Friday, October 14, 2011

New Adventures

Some call it a nightmare. I prefer to think of it as an adventure. Either way, I'm sure it's no fun and a lot of frustration.

I'm talking about Medicare. I got the packet in the mail this week to sign up for Medicare. I will be eligible for coverage starting in February. No, I'm not turning 65. I'm not that old yet. I'm eligible for Medicare because I've been on Social Security Disability nearly two years. I'm still think it's silly that you have to wait two years to qualify for Medicare if you're already getting Social Security. It should come at the same time. But that's another rant.

I got the packet and began reading the mountain of information, describing the options and decisions you have to make to start Medicare. It's a lot of government mumbo jumbo. How do you know which option is best?

Thank God for the Internet! I went to the Internet, where you can find the answers to almost anything.

I started searching to try to find the right prescription drug plan. There are hundreds of companies to choose from. By the way, why don't prescription plans come with Medicare? That's the government for you! Why make things easy?

I printed out a long list of companies that offer drug plans in this area. I've been studying it to try to find the best deal. It may actually take until February to figure out all the paperwork! Of course, by then, Medicare could be bankrupt.

I'm sure it will all work out... eventually! The secret is to never put your trust in the government. Put your trust and hope in God, and He will never fail you. He is the answer to all our problems. Just trust in Him!

1 comment:

  1. I know, I've gone through the same thing the past month. Finally found a Medicare Plan B but it says it won't start until Jan. 1. I have doc appt. Oct. 31... more money out of my paycheck!
