Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Progress Report

Everyone has been interested in how my physical therapy is going, so here's a progress report. I am finally on my feet and walking with a walker. I have managed to increase my walking distance each time. Now, it's time to practice turning around and walking back.

My therapist said I am making her work way too hard. She is having to come up with new goals for my treatment plan because I've been meeting my goals sooner than she expected. I like that!

Last week, we started something new. I tried riding a stationary bicycle to build muscle strength in my legs. I can't actually get on the bike, so they put a chair behind it and I can sit in the chair and reach the pedals. Pretty clever, huh? It works pretty well.

The toughest thing with the walking is going to be my balance. I've never had very good balance anyway. The walker helps with that some, but we need to keep working on it. All these things just take time.


We went to Amarillo yesterday. I got my braces checked, and Mom had a doctor's appointment. The braces are doing OK, but they wanted to make sure the braces aren't rubbing my legs. Mom's appointment went OK, too, but now she will have to go to another doctor so we continue playing musical doctors.

The worst thing yesterday was the two-hour wait we had at the doctor's office. Mom was the last appointment of the day. She was worried she wasn't going to get back in time for Dancing With The Stars! But we made it just about right, thanks to Karen driving for us.

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