It's all over but the crying....... and the whining. After a last-ditch effort by liberals to change the outcome of the election, Donald Trump easily earned enough electoral votes on Monday to secure the presidency.
Trump won 306 electoral votes on Nov. 8, and Democrats have been playing the blame game ever since. First, they blamed the FBI director for daring to investigate Hillary over her e-mail scam. Hillary should thank Director Comey for not recommending charges be filed against her!
Then, the libs alleged voter fraud and demanded recounts in several states. That only netted Trump even more votes than the original count. Next, the blame turned to the Russians. They called for an investigation into the Russians' hacking of the U.S. voting system, even though there was no evidence that the outcome of the election had been affected in any way.
I'm surprised they didn't try to blame space aliens of landing on earth and stuffing the ballot box in favor of Trump! They certainly blamed everyone else.
The Democrats are just sore losers. In the days after the election, these cry babies filled the streets to protest Trump's win. It's their right to protest, but it seems a little childish. Speaking of childish, some college students were so distraught over the election that they couldn't go to class or take tests. They went to "safe rooms" where they could play with Play-Doh and color in coloring books. Grow up!
Hillary was said to be so grief-stricken on Election night that she couldn't stop crying. Good! Now maybe she knows a little of the kind of grief she caused the families of the four Americans she let die in Benghazi.
So what's next for Hillary? Well, we know she knows how to use a cloth to wipe things clean (like an e-mail server). So give her a cloth and a bottle of Windex and let her clean the glass ceiling because that's the closest she's ever going to get to breaking that glass ceiling!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Sex, Lies and Videotape
Just when you thought they couldn't go any lower, the candidates came out swinging at this week's debate, exposing their opponent's sordid past while denying their own tawdry behavior.
Like scenes from the 1989 film Sex, Lies and Videotape, we've heard about the nine women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment, the videotape of Trump's vulgar talk about women and lies, lies and more lies from Hillary Clinton (whom I now just call "Hell-ary").
This is what this election has come down to: a choice between two reprehensible people. I could never -- and will never -- vote for Hellary. I didn't think I could vote for Trump either. He's said so many rude and crude things about women, veterans like John McCain, and he even mocked a disabled reporter. That's about the lowest of lows in my book.
The third and final debate helped me make up my mind. In the first question when she was asked about the Supreme Court, Hellary said she'd nominate justices who would uphold the rights of women to have an abortion and protect the "rights" of gays. On abortion, she went so far as to say women should be able to have a late-term abortion. I think she'd even support abortions right up until the day of delivery. Hellary approves killing babies! This is plain evil.
At least Trump said he would nominate pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. He said justices should work to reverse Roe vs. Wade, and I agree. It's time to put a stop to the shedding of innocent blood, which the Bible says God hates.
If he can help stop abortion by nominating only pro-life justices, then maybe something good can come from a Trump presidency. The abortion issue alone is enough to make me rethink my opinion of Trump. I still have questions about his level of experience and his views on women, but his position on abortion gives me a ray of hope.
This was the tipping point for me. Hellary and her pro-abortion appointments must be stopped even if that means voting for an otherwise undesirable like Trump.
Like scenes from the 1989 film Sex, Lies and Videotape, we've heard about the nine women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment, the videotape of Trump's vulgar talk about women and lies, lies and more lies from Hillary Clinton (whom I now just call "Hell-ary").
This is what this election has come down to: a choice between two reprehensible people. I could never -- and will never -- vote for Hellary. I didn't think I could vote for Trump either. He's said so many rude and crude things about women, veterans like John McCain, and he even mocked a disabled reporter. That's about the lowest of lows in my book.
The third and final debate helped me make up my mind. In the first question when she was asked about the Supreme Court, Hellary said she'd nominate justices who would uphold the rights of women to have an abortion and protect the "rights" of gays. On abortion, she went so far as to say women should be able to have a late-term abortion. I think she'd even support abortions right up until the day of delivery. Hellary approves killing babies! This is plain evil.
At least Trump said he would nominate pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. He said justices should work to reverse Roe vs. Wade, and I agree. It's time to put a stop to the shedding of innocent blood, which the Bible says God hates.
If he can help stop abortion by nominating only pro-life justices, then maybe something good can come from a Trump presidency. The abortion issue alone is enough to make me rethink my opinion of Trump. I still have questions about his level of experience and his views on women, but his position on abortion gives me a ray of hope.
This was the tipping point for me. Hellary and her pro-abortion appointments must be stopped even if that means voting for an otherwise undesirable like Trump.
Friday, July 22, 2016
R.I.P. Republican Party
The Republican Party has let me down again. This week's convention had its share of high points. I loved the fiery speeches from Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie and others, and all the bashing of Hillary Clinton was icing on the cake. It seemed like the party was finally coming together in unity against Hillary.
The mood changed on Wednesday night when Senator Ted Cruz spoke at the convention. Cruz gave a fine speech, but the audience turned against him when it became obvious that Cruz was not going to endorse Donald Trump. Cruz merely told the audience to vote their conscience, and the crowd literally booed him off the stage.
After the speech, the media turned against Cruz, too, calling him everything from self-centered to a sore loser. They declared Cruz's political career is over because he wouldn't fall in line with others in the Republican party in supporting Trump.
I admire Ted Cruz for standing firm in his convictions. Many said Cruz should have kept his pledge to support the GOP nominee, no matter who it was. But, as Cruz pointed out, how could he support a man who slammed his wife and father? Trump made vicious comments about Cruz's wife, Heidi, and made wild accusations against Cruz's father. I can understand how Cruz feels. Could you support someone who attacked your family? I couldn't.
I don't blame Cruz for not endorsing Trump. I respect him for it. People are telling me that I should just buck up and vote for Trump, but I can't get past the fact that Trump mocked a disabled reporter on national TV. I know what it feels like to be mocked. It hurts. It hurts a lot. It's not only insensitive. It's mean and cruel.
The convention took another ugly turn Thursday night when Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel spoke to delegates, saying he is proud to be a Republican, and he is proud to be gay. The crowd erupted in applause. They stood up and cheered, giving him a standing ovation. It made me cringe.
Later, Trump himself reached out to the LGBT community “As president, I will do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens,” Trump said to wild applause. Then he went off script: “And, I have to say, as a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said.”
They did more than cheer. They embraced the whole gay agenda. This proves that if Trump becomes president, he will do nothing to fight for normal one-man one-woman marriage. I would expect that from the godless Democratic Party, but I thought the GOP still had a little respect for the Word of God and its mandates on marriage.
The Republican Party will never be the same again. With Donald Trump at the helm, we may never get back to a true conservative party. The Republican Party as we know it is as good as dead, and that makes me sad.
The mood changed on Wednesday night when Senator Ted Cruz spoke at the convention. Cruz gave a fine speech, but the audience turned against him when it became obvious that Cruz was not going to endorse Donald Trump. Cruz merely told the audience to vote their conscience, and the crowd literally booed him off the stage.
After the speech, the media turned against Cruz, too, calling him everything from self-centered to a sore loser. They declared Cruz's political career is over because he wouldn't fall in line with others in the Republican party in supporting Trump.
I admire Ted Cruz for standing firm in his convictions. Many said Cruz should have kept his pledge to support the GOP nominee, no matter who it was. But, as Cruz pointed out, how could he support a man who slammed his wife and father? Trump made vicious comments about Cruz's wife, Heidi, and made wild accusations against Cruz's father. I can understand how Cruz feels. Could you support someone who attacked your family? I couldn't.
I don't blame Cruz for not endorsing Trump. I respect him for it. People are telling me that I should just buck up and vote for Trump, but I can't get past the fact that Trump mocked a disabled reporter on national TV. I know what it feels like to be mocked. It hurts. It hurts a lot. It's not only insensitive. It's mean and cruel.
