My blog is called "Life's Journey" because I believe life really is a journey, filled with many twists and turns, and there's a lot to see along the way. There are mountains, and there are valleys. But at the end of the journey, what will be your final destination? That's the question....
In our society, success is measured by performance and achievement. Look at Donald Trump. He's known for his success as a great businessman and his talent for making money. Those things are good, but they're not the most important things. Life, in the end, is about significance. Significance is defined by our character, our values, our beliefs and our faith.
We have a choice. We can let our life's journey take us down a road where we are measured by how much money we have and by how successful we are.... Or we can take a higher road, where our success is not tied to performance and achievement but to God.
On this new road, we leave the fear of trying to live up to others' expectations. It takes a step of faith to go off the beaten path and follow the ways of God. But if we do, we can find true success -- and fulfillment -- on our journey.
This is the road that leads to heaven, and faith is the fuel that takes us from mile marker to mile marker on the long journey. It starts by putting our faith in Jesus and relying on Him to lead us.
The first step is to realize there is a God and that He wants to help you on your journey. He's there for you, and He loves to help. Ask Him to forgive you for running in the wrong direction. Then, turn it all over to Him and let Him be your pilot. He knows the way and will lead you safely to your final destination.
No matter where you are on the journey, it's not too late to turn around and begin a new, sacred journey with God. Taking one step at a time, you will find your purpose is not in the ways of this world but in a calling that will lead you toward your eternal destination in heaven.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I dug through some of my old blogs about the 2008 election and came across this post from Feb. 26, 2008, where I made some predictions and poked fun at the candidates. I thought it would be fun to re-post it now and let you see what I wrote back then. Hope you enjoy this look back!
I'm Chris Ely, and I approve this message . . .
I am a Fox News junkie, and I am lovin' all the political coverage, especially all the sniping between the two Democrat candidates. My favorite exchange was when Hillary accused Barack Obama of political plagiarism but drew boos from a Democratic debate audience when she ridiculed him as the candidate of "change you can Xerox." That was just too funny.
Now Fox News has some really great political pundits. Dick Morris. Newt Gingrich. Bill Kristol. Juan Williams. They all have their predictions for the upcoming election. But I can opine as well as anyone else, so I thought it was time I put forth my own set of predictions for the 2008 presidential race. Here goes:
Hil-Billy Clinton will win the Texas primary on March 4. She'll also narrowly defeat Osama-bama in Ohio, and, after a nasty fight, will go on to capture the Democratic nomination.
The Republicans are also in for a battle as Mike Huckabee keeps his vow to stay in the race until the convention. I've got to admire Huckabee for his conviction and determination, but he should really bow out after the March 4 races.
In the end, John McCain will get the GOP nod. Not my first choice, but he is a strong candidate and can handle the dirty tricks the Clintons are sure to try. It's gonna get ugly, trust me.
Now, at the convention, 'ol Hil will pick New Mexico Gov. Billy-Bob Richardson as her running mate, while McCain will make a smart move and put Condoleezza Rice on the GOP ticket.
So, on the Democrat side, you'll have a woman, sort of, and a minority. And on the Republican side, you'll have a female minority with McCain.
It's going to be the nastiest, knock-down drag-out fight for the White House (I can't wait). But when the dust settles and the votes are in, it will be . . . President John McCain.
After the election, Hillary will divorce Bill and send him packin' and Bill will move into the Playboy mansion. Barack Hussein Obama will go back to the Senate, where he will continue to do nothing for four more years. Huckabee and Romney will get spots on McCain's Cabinet, and Hillary will join Algore on the list of forgettable Democrats.
Now, I could be totally wrong in my predictions, and if I am, sue me. But if I'm right, I want my own show on Fox. Happy voting, everyone!
I'm Chris Ely, and I approve this message . . .
I am a Fox News junkie, and I am lovin' all the political coverage, especially all the sniping between the two Democrat candidates. My favorite exchange was when Hillary accused Barack Obama of political plagiarism but drew boos from a Democratic debate audience when she ridiculed him as the candidate of "change you can Xerox." That was just too funny.
Now Fox News has some really great political pundits. Dick Morris. Newt Gingrich. Bill Kristol. Juan Williams. They all have their predictions for the upcoming election. But I can opine as well as anyone else, so I thought it was time I put forth my own set of predictions for the 2008 presidential race. Here goes:
Hil-Billy Clinton will win the Texas primary on March 4. She'll also narrowly defeat Osama-bama in Ohio, and, after a nasty fight, will go on to capture the Democratic nomination.
The Republicans are also in for a battle as Mike Huckabee keeps his vow to stay in the race until the convention. I've got to admire Huckabee for his conviction and determination, but he should really bow out after the March 4 races.
In the end, John McCain will get the GOP nod. Not my first choice, but he is a strong candidate and can handle the dirty tricks the Clintons are sure to try. It's gonna get ugly, trust me.
Now, at the convention, 'ol Hil will pick New Mexico Gov. Billy-Bob Richardson as her running mate, while McCain will make a smart move and put Condoleezza Rice on the GOP ticket.
