I watched last week as bulldozers ripped through the old Baker Elementary school building where I went to kindergarten. The building is being torn down after sitting empty for many years. I drove by there last week to watch the demolition. Only a small section of the building now remains, and it will soon be gone, too.
It's sad to see the old building go. I went there only one year for the headstart kindergarten program. That was more than 35 years ago. The building was old and rickety even then. Mom went to the first and second grades in that school. My Grandmother Altman worked in the school's cafeteria. So the building had been around a long time, and it was a piece of Pampa's history.
I can still remember going to school there and being in Mrs. Morgan's class. I can remember classmates from there. I saw a post on Facebook where some of the Baker kids were meeting in front of the school last week to reminisce and say goodbye to their old school.
That was certainly a long time ago when I went to school there, but it doesn't seem that long. Time passes so quickly. It makes me realize just how fast time goes by and how we should make the most of every day we have.
Each day is a gift. I want to make each day count by focusing on the things the really matter. For me, that means cherishing the time I'm able to spend with my family and my friends. It means spending more time reading God's Word instead of so much time watching TV. It means taking time to recognize and be thankful for the blessings in my life.
The Bible says life is like a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. And this life is just practice for the life that is to come. Don't waste time worrying about things that don't matter. Focus on the things the count in life and make the most of every day!
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