The convention took another ugly turn Thursday night when Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel spoke to delegates, saying he is proud to be a Republican, and he is proud to be gay. The crowd erupted in applause. They stood up and cheered, giving him a standing ovation. It made me cringe.
Later, Trump himself reached out to the LGBT community “As president, I will do everything in my power to protect LGBTQ citizens,” Trump said to wild applause. Then he went off script: “And, I have to say, as a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said.”
They did more than cheer. They embraced the whole gay agenda. This proves that if Trump becomes president, he will do nothing to fight for normal one-man one-woman marriage. I would expect that from the godless Democratic Party, but I thought the GOP still had a little respect for the Word of God and its mandates on marriage.
The Republican Party will never be the same again. With Donald Trump at the helm, we may never get back to a true conservative party. The Republican Party as we know it is as good as dead, and that makes me sad.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Hillary Does It Again
There's no stopping her now. Hillary Clinton will be the next president. After a yearlong criminal investigation, FBI Director James Comey laid out the case against Hillary beautifully and then..... he let her off the hook, proving once again that there's one standard for Hillary and another standard for everyone else.
The FBI director admitted that if anyone else had done what Hillary did with her private e-mail server, there would be serious consequences. But Comey said Hillary didn't intend any harm by sending top secret material over an unsecure server. She didn't intend any harm. That's like saying O.J. Simpson didn't intend any harm when he bludgeoned his ex-wife to death.
The FBI's refusal to recommend criminal charges against Hillary clears the way for her to become the next president. Even if she doesn't get the most votes, that won't matter. They'll anoint her president anyway. Hillary is above the law. If she wants something, she'll get it one way or another.
The big question is why did James Comey chicken out on recommending charges. After talking tough during the investigation, Comey is now willing to look the other way. What changed? Was he afraid of Hillary? Maybe he thought he might be the next Vince Foster "suicide."
This will only embolden Hillary to commit more crimes. No one is going to stop her. At least with O.J. Simpson he finally got what he deserves and ended up in prison. I doubt Hillary ever will.
The FBI director admitted that if anyone else had done what Hillary did with her private e-mail server, there would be serious consequences. But Comey said Hillary didn't intend any harm by sending top secret material over an unsecure server. She didn't intend any harm. That's like saying O.J. Simpson didn't intend any harm when he bludgeoned his ex-wife to death.
The FBI's refusal to recommend criminal charges against Hillary clears the way for her to become the next president. Even if she doesn't get the most votes, that won't matter. They'll anoint her president anyway. Hillary is above the law. If she wants something, she'll get it one way or another.
The big question is why did James Comey chicken out on recommending charges. After talking tough during the investigation, Comey is now willing to look the other way. What changed? Was he afraid of Hillary? Maybe he thought he might be the next Vince Foster "suicide."
This will only embolden Hillary to commit more crimes. No one is going to stop her. At least with O.J. Simpson he finally got what he deserves and ended up in prison. I doubt Hillary ever will.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Making History
Congratulations, Hillary! You've made history! For the first time in our nation's history, a major political party will nominate a career criminal to run for president. Yes, Hillary Clinton is the first one to run for president while under criminal investigation by the FBI.
That's quite an achievement. You must be so proud, Hil! Normally, politicians wait until they're in office to start committing crimes. Not Hillary. She's got a rap sheet as long as her growing nose! Her crimes date back to her days in Arkansas and Whitewater. She must figure that when she becomes president she can just pardon herself.
She can expunge her record, you know, like she did with her internet server when she deleted all those e-mails. The voters don't seem to care about Hillary's criminal past. It took her until June 7, but she's finally racked up enough delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination. It was an historic moment.
Not to be outdone, the Republicans are making history, too. For the first time in history, the Republicans will nominate a Democrat to run at the top of the GOP ticket! How about that!
In the past, Republicans have nominated several RINOs (Republican In Name Only) to run for president. Remember John McCain and Mitt Romney? They weren't exactly conservatives but at least they supported most of the GOP's positions. But Donald Trump is the first bonafide Democrat to run on the Republican ticket.
Trumps says he's a conservative, but his talk is far different from his walk. The man is campaigning as a conservative — but I’d be willing to bet that he’s secretly plotting to govern as a liberal. In just the past few days, we’ve seen him begin to waffle on issues like abortion and religious liberty.
There have been many firsts already in this election seasons, and we're not even to the conventions yet. This is definitely one for the history books!
That's quite an achievement. You must be so proud, Hil! Normally, politicians wait until they're in office to start committing crimes. Not Hillary. She's got a rap sheet as long as her growing nose! Her crimes date back to her days in Arkansas and Whitewater. She must figure that when she becomes president she can just pardon herself.
She can expunge her record, you know, like she did with her internet server when she deleted all those e-mails. The voters don't seem to care about Hillary's criminal past. It took her until June 7, but she's finally racked up enough delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination. It was an historic moment.
Not to be outdone, the Republicans are making history, too. For the first time in history, the Republicans will nominate a Democrat to run at the top of the GOP ticket! How about that!
In the past, Republicans have nominated several RINOs (Republican In Name Only) to run for president. Remember John McCain and Mitt Romney? They weren't exactly conservatives but at least they supported most of the GOP's positions. But Donald Trump is the first bonafide Democrat to run on the Republican ticket.
Trumps says he's a conservative, but his talk is far different from his walk. The man is campaigning as a conservative — but I’d be willing to bet that he’s secretly plotting to govern as a liberal. In just the past few days, we’ve seen him begin to waffle on issues like abortion and religious liberty.
There have been many firsts already in this election seasons, and we're not even to the conventions yet. This is definitely one for the history books!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
A Little Good News
My last few posts have been heavy on politics, so I thought it's time to lighten things up a little bit. I want to tell you about an inspirational new CD that was released earlier this month.
I'm a member of Briarwood Church in Pampa, and our pastor, Lynn Hancock, debuted a new music CD titled Forever Faithful. It is a collection of 11 old and new songs, including the title track which he wrote with his wife, Janet, and daughter, Lynnsee.
I have a new favorite every time I play the CD, but all 11 songs are definitely in my "Top 5."' (Some of you will get that reference.).
The amazing thing about the CD is the story behind the music. In August 2014, Pastor Lynn was diagnosed with prostate cancer that had metastasized into five bones. His doctors at M.D. Anderson prescribed a trial drug that has been effective. With the trial drug and God's miraculous touch, the cancer is shrinking.
I'm a member of Briarwood Church in Pampa, and our pastor, Lynn Hancock, debuted a new music CD titled Forever Faithful. It is a collection of 11 old and new songs, including the title track which he wrote with his wife, Janet, and daughter, Lynnsee.
I have a new favorite every time I play the CD, but all 11 songs are definitely in my "Top 5."' (Some of you will get that reference.).
The amazing thing about the CD is the story behind the music. In August 2014, Pastor Lynn was diagnosed with prostate cancer that had metastasized into five bones. His doctors at M.D. Anderson prescribed a trial drug that has been effective. With the trial drug and God's miraculous touch, the cancer is shrinking.
Now, they only see cancer in one bone, and it keeps getting smaller. Pastor Lynn travels to M.D. Anderson in Houston every six weeks, mainly for checkups and testing. We're all believing that soon he will come back with a report that he is cancer-free!
Pastor Lynn has been singing all his life. He started singing with his family at church revivals and camp meetings when he was around six years old. He was a part of several traveling singing groups while in college, including Singers III, which reunited on the new CD and joins Pastor Lynn on a couple of the songs.
This CD is more than good music. It has an encouraging, life-changing message in such songs as "I'm Gonna Make It," "I Go to the Rock," "Jesus Is the Best Thing" and "Satisfied."