So, on the Democrat side, you'll have a woman, sort of, and a minority. And on the Republican side, you'll have a female minority with McCain.
It's going to be the nastiest, knock-down drag-out fight for the White House (I can't wait). But when the dust settles and the votes are in, it will be . . . President John McCain.
After the election, Hillary will divorce Bill and send him packin' and Bill will move into the Playboy mansion. Barack Hussein Obama will go back to the Senate, where he will continue to do nothing for four more years. Huckabee and Romney will get spots on McCain's Cabinet, and Hillary will join Algore on the list of forgettable Democrats.
Now, I could be totally wrong in my predictions, and if I am, sue me. But if I'm right, I want my own show on Fox. Happy voting, everyone!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Let Go and Let God
There's a week left in January.... How are your new year's resolutions going? I've broken all of mine. Isn't that the way it always happens? We start the new year with every intention that we are going to improve our lives, but by the end of January, we're back to our old ways.
It can be that way in our Christian lives, too. We start out with great determination and enthusiasm, but somewhere along the way, we lose that passion. Why is that?
It could be that we are trying to do it in our own strength instead of relying on God's power to do the work in us. I've struggled with that a lot. I try to live a good Christian life, but I still fall short. That's because we can never be 'good enough' to earn salvation. We are saved by faith in God.
I was reading in Matthew 19, where Jesus says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. The disciples ask Him, "Then who has any chance at all?"
I like how The Message Bible gives Jesus's answer. It says, Jesus looked at them and said "No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it."
We have no chance if we try to make it on our own. We will fail every time. But there is every chance in the world that we will succeed if we trust God and allow Him to do the work in us. He can do more in a minute than we could do in a lifetime. And He will never fail!
That's why the Bible says the righteous will live by faith. It's our faith that unlocks God's power in our lives. I like the old saying "Let go and let God." It's hard to let go of the reins and give God control of our lives. But when we do, He will lead us and help us to live the life He's called us to.
So if you've failed in the past, don't give up. And don't try to fix things yourself. Learn to 'let go and let God' and see the amazing things He'll do in your life!
It can be that way in our Christian lives, too. We start out with great determination and enthusiasm, but somewhere along the way, we lose that passion. Why is that?
It could be that we are trying to do it in our own strength instead of relying on God's power to do the work in us. I've struggled with that a lot. I try to live a good Christian life, but I still fall short. That's because we can never be 'good enough' to earn salvation. We are saved by faith in God.
I was reading in Matthew 19, where Jesus says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. The disciples ask Him, "Then who has any chance at all?"
I like how The Message Bible gives Jesus's answer. It says, Jesus looked at them and said "No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it."
We have no chance if we try to make it on our own. We will fail every time. But there is every chance in the world that we will succeed if we trust God and allow Him to do the work in us. He can do more in a minute than we could do in a lifetime. And He will never fail!
That's why the Bible says the righteous will live by faith. It's our faith that unlocks God's power in our lives. I like the old saying "Let go and let God." It's hard to let go of the reins and give God control of our lives. But when we do, He will lead us and help us to live the life He's called us to.
So if you've failed in the past, don't give up. And don't try to fix things yourself. Learn to 'let go and let God' and see the amazing things He'll do in your life!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
New Ride

I call her 'Viper' because it is viper blue. I still have 'Big Red,' but she was getting kind of old and set in her ways (just like a woman) so I invested in a newer model. I really like it. It's fast! It even has mirrors and a horn. All it needs now is some decorative duct tape (for Mom) and a No-Bama 2012 bumper sticker!
I can't wait to get her out on the highway -- or Walmart. So if you see someone buzzing down the aisles, look out because here I come!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Progress for Pampa
I was driving around town the other day and saw something you don't see much of in Pampa: Construction.
There are several new building projects starting around town. Down the street from me, a new bank branch is going up. There has been a sign on that corner for several years, announcing the "Future home of Happy State Bank." When I moved back to Pampa, nearly two years ago, I chose Happy State Bank to open my account because that new branch will be real convenient for me. I can ride down there on my scooter. I didn't know I'd have to wait TWO years! The bank will open sometime this summer. That's some progress.
Across the street from the new bank, a new McDonald's is being built. The old one was torn down last week, and a new high-tech one will replace it. The new store will have wireless Internet access. I guess that's progress. I'm just hoping it will have easier wheelchair access. The old McD's had a very narrow entryway and made it hard to get in with the scooter. I like going through the drive-thru. It freaks them out when they see me come through on my scooter!
In the same shopping center with McDonald's, the school district has bought an old Albertsons grocery store building and will convert it into its new administration building. That's where my sister will work. Since she'll be right up the road from me, I'm sure she will pop over here and make lunch for me! The district has needed a new administration building for a long time. That's progress.
There are other signs of progress around Pampa. A new restaurant opened last week. It was obviously named after me: "Chubby's Burrito." It will feature build-your-own burritos. I can't wait to check it out.... when the crowd dies down. Another restaurant in town is being renovated and will open soon.
