Between the budget battle, violence in Libya and the earthquake in Japan, Obama has had to make some tough decisions lately. . . like whether to play golf or shoot hoops today! The world is falling apart, and Obama is on ESPN making his brackets. Nice!
The mark of a true leader is decisiveness. A strong leader makes bold decisions and does not back away from them. Obama has dithered on every major issue. He was virtually silent on the Libyan uprising for more than a week before endorsing a no-fly zone over Libya. He approved missile attacks on Friday. The next day, he left on vacation. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
Obama needs to get tough. He says our mission in Libya is not to oust Qaddafi. It's not? It should be. We should do everything possible to depose this Libyan dictator. He must be stopped from killing more civilians. Instead, Obama is giving him a slap on the wrist.
Ronald Reagan wasn't shy about how he felt about Qaddafi, calling him "The mad dog of the Middle East." Reagan said, "Qaddafi counted on America to be passive. He counted wrong." And Reagan took strong actions against the dictator.
Under Reagan, America was proud to be the leader of the free world. Obama seems to think these world crises are a nuisance, so he shirks them off, heading off to the golf course or planning another vacation.
This is par for the course for Obama. Remember the oil spill in the Gulf last year? Obama sat idly by for days before he said or did anything. He's also been passive on the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt and even on the budget. He made a lot of promises before he was elected and he hasn't kept any of them, except passing his precious health care bill which he ramrodded down our throats.
I just hope America doesn't have to pay for Obama's passivity. The rest of the world sees him as weak. Let's pray they don't take it out on our country through another terrorist attack. Stop shirking your job, Mr. President. It's time for you to get a backbone.
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