This CD is more than good music. It has an encouraging, life-changing message in such songs as "I'm Gonna Make It," "I Go to the Rock," "Jesus Is the Best Thing" and "Satisfied."
His mom passed away several years ago, but through the miracle of technology, her voice is blended with his on one of her favorite songs, "Newborn Feeling." It's amazing. He also sings with Russ Taff on the song "Praise The Lord," and award-winning musician Gordon Mote sings background vocals and plays keyboards and piano on the CD.
The entire album is awesome! With such upbeat songs as "O Happy Day" and my favorite "Through It All" it will inspire and lift your spirits. You can order a copy at the church's Web site: or purchase the download version at
You will love it. I promise.
You will love it. I promise.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Time To Man Up, America
This country is going to (the) pot. Literally. This is after our lame-duct lame president declared that every school district must allow gender-confused students to use whichever bathroom that matches their "chosen" gender identity.
Even though he has absolutely no legal authority to do so, Obama threatened to cut off federal funding to districts that refuse to follow his directive. That has some school districts running scared, rushing to change the signs on bathrooms. Fortunately, Texas isn't joining in the insanity with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick calling it blackmail. He instructed Texas schools not to follow Obama's ridiculous edict.
The U.S. is $19 trillion in debt and instead of trying to find solutions to the budget crisis, lawmakers are trying to coddle the perverts in the LGBT (Liberal. Godless. Barbarian. Transvestites) community.
I can't believe this is even an issue. Have we lost all common decency -- not to mention common sense? You don't choose your sex. God does. Apparently, some people skipped third-grade biology. Time for a “birds and bees” refresher.
How far are we going to take this nonsense? After last year's Supreme Court ruling that states must issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, reaction to "gay marriage" was all over the place. Democrats praise it. The media promotes it. Obama evolves on it. Hillary flip-flops on it. Republicans accept it. Many churches ignore it. Most Christians avoid it.
This madness has to stop. It's time to take a stand. School officials should, and must, ignore this absurd directive from Obama.
This could be seen as another argument in support of Texas' Open Carry law. I'm not saying we should shoot these perverts who wander into women's restrooms masquerading as a "lady," but women need to be able to defend themselves more now than ever before.
Don't let Obama flush away our rights. It's time to man up, America. We don't have to take this crap!
Even though he has absolutely no legal authority to do so, Obama threatened to cut off federal funding to districts that refuse to follow his directive. That has some school districts running scared, rushing to change the signs on bathrooms. Fortunately, Texas isn't joining in the insanity with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick calling it blackmail. He instructed Texas schools not to follow Obama's ridiculous edict.
The U.S. is $19 trillion in debt and instead of trying to find solutions to the budget crisis, lawmakers are trying to coddle the perverts in the LGBT (Liberal. Godless. Barbarian. Transvestites) community.
I can't believe this is even an issue. Have we lost all common decency -- not to mention common sense? You don't choose your sex. God does. Apparently, some people skipped third-grade biology. Time for a “birds and bees” refresher.
How far are we going to take this nonsense? After last year's Supreme Court ruling that states must issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, reaction to "gay marriage" was all over the place. Democrats praise it. The media promotes it. Obama evolves on it. Hillary flip-flops on it. Republicans accept it. Many churches ignore it. Most Christians avoid it.
This madness has to stop. It's time to take a stand. School officials should, and must, ignore this absurd directive from Obama.
This could be seen as another argument in support of Texas' Open Carry law. I'm not saying we should shoot these perverts who wander into women's restrooms masquerading as a "lady," but women need to be able to defend themselves more now than ever before.
Don't let Obama flush away our rights. It's time to man up, America. We don't have to take this crap!
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
If Hillary wins the election, don't blame me! I will never vote for Hillary Clinton. I can't vote for Donald Trump either -- even if that means four more years with a Democrat as president.
As it stands now, Hillary will face Trump in November, and Hillary will likely win. But don't blame me. Blame Trump's own supporters. In primary after primary, Republican voters have rejected solid conservative candidates to support a New York liberal masquerading as a conservative. Trump is the least conservative of the 17 candidates who ran in the GOP primaries.
It makes no sense. For years, many of us have been praying for godly men and women to run for office. Then, when have a choice of not one but several God-fearing men running for president, we cast them aside to support a man who brags about how many women he's slept with.
Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum are all Christians who would be a great president. Instead, Republican voters throw their support to a candidate who got rich running casinos and strip clubs. If that's what the Republican party stands for, I want no part of it.
Trump is unfit in every way to be president. As columnist Linda Chavez wrote, "He has neither the intellect nor the discipline to learn what is necessary to occupy the office. More importantly, his temperament is all wrong. He’s vindictive, mean-spirited, vain and unpredictable. He will never put the interests of the country before his own."
Trump gets mad every time someone disagrees with him. The U.S. would be at war with every nation that ticked him off.
He has absolutely no understanding of foreign policy. Trump boasts he will bring jobs back from China, but how? At least Hillary has some experience in foreign affairs. She really wasn't a good secretary of state, but she did know how to talk to foreign leaders.
Reince Priebus, the chairman of the GOP, now wants Republicans to fall in line and support Trump. But doing so will doom the Republican Party and worse, the country. The Republican Party has been moving to the left in the last two presidential elections. We had RINO John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.
With Trump as the nominee, it's like putting another nail in the coffin of the GOP. No wonder George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Rubio and others want no part of the upcoming GOP convention. The Republican Party is suffering a slow death, and this time it may never recover.
As it stands now, Hillary will face Trump in November, and Hillary will likely win. But don't blame me. Blame Trump's own supporters. In primary after primary, Republican voters have rejected solid conservative candidates to support a New York liberal masquerading as a conservative. Trump is the least conservative of the 17 candidates who ran in the GOP primaries.
It makes no sense. For years, many of us have been praying for godly men and women to run for office. Then, when have a choice of not one but several God-fearing men running for president, we cast them aside to support a man who brags about how many women he's slept with.
Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum are all Christians who would be a great president. Instead, Republican voters throw their support to a candidate who got rich running casinos and strip clubs. If that's what the Republican party stands for, I want no part of it.
Trump is unfit in every way to be president. As columnist Linda Chavez wrote, "He has neither the intellect nor the discipline to learn what is necessary to occupy the office. More importantly, his temperament is all wrong. He’s vindictive, mean-spirited, vain and unpredictable. He will never put the interests of the country before his own."
Trump gets mad every time someone disagrees with him. The U.S. would be at war with every nation that ticked him off.
He has absolutely no understanding of foreign policy. Trump boasts he will bring jobs back from China, but how? At least Hillary has some experience in foreign affairs. She really wasn't a good secretary of state, but she did know how to talk to foreign leaders.
Reince Priebus, the chairman of the GOP, now wants Republicans to fall in line and support Trump. But doing so will doom the Republican Party and worse, the country. The Republican Party has been moving to the left in the last two presidential elections. We had RINO John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.
With Trump as the nominee, it's like putting another nail in the coffin of the GOP. No wonder George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Rubio and others want no part of the upcoming GOP convention. The Republican Party is suffering a slow death, and this time it may never recover.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
What Now?
The people have spoken loud and clear: They want a loudmouth as their next president. Whether it will be Trump or Hillary, we're headed for big trouble.
I was disappointed that Trump handily defeated Ted Cruz in Indiana's primary and even more disappointed that Cruz suspended his campaign Tuesday night. Cruz was our best hope for returning to a nation founded on Judeo-Christian traditions. Trump and Hillary are sure to take the country further and further away from our Christian heritage.
The good news is our hope is not in a man, and it's not in the government. Our hope is in the Lord.
Even if Cruz had been successful, he isn't the answer to all of the country's problems -- God is the answer. Ted Cruz is a godly leader, and I know he's concerned about the future of the country. If he's not our president, he would be a good Supreme Court justice!
