I'm All In! Jesus gave His all for us. He demands our all.
I go to Briarwood Church, where the theme for this year is "All In." (You nay have noticed the All In yard signs around town.) Pastor Lynn Hancock began a series at the beginning of the year challenging people to give their all for God in 2019.
He is teaching from Luke 15 -- The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Like the prodigal son, we all may go astray and decide to go our own way. We all may hold back part of our lives. We don't give Him our all. God can't bless us unless we give Him our all. The prodigal son suffered loss when he left his father's house and went off on his own.
The son strayed, and he lost everything. The good news is he didn't stay there. The Bible says he came to himself and returned to his father.
There have been times in my life when I went out on my own. I didn't give my all in living for God. I wasn't All In. Like the prodigal son, I strayed and lost out on ALL God had in store for me. I've decided that this year I want to be All In for God. I want to give Him everything.
When the prodigal son decided to return to his father's house, the father welcomed him home with open arms, and he lavished his love on the son by giving him the best robe and a ring. He had a feast because his son "was lost and is found." That's what the heavenly Father does for us when we come to Him and give Him our all. We become a child of God, and He gives us His best.
I'm All In. Are you?
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