Conditions in Japan look pretty bad, and things seem to get worse each day. It's been nearly a week since the powerful 9.0 earthquake ravaged the country. Now, there are threats of radiation leaks and a meltdown at the country's nuclear power plant. Add to that the uprisings in Egypt, Libya and all across the Mid-East and this world is in one big mess.
So why don't more people get it? Why don't more people realize the perilous times we're living in?
I listen to the talk shows where they discuss and analyze these events almost nonstop. They bring in "experts" and ask them why all these epic weather events and disasters are happening more frequently today. The so-called experts say the record earthquakes, tsunamis and floods are just "part of a cycle" in the earth. They point to the past and try to say these things happen in cycles.
They just don't get it. Just once, I'd like to hear a talk-show host ask the experts: "How do these events relate to the end times and the soon coming of Jesus?" That would flip their wigs. The experts wouldn't know what to say!
There are some on TV, such as Hal Lindsey, who has been sounding a wake-up call and telling us we are at the very end of the last days. But there aren't many like him in the media, and certainly none in the mainstream media who would dare to mention the rapture.
Instead of looking to the past to explain these things, as the so-called experts would have us to do, we need to be looking to the future. These things are a sign of things to come. Things may look bad in the world right now, but they are going to get much worse, especially during the tribulation after the rapture.
For believers, we shouldn't be afraid when we hear about the earthquakes and disasters in the world. We should be alert, aware of what is about to take place. Luke 21:28 says, "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
Take cheer today. Jesus is coming soon!
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