So what do we do now? We keep doing what many people are doing already: Pray!
Today is the National Day of Prayer. I hope you will spend some time today praying for the country and its leaders. There are prayer gatherings scheduled today in many cities, including one here in Pampa at noon. Pray for America and its leaders.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, it says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."
That's what is needed. It's not too late to turn this nation back to God. He answers prayer! He hears us when we pray. So don't be discouraged by the political events this week. I'm not discouraged. Even though my man Cruz bowed out, I still have hope because I know God is faithful, and He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Keep your focus on God!
I was disappointed that Trump handily defeated Ted Cruz in Indiana's primary and even more disappointed that Cruz suspended his campaign Tuesday night. Cruz was our best hope for returning to a nation founded on Judeo-Christian traditions. Trump and Hillary are sure to take the country further and further away from our Christian heritage.
The good news is our hope is not in a man, and it's not in the government. Our hope is in the Lord.
Even if Cruz had been successful, he isn't the answer to all of the country's problems -- God is the answer. Ted Cruz is a godly leader, and I know he's concerned about the future of the country. If he's not our president, he would be a good Supreme Court justice!
So what do we do now? We keep doing what many people are doing already: Pray!
Today is the National Day of Prayer. I hope you will spend some time today praying for the country and its leaders. There are prayer gatherings scheduled today in many cities, including one here in Pampa at noon. Pray for America and its leaders.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, it says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."
That's what is needed. It's not too late to turn this nation back to God. He answers prayer! He hears us when we pray. So don't be discouraged by the political events this week. I'm not discouraged. Even though my man Cruz bowed out, I still have hope because I know God is faithful, and He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Keep your focus on God!
Saturday, April 23, 2016
O' Hillary
Poor Hillary. She just can't catch a break these days! First, she has that pesky Bernie Sanders nipping at her heels stealing her delegates on the campaign trail. Now, she finds out that Harriet Tubman will be featured on the redesigned $20 bill instead of her! Harriet Tubman? What did she ever do? It's supposed to be 'Hillary,' not 'Harriet.' Oh well, maybe they can put Hillary's face on something else -- maybe a 'Wanted' poster.
Then, there's Trump's new nickname for Hillary: 'Crooked Clinton.' Come on, Donald, you can do better than that. I can do better than that. A few suggestions: The Shady Lady, Ahilla the Hun, and my favorite, Mrs. Doubt-liar. We all know she's crooked. Better keep working on it, Donald.
It seems that everyone is picking on Hillary, especially those mean FBI agents who keep snooping around in her private e-mails. She's already told them there was no material "marked" classified. Why don't they believe her? Surely she wouldn't lie about that. The real reason she deleted all those e-mails is because Bill Clinton used that account to chat with young interns.
Hillary still faces unanswered questions about the Benghazi attack. The conservatives just won't leave her alone. "What difference, at this point, does it make?" She's going to be president. She can pardon herself, and we can all forget about those four dead Americans in Benghazi..
I know all politicians lie. Some more than others, but Hillary even lies about lying. When asked if she's ever lied, Hillary said she's always "tried" to tell the truth. She lies so much that if she writes an autobiography, they'll have to put the book in the fiction section.
Hillary has been through more gates than an angry bull at a West Texas rodeo. There's Travel-gate and Huma-gate, Whitewater-gate, Pardon-gate, and don't forget File-gate, Benghazi-gate, E-mail-gate, and the list goes on.
The election is still more than six months away, and a lot can happen between now and then. So don't start packing those pretty pantsuits yet, Hillary. Instead of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., your new address may be Cell Block B.
Then, there's Trump's new nickname for Hillary: 'Crooked Clinton.' Come on, Donald, you can do better than that. I can do better than that. A few suggestions: The Shady Lady, Ahilla the Hun, and my favorite, Mrs. Doubt-liar. We all know she's crooked. Better keep working on it, Donald.
It seems that everyone is picking on Hillary, especially those mean FBI agents who keep snooping around in her private e-mails. She's already told them there was no material "marked" classified. Why don't they believe her? Surely she wouldn't lie about that. The real reason she deleted all those e-mails is because Bill Clinton used that account to chat with young interns.
Hillary still faces unanswered questions about the Benghazi attack. The conservatives just won't leave her alone. "What difference, at this point, does it make?" She's going to be president. She can pardon herself, and we can all forget about those four dead Americans in Benghazi..
I know all politicians lie. Some more than others, but Hillary even lies about lying. When asked if she's ever lied, Hillary said she's always "tried" to tell the truth. She lies so much that if she writes an autobiography, they'll have to put the book in the fiction section.
Hillary has been through more gates than an angry bull at a West Texas rodeo. There's Travel-gate and Huma-gate, Whitewater-gate, Pardon-gate, and don't forget File-gate, Benghazi-gate, E-mail-gate, and the list goes on.
The election is still more than six months away, and a lot can happen between now and then. So don't start packing those pretty pantsuits yet, Hillary. Instead of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., your new address may be Cell Block B.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Movie's Message Presents Challenge
I'm convinced that nothing happens by accident. While God gives us free will, some things are simply out of our control. They are part of a bigger plan set in motion by God before we were even born.
As Psalm 139:16 says, "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."
It's comforting to know God has a master plan for each of us, but it also raises a lot of questions. Why do people get sick and suffer? Why do some get healed and others don’t? Why this person and not that person?
The movie Miracles From Heaven tackles these and other tough questions. It is the true story of a Texas family whose daughter had a life-threatening disease. After months of pain and suffering -- and fruitless treatments -- Anna fell 30 feet down the inside of a rotten, hollowed-out tree, and miraculously, she had no broken bones, no injuries (except a few scratches)…and furthermore, was completely healed.
It’s a story anyone can relate to as this family fights to find answers and, at the same time, wrestles with their faith, trying to make sense of their struggles.
The movie doesn’t try to answer the unanswerable, but it also doesn’t shrink from admitting the hard questions. Anna asks her mom why God hasn’t healed her yet.
That's the question that really struck a chord with me. I've often wrestled with the question of why I haven't been healed. I believe very strongly in divine healing. I've seen it happen in the lives of others, and I have prayed for it many times. I've wondered am I doing something wrong to block the healing or is this just part of God's plan for my life?
I've heard people say it's always God's will to heal. I've tried to believe that. I want to believe that. Still, I have to wonder if God has a purpose for me just as I am. I choose to believe the latter based on Romans 8:28: "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
In the movie, while Anna was sick, she had opportunity to share Jesus with her roommate in the hospital. Her little friend, Haley, died, but her father shared that, even though he lost her, he saw an amazing change in his daughter. She was peaceful and not afraid to die. Her father saw such a change that he gave his own life to Jesus as well.
I believe God sometimes uses our trials to bring others to a life-changing experience with Himself. After my back surgery in 2014, I spent three months at a rehab center. While there, I met some great people, and I had the chance to share my story with them.
Thanks to my mom telling everyone that I had written a book about my life and faith in God, I sold several dozen copies of the book. Some said reading the book helped them find their own faith. One nurse in particular who bought the book for her mother said it impacted her mom's life and gave her a new outlook on life.
That reminds me of something I heard from gospel singer/pianist Gordon Mote, who was blind from birth. He said people are always asking him if he wanted God to heal him. I wish I could remember his exact words, but he said something to this effect: "Sure, I'd love to be able to see, but if God can use me as I am, I trust Him. God does know best."
My pastor echoed this sentiment when he said our plans aren't always God's plans, but God's plans are always best!! He said, "We have a limited view. We need to realize that our momentary judgment on the situation is colored by our own human limitations. We cannot see what God can see. He sees not only today, He sees tomorrow too. He doesn't do things the way we think He will, but His plans are always best."
