I'm usually an optimistic person. I try to look on the bright side of things. No matter how bad things seem sometimes, there's always a silver lining.
I have to say, though, the future of our country doesn't look very bright right now. In fact, it looks pretty grim. The choices we make this year will determine whether we turn this country around or we send it completely over the cliff.
We are one Supreme Court justice away from losing some of our fundamental rights. Gun rights, religious freedom and even our First Amendment right to free speech all hang in the balance. Whether the next justice is nominated by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, we will see dramatic changes to our country's values system. If you don't believe it, just look at how the high court went around the will of the people to legalize same-sex marriage. The next justice will help shape the direction of the country for decades to come. We can't afford to have another liberal judge on the court. We need a Supreme Court justice who will uphold the rights in the Constitution.
The next president will chart the course of the country. If we elect the wrong person, we may reach the point of no return.
A lot of voters and even some of the candidates themselves are treating this election like it's a reality TV show. We have a cocky billionaire TV star on one side and a lawless compulsive liar on the other side. Neither has the best interests of the country in mind. It's all a power grab for them.
Yet people are flocking to Trump and Clinton in record number. Even socialist Bernie Sanders has attracted an unbelievable number of supporters. What wrong with people? This isn't a game. The future of the country is in our hands. We can continue to follow the crowd and elect another pop culture icon, or we can stand firm in our convictions and pick someone who will restore law and order.
There are some good and worthy candidates running for president. We just have to take the time to look and see what they really stand for.
When Obama came on the national scene in 2007, the crowds flocked to him because he was new and different, and he promised hope and change. The crowds are now lining up behind Trump and Clinton. Don't follow the crowd. Stand with the candidates who most closely reflect your values.
There's still hope for America, but it's not in a man. Our hope is found only in God. We must remember to do three things: Pray, research the candidates and their positions (with the Internet, there's no excuse for not being informed about the candidates) and, finally, we must get out and vote! The Texas primary and Super Tuesday is a week from today. We have one week to do these three simple things. Will you do it? Or will you sit back and let others make these important decisions? The future of our country depends on you!
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