Happy New Year and welcome to 2012: The year Obama is defeated! I know I've been soft on Obama in this blog, so my new year's resolution will be to be tougher on the lame-duck president (emphasis on LAME)! HA HA HA!!
The first caucus in the 2012 election is Tuesday. Everyone is making their predictions, so here's mine: Ron Paul (gag), first place; Santorum, second place; Romney, third. Of course, I'm still hoping Rick Perry will surprise everyone and win, but it doesn't look likely. We'll see how my predictions turn out....
.... But first things first. That was the theme of the sermon yesterday: Put God first in everything in our lives. That's what I want to try to do better in 2012. A lot of times, we give God our leftovers. If there's time left at the end of our day, we'll pray. If there's money left at the end of the paycheck, we'll give something to God. I've been guilty of doing that. Maybe you have, too.
God wants our first fruits, not the leftovers, in our lives. Abel brought God an offering from some of the firstborn of his flock. He gave God his best offering from the firstborn, and God looked with favor on Abel and his offering.
God gave us HIS firstborn when He sent Jesus to redeem us from our sins. God didn't hold back His firstborn, but freely gave Him so we could be saved.
He deserves first place in our lives, and there are benefits when we put Him first. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
If we seek God first, He will give us so much more than we can imagine. I learned yesterday that "seek" means "to pursue will all diligence." Let's learn to pursue God in 2012 will all diligence by giving Him first place in our lives. That's my goal this year. I want God to be first in everything I do!!
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