Miracles From Heaven is a must-see movie. It will make you think and give you hope. It's definitely worth your time!
As Psalm 139:16 says, "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."
It's comforting to know God has a master plan for each of us, but it also raises a lot of questions. Why do people get sick and suffer? Why do some get healed and others don’t? Why this person and not that person?
The movie Miracles From Heaven tackles these and other tough questions. It is the true story of a Texas family whose daughter had a life-threatening disease. After months of pain and suffering -- and fruitless treatments -- Anna fell 30 feet down the inside of a rotten, hollowed-out tree, and miraculously, she had no broken bones, no injuries (except a few scratches)…and furthermore, was completely healed.
It’s a story anyone can relate to as this family fights to find answers and, at the same time, wrestles with their faith, trying to make sense of their struggles.
The movie doesn’t try to answer the unanswerable, but it also doesn’t shrink from admitting the hard questions. Anna asks her mom why God hasn’t healed her yet.
That's the question that really struck a chord with me. I've often wrestled with the question of why I haven't been healed. I believe very strongly in divine healing. I've seen it happen in the lives of others, and I have prayed for it many times. I've wondered am I doing something wrong to block the healing or is this just part of God's plan for my life?
I've heard people say it's always God's will to heal. I've tried to believe that. I want to believe that. Still, I have to wonder if God has a purpose for me just as I am. I choose to believe the latter based on Romans 8:28: "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
In the movie, while Anna was sick, she had opportunity to share Jesus with her roommate in the hospital. Her little friend, Haley, died, but her father shared that, even though he lost her, he saw an amazing change in his daughter. She was peaceful and not afraid to die. Her father saw such a change that he gave his own life to Jesus as well.
I believe God sometimes uses our trials to bring others to a life-changing experience with Himself. After my back surgery in 2014, I spent three months at a rehab center. While there, I met some great people, and I had the chance to share my story with them.
Thanks to my mom telling everyone that I had written a book about my life and faith in God, I sold several dozen copies of the book. Some said reading the book helped them find their own faith. One nurse in particular who bought the book for her mother said it impacted her mom's life and gave her a new outlook on life.
That reminds me of something I heard from gospel singer/pianist Gordon Mote, who was blind from birth. He said people are always asking him if he wanted God to heal him. I wish I could remember his exact words, but he said something to this effect: "Sure, I'd love to be able to see, but if God can use me as I am, I trust Him. God does know best."
My pastor echoed this sentiment when he said our plans aren't always God's plans, but God's plans are always best!! He said, "We have a limited view. We need to realize that our momentary judgment on the situation is colored by our own human limitations. We cannot see what God can see. He sees not only today, He sees tomorrow too. He doesn't do things the way we think He will, but His plans are always best."
Miracles From Heaven is a must-see movie. It will make you think and give you hope. It's definitely worth your time!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
We have a saying here in the Panhandle: "If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes, and it'll change." Donald Trump supporters should have a similar saying: "If you don't like Trump's position on an issue, wait 15 minutes, and it'll change."
Trump shot his mouth off again last week when he was asked about abortion. He said women who have an abortion should be punished criminally for their actions. Less than three hours later, he was backpedalling, saying the doctors who perform the abortion, not the women, should be punished.
This is just the latest example of Trump's waffling on the issues. Trump's supporters say they like him because he says what he thinks. The problem is, he doesn't think before he speaks. He blurts out the first thing that comes to mind and often has to backtrack.
I know all candidates flip-flop on the issues, like Obama who said he'd "evolved" on his support of gay marriage. Then, there's Hillary, who changes her mind more times than I can count. But Trump's flip-floppery outdoes them all.
A quick Google search turned up just a few of his reversals:
He loved Hillary Clinton; now he thinks she's the worst. He was very much in favor of abortion rights before he opposed them. And he might be running as a Republican today, but he was once a registered Democrat who called for legalizing drugs, a huge tax on the wealthy and staying out of wars that didn't present a direct threat to the U.S. In many ways, he's been to the left of Clinton and even Bernie Sanders on some issues.
The truth is we really don't know what Trump stands for because he says what he thinks the voters want to hear at the time. That's all the more reason to be skeptical of him. He can change his stance on anything at any time, and that can leave the country in a mess of trouble.
Trump shot his mouth off again last week when he was asked about abortion. He said women who have an abortion should be punished criminally for their actions. Less than three hours later, he was backpedalling, saying the doctors who perform the abortion, not the women, should be punished.
This is just the latest example of Trump's waffling on the issues. Trump's supporters say they like him because he says what he thinks. The problem is, he doesn't think before he speaks. He blurts out the first thing that comes to mind and often has to backtrack.
I know all candidates flip-flop on the issues, like Obama who said he'd "evolved" on his support of gay marriage. Then, there's Hillary, who changes her mind more times than I can count. But Trump's flip-floppery outdoes them all.
A quick Google search turned up just a few of his reversals:
He loved Hillary Clinton; now he thinks she's the worst. He was very much in favor of abortion rights before he opposed them. And he might be running as a Republican today, but he was once a registered Democrat who called for legalizing drugs, a huge tax on the wealthy and staying out of wars that didn't present a direct threat to the U.S. In many ways, he's been to the left of Clinton and even Bernie Sanders on some issues.
The truth is we really don't know what Trump stands for because he says what he thinks the voters want to hear at the time. That's all the more reason to be skeptical of him. He can change his stance on anything at any time, and that can leave the country in a mess of trouble.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Gotya, Cupcake
It's good to laugh. We go through many heartaches in life, and laughter helps us through the hard times. Laughter is good for the soul. Proverbs actually says a merry heart is good medicine.
I'm thankful I live in a place where there's cheer and laughter. If you follow me on Facebook, you've seen the back-and-forth pranks between me and Nicole, one of the therapists at Panpa Nursing Center.
It all started when I "caught" Nicole eating pizza, which she said was not on her diet. I made an innocent comment on my Facebook page that I'd like to be on that special pizza diet. I didn't even mention Nicole's name in my post, but she thought I was "ratting her out." Then I aggravated her more when I posted a picture of the giant chicken fried steak I ordered at Logan's Roadhouse. This time, I used her name and said, "Hey, Nicole, is this on your diet too?"
From then on, it was on with Nicole vowing to get me back! Sure enough, when I got back from eating in Amarillo that day, Nicole and her accomplices had toilet-papered my entire room! They must have used two or three rolls of toilet paper. It was pretty funny!
Of course, I couldn't let her get away with that. I wrote a satirical "crime" report in our monthly newsletter, asking for information on the culprits who trashed my room.
Things were quiet for a few days after that until I came back from a ride one afternoon and discovered my room had been targeted again. This time, my room was covered with something worse than toilet paper. The walls were covered with Vote for Hillary signs and pictures of Hillary everywhere. Hillary was even in my bed. That is so wrong!
I'll admit that was a good one, so I had to come up with something even better as payback. I waited until last Friday, April Fool's Day, to strike again. I watched and waited for Nicole to come back from lunch, then, I made my move. I put a For Sale sign on her car. I even put Nicole's cell phone number on the sign. Then I waited. It didn't take long until she started getting calls about the car. She naturally blamed me and promised to get even before the day was over.
I was cautious, watching my back the rest of the day. I thought she had given up when she left the office about 5. I was feeling pretty good, thinking I'd gotten the last laugh. Then, I went to supper..... I had a special cupcake on my tray. I noticed that none of the other residents had a cupcake, but I didn't think too much about it. I started eating it. About half way through, I noticed a strange taste but I kept eating. After a few more bites, I saw it. Mustard in the center of the cupcake! Nicole had gotten sweet revenge (It wasn't so sweet for me eating the cupcake).
