Busted! I was caught like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar. The head honcho spotted me cruising down Kentucky Street on my scooter the other day. He pulled me over and took me back to the nursing home.
"You know you're not supposed to be on this busy street!" he told me.
He thought they had told me to stay off Kentucky because of the traffic on that road. But they hadn't told me that. I definitely would have remembered that. Kentucky Street is the most direct route on my way to church, and I've been riding on it for years.
The traffic on Kentucky isn't really any worse than some other streets in town. Heck, it's more dangerous in the church parking lot after a Sunday morning service. You should try to get through a crowd of hungry Pentecostals all racing to beat the Baptists to the restaurants after church! Talk about road rage!
Now, I know the head honcho is only concerned for my safety, and I thank him for watching out for me but they can be a little over-concerned sometimes. I use caution, and I know which streets to avoid. As I said, I've been doing it for years.
The drivers in Pampa are usually pretty good about sharing the road. Occasionally, you get a speed-demon granny zooming past you on her way to a hot bingo game, but most drivers are courteous and will move over when they pass me. A lot of them even wave at me as they go by, and most of the time it's not a middle finger.
I know there's a risk when I get out on the street, but an accident could happen anywhere. You can't live in fear of what could happen. I would just take this time to remind all of us to be careful out there. We all have to share the roads, so let's be courteous and watch out for each other.
And just one more thing.... If you see me out, please don't call the nursing home and tell them that I've escaped!
Let's roll!
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