There's been a lot of strange things in the news and, of course, I have a few opinions on them. So here's a quick rundown on some of the top headlines:
* When a high school basketball team in San Antonio won the regional championship, team members got excited and started chanting "USA, USA!!" Now, the team is being accused of racism. It seems the other team, the LOSERS, took offense at the chant because its team is mainly Hispanic. An official with the school district said, "The implication is they are not American citizens." The winning team was forced to apologize for the chant. That's crazy. You should never have to apologize for showing your patriotism, and that's all this was. These kids didn't have time to plot a racist chant. They were caught up in the excitement of winning. I call this a case of sore losers.
* Here's another unbelievable case of stupidity: A woman in Michigan won the lottery but thinks she should still get food stamps. It was a $1 million prize. The woman complained the prize was cut to $700,000 because she took a lump sum. Then, after taxes, she said she ended up with only half a million. Poor thing! She said, "I still don't have any income, so I thought I could keep the food stamps." There's so many people who really need food stamps, and then we have crackpots like this! Wise up, lady!
* How is it that Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke doesn't have money to pay for contraception but has money to jet around the country giving TV interviews? I know.... Maybe she got a loan from that lady on food stamps! I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she was planted in the middle of the contraception controversy by the Obama administration and is getting paid to spew Obama's talking points.
* The Hypocrite-in-chief was quick to defend Sandra Fluke after Rush Limbaugh called her a 'slut.' Rush crossed the line, but where was Obama when his buddy Bill Maher was calling Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann vile names? Did Obama defend them? I guess he was too busy counting his $1 million campaign donation from Maher.
* It seems Obama will go to any lengths to get re-elected, including throwing Israel under the bus AGAIN. Apparently, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in D.C. last week, Obama offered him a deal: The U.S. will give weapons to Israel if Israel will agree to hold off on an attack on Iran until after 2012.... after the presidential election. I don't think it's possible to wait that long....
* A showdown between Israel and Iran is inevitable. Officials are speculating that the attack could occur as early as this spring. This is very serious. More and more on the news, we're hearing about wars and rumors of wars. Now where have I heard that phrase before? If you want to find out what's about to happen, just check your Bible. It's all right there.
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