We weren't the only pranksters on April Fool's day around here. Several staff members had their offices decorated with shredded graffiti and their cars adorned with Peeps candy. The activities director had her car wrapped with Saran wrap and the doors taped shut. Funny stuff.
I'm glad we can laugh and have a good time. But remember, Nicole, he who laughs last, laughs best!
I'm thankful I live in a place where there's cheer and laughter. If you follow me on Facebook, you've seen the back-and-forth pranks between me and Nicole, one of the therapists at Panpa Nursing Center.
It all started when I "caught" Nicole eating pizza, which she said was not on her diet. I made an innocent comment on my Facebook page that I'd like to be on that special pizza diet. I didn't even mention Nicole's name in my post, but she thought I was "ratting her out." Then I aggravated her more when I posted a picture of the giant chicken fried steak I ordered at Logan's Roadhouse. This time, I used her name and said, "Hey, Nicole, is this on your diet too?"
From then on, it was on with Nicole vowing to get me back! Sure enough, when I got back from eating in Amarillo that day, Nicole and her accomplices had toilet-papered my entire room! They must have used two or three rolls of toilet paper. It was pretty funny!
Of course, I couldn't let her get away with that. I wrote a satirical "crime" report in our monthly newsletter, asking for information on the culprits who trashed my room.
I'll admit that was a good one, so I had to come up with something even better as payback. I waited until last Friday, April Fool's Day, to strike again. I watched and waited for Nicole to come back from lunch, then, I made my move. I put a For Sale sign on her car. I even put Nicole's cell phone number on the sign. Then I waited. It didn't take long until she started getting calls about the car. She naturally blamed me and promised to get even before the day was over.
I was cautious, watching my back the rest of the day. I thought she had given up when she left the office about 5. I was feeling pretty good, thinking I'd gotten the last laugh. Then, I went to supper..... I had a special cupcake on my tray. I noticed that none of the other residents had a cupcake, but I didn't think too much about it. I started eating it. About half way through, I noticed a strange taste but I kept eating. After a few more bites, I saw it. Mustard in the center of the cupcake! Nicole had gotten sweet revenge (It wasn't so sweet for me eating the cupcake).
We weren't the only pranksters on April Fool's day around here. Several staff members had their offices decorated with shredded graffiti and their cars adorned with Peeps candy. The activities director had her car wrapped with Saran wrap and the doors taped shut. Funny stuff.
I'm glad we can laugh and have a good time. But remember, Nicole, he who laughs last, laughs best!
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Shame on Conservatives
I've never seen anything like this. As an avid political watcher, I've seen a lot of crazy and unpredictable things in presidential politics but nothing like this year's Republican primaries. On Tuesday, Donald Trump once again captured the most delegates, pushing him closer and closer to winning the GOP nomination, and I have to ask: Where are all the conservatives?
When the 2016 race began last year, analysts were asking whether Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio would win Florida's primary. Then, Trump swept in and handily won the state.
I don't get it. How has Trump managed to pull the wool over the eyes of so many "conservatives"?
Trump is not a conservative. He never has been, and he never will be. But many conservatives in the Republican party are touting Trump as savior of the world! It reminds me of the way Barack Obama was idolized in the 2008 election. The liberal media was fawning all over Obama. MSNBC host Chris Matthews infamously said that one of Barack Obama's campaign speeches sent a "thrill up his leg," It was pathetic.
Now, many of the right-wing analysts, including some of my beloved Fox News hosts, are giving the same treatment to Trump. I'm used to bias reporting on CNN and NBC, but Fox is supposed to be "fair and balanced." Several Fox hosts have readily admitted that they are personal friends with Trump. That's OK until they start giving Trump special favors, such as hours and hours of air time. That's what's happening right now.
Fox's Sean Hannity brands himself not as a Republican, but as a registered conservative. Yet, Hannity relentlessly fawns over Trump and refuses to challenge him on any of his endless lies and inconsistencies. Bill O'Reilly pretends to be tough and objective, but he even gives Trump a pass on policy issues. Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham have buddied up with Trump, too. Ingraham is OK with Trump becoming the GOP nominee because he “captures the imagination of the people.”
It's not just the media types who have gone ga-ga (or should I say gag-gag) over Trump. Some of Trump's former rivals have gone over to the dark side. As Matt Walsh wrote in The Blaze, Chris Christie "went from hugging Obama to licking Trump’s boots, all for political gain."
Ben Carson, whom Walsh describes as "a man embraced by millions because he supposedly stood for Christian virtue, civility, moral courage and the Constitution — until he endorsed the one guy who defies all of those principles more aggressively than probably any Republican presidential candidate in history."
Let's not forget Jerry Falwell Jr. and Robert Jeffress. Both men — along with plenty of other prominent Christian figures — seem to have abandoned their faith and hitched a ride on the Trump Bandwagon.
I just don't get it. It's like they've all lost their minds to follow a cultural icon. It didn't turn out well when liberals did it with Obama, and it won't turn out any better for conservatives this time.
All I can say is this: Shame on conservatives!
When the 2016 race began last year, analysts were asking whether Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio would win Florida's primary. Then, Trump swept in and handily won the state.
I don't get it. How has Trump managed to pull the wool over the eyes of so many "conservatives"?
Trump is not a conservative. He never has been, and he never will be. But many conservatives in the Republican party are touting Trump as savior of the world! It reminds me of the way Barack Obama was idolized in the 2008 election. The liberal media was fawning all over Obama. MSNBC host Chris Matthews infamously said that one of Barack Obama's campaign speeches sent a "thrill up his leg," It was pathetic.
Now, many of the right-wing analysts, including some of my beloved Fox News hosts, are giving the same treatment to Trump. I'm used to bias reporting on CNN and NBC, but Fox is supposed to be "fair and balanced." Several Fox hosts have readily admitted that they are personal friends with Trump. That's OK until they start giving Trump special favors, such as hours and hours of air time. That's what's happening right now.
Fox's Sean Hannity brands himself not as a Republican, but as a registered conservative. Yet, Hannity relentlessly fawns over Trump and refuses to challenge him on any of his endless lies and inconsistencies. Bill O'Reilly pretends to be tough and objective, but he even gives Trump a pass on policy issues. Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham have buddied up with Trump, too. Ingraham is OK with Trump becoming the GOP nominee because he “captures the imagination of the people.”
It's not just the media types who have gone ga-ga (or should I say gag-gag) over Trump. Some of Trump's former rivals have gone over to the dark side. As Matt Walsh wrote in The Blaze, Chris Christie "went from hugging Obama to licking Trump’s boots, all for political gain."
Ben Carson, whom Walsh describes as "a man embraced by millions because he supposedly stood for Christian virtue, civility, moral courage and the Constitution — until he endorsed the one guy who defies all of those principles more aggressively than probably any Republican presidential candidate in history."
Let's not forget Jerry Falwell Jr. and Robert Jeffress. Both men — along with plenty of other prominent Christian figures — seem to have abandoned their faith and hitched a ride on the Trump Bandwagon.
I just don't get it. It's like they've all lost their minds to follow a cultural icon. It didn't turn out well when liberals did it with Obama, and it won't turn out any better for conservatives this time.
All I can say is this: Shame on conservatives!
Friday, March 11, 2016
Every Day Counts
Pampa has seen more than its share of tragedies in the last two weeks. Between a shooting in town, a fatal car-train collision and a stabbing incident, four young men, ranging in age from early 20s to mid-30s, left this life far too early.
I've also attended two funerals in the last month. My cousin Carla died suddenly, apparently from a massive heart attack. She was 54. A friend from church also passed away after a brief bout with cancer. She lived to be 80.
All of this has made me start thinking. How can I make each day count?
I've also attended two funerals in the last month. My cousin Carla died suddenly, apparently from a massive heart attack. She was 54. A friend from church also passed away after a brief bout with cancer. She lived to be 80.
