When I was young, it seemed like I went to the altar nearly every week to ask forgiveness for something. As a kid, I couldn't wait to grow up. I thought it would be easier to stay out of trouble and avoid sin and temptation. It's not!
Temptations still trip me up. In Genesis, it says, ".... if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
Recently, in my Bible study, I've read over and over where God says "Be holy for I am holy." It's repeated all throughout the Bible. God wants us to be holy. The problem is we can never be holy on our own. The good news is we don't have to do it on our own. God gives us His grace to lead us into holy living.
The grace of God enables us to conquer sin. His grace alone is sufficient. It's what rescues us from sin when we come to God to be saved, and it's what keeps us out of sin once we've been saved. Simply put, "grace is what saves us, sanctifies us and will ultimately glorify us."
We're not perfect... not as long as we're in this life. Being holy is an ongoing process. We're constantly learning to give up our old life of sin and take on a new nature where we strive to be like God. Holy. He is holy, so we must strive to be like Him.
We do this by reading the Bible and earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer. This gives us "the mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2:16) and enables us to think differently, which produces a real change in our character.
That's my goal.... to see real change in how I live my life. I want to learn to apply these biblical principles about holiness to my life, instead of just reading about them and spouting them off to others.
We CAN overcome sin! There is total forgiveness with God, and He will set you and me on a path of holy living. Remember, His grace is sufficient!!
Excellent article Chris! We are definitely not perfect that is true. I feel like I am not a very good christian sometimes but reading you blog encourages me. Does Claire have your blog address? She might like reading them sometime.