm sure you probably can't picture me in a cowboy hat, but I really do have one! After near 100-degree temperatures earlier in the day, it was a nice summer evening just to sit outside and watch some great bareback riding and calf roping.

My favorite events are the barrel racing and, of course, the bull riding. I always feel sorry for the cowgirls when they knock over a barrel and incur that five-second penalty. They work so hard for the fastest time. It must be so disappointing for them.

In the bull riding competition, the bulls won. Only a couple of cowboys stayed on the full eight seconds to get a score that night. They all put forth a valiant effort, though. It was a fun night....


I took a couple of steps the other day. A physical therapist screened me to try to determine if I could possibly re-gain the strength in my legs to help me to walk again.

I had been wanting to try to walk with the aid of parallel bars. I made it the length of the bars with the therapist holding onto me, of course. But my ankle turns over so much that I can't get my foot flat and straight enough to walk.

The therapist said if I walk again I will need a heavy brace on my leg to keep the ankle from turning in. If I decide to do therapy, I will go back for a full evaluation.

I'm not sure what to do yet. For now, though, I will just keep praying and believing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out Of Touch

President Obama said he can sympathize with Americans who have been hard hit by the recession. The president said his daughters' college savings fund has dropped in value. Poor guy! How will he get by?

Of course, the president didn't have a problem sending his wife and daughter on a $375,000 vacation to Spain! Not to mention the multiple other extravagant vacations the first family has indulged in this summer. And don't forget the countless golf outings Obama has taken.

But then all of that was on the taxpayers' dime. Obama doesn't have a problem spending other people's money.

That's the reason our country is going broke. Obama has wasted so much money on programs like his health-care initiative and auto bailouts. All of this is money that could have been spent on trying to create new jobs. It's ridiculous.

This president is out of touch with the American people. I read that he doesn't even start working until 9:30 each morning. In contrast, President Bush was in the Oval Office by 7 a.m. every day. Then, Obama spends his evenings bringing in big name entertainers or flying to New York to take in a Broadway show or concert.

It's fine for the president to relax or take a vacation, but Obama treats his job as a joke. Instead of a part-time president, we need someone who has executive experience. We have some serious problems in this country, and it's going to take hard work to fix the problems.

Obama has proved that he's not up to the job. That's just one more reason why Obama will join Jimma Karta in the history books as a one-term president!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bucket List

A friend and I watched The Bucket List over the weekend. I remember seeing the movie when it first came out, but I wanted to see it again because it has a great message. I wrote this after I saw the movie the first time. I'm re-posting it here for those who may not have read it. Hope you enjoy.


Do you have a bucket list — a list of things you hope to do before you. . . well, kick the bucket?

I recently saw The Bucket List, a popular and funny movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.The movie is about a corporate billionaire and a car mechanic who are complete strangers, until fate lands them in the same hospital room.

The two discover they have two things in common: a need to come to terms with who they are and what they have done with their lives and a desire to complete a list of things they want to see and do before they "kick the bucket."

Together, they embark on the roadtrip of a lifetime, becoming friends along the way and learning to live life to the fullest.

In my own life, I don't have a bucket list. Not exactly.

But I do believe you have to do things while you're able. Your life can change in a moment, and suddenly you're no longer able to do things you once enjoyed — or things you planned to do in the future. You have to make the most of every opportunity.

When I first started driving, I wanted to see the world — or at least what's in the surrounding states. I would set out in my little Chevy Cavalier and start exploring. My weekends were spent on jaunts over to New Mexico, Oklahoma or Kansas. Oftentimes, I didn't tell anyone I was going. I was young, single and free. I loved the feel of the open road.

I couldn't do that now. I began having back problems in my late 20s, and sitting in the car for long periods became almost unbearable. I'll always have those memories, though.

Too often, we put things off, thinking we have plenty of time. But we never know when things will change.

I wrote my life's story when I was still in my 20s because I felt I had a message to tell, and I didn't want to take a chance of missing out on an opportunity to touch others with my experiences.

My book was published in 1996, and since then I've been able to share my testimony with others through it. That was very important to me.

It's even more important now as I see the Day of the Lord approaching. If we're ever going to live for the Lord, we better do it now. The Bible says today is the day of salvation. We're seeing prophesy fulfilled every day right before our eyes.

Where are you today? If you've ever thought about serving the Lord, start now. Turn to Him. Ask Him to forgive your sins. Surrender your life to Him. Then begin walking with Him.

But do it now.

You never know if today could be the day Jesus comes for His people — or the day you take your last breath. Don't take a chance of missing out on the most important thing in life: A relationship with Jesus Christ.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Walking By Faith

It was one year ago this week that I had a relapse and the muscles in my back and leg tightened up. I haven't been able to walk since. One year. I think that's long enough. I haven't given up . . . and I'll never give up hope of walking again.

I went to the neurologist yesterday for a three-month checkup. Since my condition hasn't changed much in the last year, we talked about my options for the future. He said my options are limited at this point. I can try physical therapy again or we can explore surgery.

I believe there's another option. I believe God can heal me, and I believe the work has already begun. I feel that my leg is getting stronger. I have been able to stand on it while holding on to a rail in my bathroom. I've been wanting to try to use parallel bars to try to walk.

I know God wants to heal me. Healing is a promise from God's Word, and I am claiming that promise.

God can use this situation for good. When something like this happens, our first response is usually "Why did this happen?" It's natural to have such questions. When Jesus and his disciples saw a man blind from birth, the disciples asked what caused the man to be born blind. Jesus told them "this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."

Rather than always looking for a reason, we should look instead for what God can do through a situation. He has a plan for us. We have to learn to walk by faith to fulfill the purposes He has for us.

I don't know what the future holds, but I have complete trust that God will work this out for good. Nothing is impossible for God. I just have to trust Him and literally keep walking by faith. And one day I will be back on my feet and able to walk again.