All of this has made me start thinking. How can I make each day count?
Psalm 90:10 says "Seventy years are given us! And some may even live to eighty. But even the best of these years are often empty and filled with pain; soon they disappear, and we are gone."
The truth is we don't know how long we'll have on this earth. But whether it's a few years or many, it's such a brief time compared to the eternity we face after this life. I've always believed we have to make the most of every moment. Make every day count and even take a few risks along the way. Dare to take a chance on something.
When I was working on my book, someone asked me why I was writing my story while I was still so young. (I was still in my 20s when Through Eyes of Faith was published.) I told them I wanted to write the book while I was able to do it, physically and financially. You just never know how fast things can change in life.
In one of my favorite songs, The River, Garth Brooks sings:
"Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
Has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide."
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
Has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide."
That's how I try to live my life every day. This life can change in an instant. One event can change our course forever. I've learned that firsthand. I never expected to be living in a nursing facility at the age of 47. I'm thankful for the help I have here, but I'm not content to just sit around and let life slip away around me. I want to get out and live the life I have to the full (John 10:10). That's why it's important for me to be able to ride around town on my scooter the way I do. It's liberating. So when the Head Honcho tells me not to ride too far, I only smile and continue on my way.
Most of my family is gone to a family gathering near Austin this weekend, but I wasn't able to go with them. Of course, I was disappointed and a little sad, but I'm happy that they all have a chance to get together. I'm especially glad my mom can still travel and can enjoy this weekend, and I'm thankful for all the memories of the trips Mom and I took together. We will always remember that cruise to the Bahamas!
And I'm going to keep living my life the best I can and make every day count. So if you have things on your bucket list that you've always wanted to do, don't put them off until later in life. That may be too late. Do it now and you'll be able to make every day count.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Super Tuesday?
In past elections, voters said it was like voting for "the lesser of two evils." In the case of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, it's really hard to say which one is the most evil. They're both wicked to the core.
Trump and Hillary dominated the Super Tuesday races, and the question I have to ask is 'why?' Why would so many people support either one of these two heathens?
This is America, and, yes, I know people have the right to vote for anyone they want. But at what cost?
Cal Thomas put it this way, "It's a democracy and people have the right to select their leaders. That's what they did with President Obama, who has been a disaster. Are we about to exchange one disaster for another?"
When this election season started (which seems like an eternity ago), there were 17 Republican candidates. Out of those 16 men and one woman, 15 of them would make a pretty good president. I could have even supported Rand Paul. The only two I could never vote for are Trump and John Kasich.
The thing I really can't understand is how so many "Christians" could vote for someone like Trump? Even some prominent Christian leaders like Jerry Falwell Jr. and Pastor Robert Jeffress have lined up behind Trump. It's crazy!
Writer Ben Shapiro asks, “Have evangelicals ever supported an unrepentant, pro-Planned Parenthood, adulterous strip club owner before?”
And don't even get me started on Hillary's evils. Between the Benghazi cover-up and her e-mail scandal, it's one lie after another with Hillary Clinton. It doesn't make sense. How can a Christian vote for either Trump or Clinton?
The only way I can explain it is to say this is what the Bible warns us about in Matthew 24:24, where it says, "Their impressive credentials and dazzling performances will pull the wool over the eyes of even those who ought to know better. But I’ve given you fair warning." (The Message version)
I can only hope that people will come to their senses before the November election. If not, America is going to be in a heap of trouble.
Trump and Hillary dominated the Super Tuesday races, and the question I have to ask is 'why?' Why would so many people support either one of these two heathens?
This is America, and, yes, I know people have the right to vote for anyone they want. But at what cost?
Cal Thomas put it this way, "It's a democracy and people have the right to select their leaders. That's what they did with President Obama, who has been a disaster. Are we about to exchange one disaster for another?"
When this election season started (which seems like an eternity ago), there were 17 Republican candidates. Out of those 16 men and one woman, 15 of them would make a pretty good president. I could have even supported Rand Paul. The only two I could never vote for are Trump and John Kasich.
The thing I really can't understand is how so many "Christians" could vote for someone like Trump? Even some prominent Christian leaders like Jerry Falwell Jr. and Pastor Robert Jeffress have lined up behind Trump. It's crazy!
Writer Ben Shapiro asks, “Have evangelicals ever supported an unrepentant, pro-Planned Parenthood, adulterous strip club owner before?”
And don't even get me started on Hillary's evils. Between the Benghazi cover-up and her e-mail scandal, it's one lie after another with Hillary Clinton. It doesn't make sense. How can a Christian vote for either Trump or Clinton?
The only way I can explain it is to say this is what the Bible warns us about in Matthew 24:24, where it says, "Their impressive credentials and dazzling performances will pull the wool over the eyes of even those who ought to know better. But I’ve given you fair warning." (The Message version)
I can only hope that people will come to their senses before the November election. If not, America is going to be in a heap of trouble.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Debating the Debate
Petty. That's the only word I can find to describe Thursday night's GOP debate. The constant back-and-forth name-calling and accusations dominated the nearly two-and-a-half hour event. I didn't learn anything new about the candidates and their positions, but I learned plenty about Donald Trump's tax audits.
It made for great TV. It was even funny at times. Marco Rubio seemed to be enjoying himself, taking one jab after another at Trump. He repeatedly called on Trump to give details on his health-care plan. Trump appeared to get flustered and failed to provide any real answers. He kept giving his usual pat answers, saying "it's going to be huge. Huge, I tell you!" As usual, Trump insulted the debate moderators when they pressed him on how he would get Mexico to pay to build a wall on the border.
The slugfest between Trump and Ted Cruz was heated at times. Cruz made some strong arguments while all Trump could muster up was his standard response calling Cruz a liar. Trump looked out of place and not presidential at all. He interrupted his opponents and talked over the moderators. It was a circus atmosphere with the CNN hosts failing to keep the candidates on topic.
I felt sorry for Ben Carson and John Kasich. They just stood there most of the debate, hoping they would get an occasional question. Carson could be heard in the background saying, "someone mentioned my name. I want to respond." Poor guy. He doesn't have much of a chance, but he's hanging in there. I admire him for that. Kasich just needs to go away. He's so annoying.
This was the 10th GOP debate with another one scheduled for next Thursday. With a debate nearly every week, it's like a reality TV show. I only wish we could vote to send one candidate home each week. The debates have become more like an entertainment program to see who has the best sound bite instead of a serious discussion of the issues.
At least next week's debate is on Fox. I'd rather look at Megyn Kelly than Wolf Blitzer any day!
It made for great TV. It was even funny at times. Marco Rubio seemed to be enjoying himself, taking one jab after another at Trump. He repeatedly called on Trump to give details on his health-care plan. Trump appeared to get flustered and failed to provide any real answers. He kept giving his usual pat answers, saying "it's going to be huge. Huge, I tell you!" As usual, Trump insulted the debate moderators when they pressed him on how he would get Mexico to pay to build a wall on the border.
The slugfest between Trump and Ted Cruz was heated at times. Cruz made some strong arguments while all Trump could muster up was his standard response calling Cruz a liar. Trump looked out of place and not presidential at all. He interrupted his opponents and talked over the moderators. It was a circus atmosphere with the CNN hosts failing to keep the candidates on topic.
I felt sorry for Ben Carson and John Kasich. They just stood there most of the debate, hoping they would get an occasional question. Carson could be heard in the background saying, "someone mentioned my name. I want to respond." Poor guy. He doesn't have much of a chance, but he's hanging in there. I admire him for that. Kasich just needs to go away. He's so annoying.
