Right now, radical billionaire George Soros is working to try to establish a new world order. He wants to create a global economy by collapsing the current U.S. system and having a one-world currency. Haven't we heard these terms before? Like in the book of Revelation? The Bible definitely refers to a one-world system in the end times.
These things are certain to happen some day. And if Soros is working right now to put them in place, can they be far off?
Fox News commentator Glenn Beck looked in depth at Soros last week, describing Soros as the "puppet master." Soros is one of the richest and most powerful men in the world, and he is using his power to set things in place for this new world order.
I have read about these things many times in the Bible, and I often wondered how they could happen. It's now becoming clearer how it will actually happen. It's scary when you think about it. But for believers in Jesus Christ, we have nothing to fear.
Glenn Beck is also predicting a big rise in food prices starting next year. He says bread could cost $30 a loaf and coffee could be as much as $75. He says this will happen because of inflation. But the Bible talks about this rise in prices, too. Revelation chapter 6 refers to "a quart of wheat for a day's wages and three quarts of barley for a day's wages."
I think Beck may be on to something. In the Old Testament, God used the prophets to warn the people about the coming judgment. Maybe God is using Glenn Beck to warn us now. Maybe that's the reason Beck is hated and ridiculed by so many, including Soros.
One thing is clear, though. We are on the brink of something big taking place in the world. Change is coming. Just look at the mess the U.S. economy is in and you'll see that something has to change. It's inevitable.
What's not clear is whether believers will still be here when it happens. We may be out of here before then. If the events of the book of Revelation occur chronologically as many people believe, the rapture of the saints is in Chapter 4. That's before the reference to the "quart of wheat for a day's wages" in Chapter 6. So, there's a good chance that the believers will be raptured before this big rise in prices... and before George Soros' plans for a new world order can take place.
That means the rapture could be sooner than any of us believe. That's my interpretation of things anyway. If I'm wrong, well, it will still pay to be ready for the return of Jesus. We should always be ready and watching for that great day.
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