Last night was the Super Bowl of politics. I don't follow sports, but I was glued to the TV all night, listening to the pundits on Fox News bloviate on how the change in the balance of power will affect America. Most of them think the GOP victories will be good for the country. I agree, but I have my own opinions.
It's definitely a step in the right direction. Now, if Republicans want to make this a truly historic election, they'll go to work and put this country back on the right course. The GOP picked up 63 seats in the House. Let's hope they can use them to stop Obama's Socialist agenda.
I am happy with the results of the election, but I wanted it to go further. I wanted Republicans to gain control of the House and the Senate. I especially wanted Dirty Harry Reid to lose the race in Nevada!! He managed to squeak by and hold onto his seat.
It might actually be good that power in Congress is split between Democrats and Republicans. It's good to have that balance, but it's sure to create a lot of gridlock over the next two years. Don't expect to see Congress get a lot accomplished in the next two years. But if Republicans can just block Obama's radical leftist agenda, that will be something.
Will this election cause Obama to change his course? Probably not. But it sure will knock him off his high horse. He has fallen a long ways in two short years, and he is destined to be a one-term president.
When it comes to social issues like abortion and gay marriage, Republicans have taken the right stand. But when it comes to job creation and cutting the deficit, will the Republicans do any better than the Democrats have done? Or will it be more of the same? That remains to be seen, but I am hopeful that the Republicans can make a difference.
Frankly, we shouldn't put our hope in Republicans or Democrats. Our hope should ultimately be in the Lord. We should put our trust in Him and look to Him to lead our country in the right direction. We can do our part and pray for the leaders in power. But it's God who has the real power to determine the final outcome.
May God continue to bless America!
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