I'm thankful I live in a place where there's cheer and laughter. If you follow me on Facebook, you've seen the back-and-forth pranks between me and Nicole, one of the therapists at Panpa Nursing Center.
It all started when I "caught" Nicole eating pizza, which she said was not on her diet. I made an innocent comment on my Facebook page that I'd like to be on that special pizza diet. I didn't even mention Nicole's name in my post, but she thought I was "ratting her out." Then I aggravated her more when I posted a picture of the giant chicken fried steak I ordered at Logan's Roadhouse. This time, I used her name and said, "Hey, Nicole, is this on your diet too?"
From then on, it was on with Nicole vowing to get me back! Sure enough, when I got back from eating in Amarillo that day, Nicole and her accomplices had toilet-papered my entire room! They must have used two or three rolls of toilet paper. It was pretty funny!
Of course, I couldn't let her get away with that. I wrote a satirical "crime" report in our monthly newsletter, asking for information on the culprits who trashed my room.
I'll admit that was a good one, so I had to come up with something even better as payback. I waited until last Friday, April Fool's Day, to strike again. I watched and waited for Nicole to come back from lunch, then, I made my move. I put a For Sale sign on her car. I even put Nicole's cell phone number on the sign. Then I waited. It didn't take long until she started getting calls about the car. She naturally blamed me and promised to get even before the day was over.
I was cautious, watching my back the rest of the day. I thought she had given up when she left the office about 5. I was feeling pretty good, thinking I'd gotten the last laugh. Then, I went to supper..... I had a special cupcake on my tray. I noticed that none of the other residents had a cupcake, but I didn't think too much about it. I started eating it. About half way through, I noticed a strange taste but I kept eating. After a few more bites, I saw it. Mustard in the center of the cupcake! Nicole had gotten sweet revenge (It wasn't so sweet for me eating the cupcake).
We weren't the only pranksters on April Fool's day around here. Several staff members had their offices decorated with shredded graffiti and their cars adorned with Peeps candy. The activities director had her car wrapped with Saran wrap and the doors taped shut. Funny stuff.
I'm glad we can laugh and have a good time. But remember, Nicole, he who laughs last, laughs best!
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