This was the 10th GOP debate with another one scheduled for next Thursday. With a debate nearly every week, it's like a reality TV show. I only wish we could vote to send one candidate home each week. The debates have become more like an entertainment program to see who has the best sound bite instead of a serious discussion of the issues.
At least next week's debate is on Fox. I'd rather look at Megyn Kelly than Wolf Blitzer any day!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Don't Follow The Crowd
I'm usually an optimistic person. I try to look on the bright side of things. No matter how bad things seem sometimes, there's always a silver lining.
I have to say, though, the future of our country doesn't look very bright right now. In fact, it looks pretty grim. The choices we make this year will determine whether we turn this country around or we send it completely over the cliff.
We are one Supreme Court justice away from losing some of our fundamental rights. Gun rights, religious freedom and even our First Amendment right to free speech all hang in the balance. Whether the next justice is nominated by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, we will see dramatic changes to our country's values system. If you don't believe it, just look at how the high court went around the will of the people to legalize same-sex marriage. The next justice will help shape the direction of the country for decades to come. We can't afford to have another liberal judge on the court. We need a Supreme Court justice who will uphold the rights in the Constitution.
The next president will chart the course of the country. If we elect the wrong person, we may reach the point of no return.
A lot of voters and even some of the candidates themselves are treating this election like it's a reality TV show. We have a cocky billionaire TV star on one side and a lawless compulsive liar on the other side. Neither has the best interests of the country in mind. It's all a power grab for them.
Yet people are flocking to Trump and Clinton in record number. Even socialist Bernie Sanders has attracted an unbelievable number of supporters. What wrong with people? This isn't a game. The future of the country is in our hands. We can continue to follow the crowd and elect another pop culture icon, or we can stand firm in our convictions and pick someone who will restore law and order.
There are some good and worthy candidates running for president. We just have to take the time to look and see what they really stand for.
When Obama came on the national scene in 2007, the crowds flocked to him because he was new and different, and he promised hope and change. The crowds are now lining up behind Trump and Clinton. Don't follow the crowd. Stand with the candidates who most closely reflect your values.
There's still hope for America, but it's not in a man. Our hope is found only in God. We must remember to do three things: Pray, research the candidates and their positions (with the Internet, there's no excuse for not being informed about the candidates) and, finally, we must get out and vote! The Texas primary and Super Tuesday is a week from today. We have one week to do these three simple things. Will you do it? Or will you sit back and let others make these important decisions? The future of our country depends on you!
I have to say, though, the future of our country doesn't look very bright right now. In fact, it looks pretty grim. The choices we make this year will determine whether we turn this country around or we send it completely over the cliff.
We are one Supreme Court justice away from losing some of our fundamental rights. Gun rights, religious freedom and even our First Amendment right to free speech all hang in the balance. Whether the next justice is nominated by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, we will see dramatic changes to our country's values system. If you don't believe it, just look at how the high court went around the will of the people to legalize same-sex marriage. The next justice will help shape the direction of the country for decades to come. We can't afford to have another liberal judge on the court. We need a Supreme Court justice who will uphold the rights in the Constitution.
The next president will chart the course of the country. If we elect the wrong person, we may reach the point of no return.
A lot of voters and even some of the candidates themselves are treating this election like it's a reality TV show. We have a cocky billionaire TV star on one side and a lawless compulsive liar on the other side. Neither has the best interests of the country in mind. It's all a power grab for them.
Yet people are flocking to Trump and Clinton in record number. Even socialist Bernie Sanders has attracted an unbelievable number of supporters. What wrong with people? This isn't a game. The future of the country is in our hands. We can continue to follow the crowd and elect another pop culture icon, or we can stand firm in our convictions and pick someone who will restore law and order.
There are some good and worthy candidates running for president. We just have to take the time to look and see what they really stand for.
When Obama came on the national scene in 2007, the crowds flocked to him because he was new and different, and he promised hope and change. The crowds are now lining up behind Trump and Clinton. Don't follow the crowd. Stand with the candidates who most closely reflect your values.
There's still hope for America, but it's not in a man. Our hope is found only in God. We must remember to do three things: Pray, research the candidates and their positions (with the Internet, there's no excuse for not being informed about the candidates) and, finally, we must get out and vote! The Texas primary and Super Tuesday is a week from today. We have one week to do these three simple things. Will you do it? Or will you sit back and let others make these important decisions? The future of our country depends on you!
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Circle of Life
Life is a funny thing. It can take you 'round and 'round in this world, but you often end up right where you started. As I sit here typing, I can look out my window and down the street I see a bank building. That bank building was once a hospital.... the hospital where I was born. Now, I find myself in a nursing home less than half a mile from where I was born. Interesting, isn't it?
I've also discovered that some people come into and out of your life, and some of them reappear in your life years later. It's the circle of life.
Since I've been in the nursing home, I have reconnected with several friends from the past. One of them, Mildred, was my Sunday school teacher when I was in about the third grade. She had an influence on my life when I was young. Now, she's in a room just down the hall, and we eat breakfast together at the same table.
Another dear lady, whom we all call 'Little Granny,' worked in the children's church ministry for more than 50 years. She's now nearly 90 and is a resident here at the nursing home. She may be nearly 90, but she still has some pep in her step. She even dances! They evaluated her recently, and the therapist asked her if she could walk across the room. She jumped up and started dancing across the room. She spreads a lot of cheer around here and is an inspiration to all.
Then, there's Johnnie, who has been a friend of my mom's and our family for many years. Johnnie's family and my grandparents were neighbors when Mom was just a little girl. They went to church together for years. Johnnie is now 95 and was recently honored for her service and faithfulness to attend the same church for almost 85 years.
It's neat to get to be around these special ladies along with other longtime friends Maxine and Carolyn, the mother of one of my schoolmates. I'm glad they are all part of my circle of life.
I've also discovered that some people come into and out of your life, and some of them reappear in your life years later. It's the circle of life.
Since I've been in the nursing home, I have reconnected with several friends from the past. One of them, Mildred, was my Sunday school teacher when I was in about the third grade. She had an influence on my life when I was young. Now, she's in a room just down the hall, and we eat breakfast together at the same table.
Another dear lady, whom we all call 'Little Granny,' worked in the children's church ministry for more than 50 years. She's now nearly 90 and is a resident here at the nursing home. She may be nearly 90, but she still has some pep in her step. She even dances! They evaluated her recently, and the therapist asked her if she could walk across the room. She jumped up and started dancing across the room. She spreads a lot of cheer around here and is an inspiration to all.
Then, there's Johnnie, who has been a friend of my mom's and our family for many years. Johnnie's family and my grandparents were neighbors when Mom was just a little girl. They went to church together for years. Johnnie is now 95 and was recently honored for her service and faithfulness to attend the same church for almost 85 years.
It's neat to get to be around these special ladies along with other longtime friends Maxine and Carolyn, the mother of one of my schoolmates. I'm glad they are all part of my circle of life.
Friday, January 1, 2016
There Is Hope
Happy new year! There's something about the start of a new year that brings a renewed hope for good things to happen. The past and its failures and disappointments are behind us. The new year brings a fresh start.
My Bible reading for today reminded me of all the benefits we have in serving God. It is in Psalm 103, and I wanted to share part of it here:
My Bible reading for today reminded me of all the benefits we have in serving God. It is in Psalm 103, and I wanted to share part of it here:
Psalm 103
1 Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
6 The Lord works righteousness
and justice for all the oppressed.
and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
his deeds to the people of Israel:
his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.
15 The life of mortals is like grass,
they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.
they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children—
18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.
the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children—
18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.
What great promises! When I read that, it gives me such hope for the future. I hope it gives you hope, too. If we don't know the Lord, our past brings regrets, our future brings fear, and our present is filled with turmoil. But if we do know Him, our past brings forgiveness, our future brings hope, and our present is filled with peace.
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