There's also construction at the hospital, where a new helipad is being built. The hospital is being sold to an out-of-state company, and there are lots of changes taking place out there. Maybe they will bring in some new doctors to replace those veterinarians who work out there now. That would be real progress.
I know I like to make fun of living in a small town, but Pampa is really a pretty good place to live. It's actually the second largest city in the Panhandle. There are a lot of good things happening in Pampa right now. And my family is here. That's the real reason that I like to call Pampa 'home.'
There are several new building projects starting around town. Down the street from me, a new bank branch is going up. There has been a sign on that corner for several years, announcing the "Future home of Happy State Bank." When I moved back to Pampa, nearly two years ago, I chose Happy State Bank to open my account because that new branch will be real convenient for me. I can ride down there on my scooter. I didn't know I'd have to wait TWO years! The bank will open sometime this summer. That's some progress.
Across the street from the new bank, a new McDonald's is being built. The old one was torn down last week, and a new high-tech one will replace it. The new store will have wireless Internet access. I guess that's progress. I'm just hoping it will have easier wheelchair access. The old McD's had a very narrow entryway and made it hard to get in with the scooter. I like going through the drive-thru. It freaks them out when they see me come through on my scooter!
In the same shopping center with McDonald's, the school district has bought an old Albertsons grocery store building and will convert it into its new administration building. That's where my sister will work. Since she'll be right up the road from me, I'm sure she will pop over here and make lunch for me! The district has needed a new administration building for a long time. That's progress.
There are other signs of progress around Pampa. A new restaurant opened last week. It was obviously named after me: "Chubby's Burrito." It will feature build-your-own burritos. I can't wait to check it out.... when the crowd dies down. Another restaurant in town is being renovated and will open soon.
There's also construction at the hospital, where a new helipad is being built. The hospital is being sold to an out-of-state company, and there are lots of changes taking place out there. Maybe they will bring in some new doctors to replace those veterinarians who work out there now. That would be real progress.
I know I like to make fun of living in a small town, but Pampa is really a pretty good place to live. It's actually the second largest city in the Panhandle. There are a lot of good things happening in Pampa right now. And my family is here. That's the real reason that I like to call Pampa 'home.'
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Ups and Downs
The first primary of the 2012 election was a real let-down. I turned on the TV at 7, and the race had already been called for Romney. I was hoping for at least a little excitement, but it wasn't even close! Ron Paul was a distant second place at 24 percent (Who knew there were that many potheads in New Hampshire?).
No one else even came close to Romney. Now, the candidates have moved on to South Carolina, where Romney is in the lead again and appears to have smooth sailing to clinch the Republican nomination.
But I could be wrong. In 2008, I predicted Hilary Clinton to win the Democrat race and Rudy Giuliani for the Republicans. Boy, was I wrong then. My predictions were completely off. So, with that track record, I think I can safely predict that Barack Obama will win by a landslide.... for dog catcher!
I don't see how Obama could possibly win re-election with his record over the last four years. But stranger things have happened.
I had high hopes for Rick Perry, but he's fallen into oblivion in the polls. Gingrich looked like he was coming on strong in Iowa. Now, he's dropped back. Huntsman is too liberal. Bachmann is out of the race, and as Brit Hume said, Ron Paul has as much chance of winning as Ru Paul. That leaves Romney and Rick Santorum.
I really like Santorum. He's clearly one of the most conservative. I like what he stands for, and he's probably the most honest candidate in the pack. He should do well in South Carolina and the southern states. I hope Santorum can win, but I'm OK if Romney is our nominee. Romney would be a great president.
I'm not making a prediction, though. I'll stick with predicting the weather. I'm much better at that!
No one else even came close to Romney. Now, the candidates have moved on to South Carolina, where Romney is in the lead again and appears to have smooth sailing to clinch the Republican nomination.
But I could be wrong. In 2008, I predicted Hilary Clinton to win the Democrat race and Rudy Giuliani for the Republicans. Boy, was I wrong then. My predictions were completely off. So, with that track record, I think I can safely predict that Barack Obama will win by a landslide.... for dog catcher!
I don't see how Obama could possibly win re-election with his record over the last four years. But stranger things have happened.
I had high hopes for Rick Perry, but he's fallen into oblivion in the polls. Gingrich looked like he was coming on strong in Iowa. Now, he's dropped back. Huntsman is too liberal. Bachmann is out of the race, and as Brit Hume said, Ron Paul has as much chance of winning as Ru Paul. That leaves Romney and Rick Santorum.
I really like Santorum. He's clearly one of the most conservative. I like what he stands for, and he's probably the most honest candidate in the pack. He should do well in South Carolina and the southern states. I hope Santorum can win, but I'm OK if Romney is our nominee. Romney would be a great president.
I'm not making a prediction, though. I'll stick with predicting the weather. I'm much better at that!
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Way, The Truth, The Life
I watched Oprah's interview of Joel Osteen last night. I'm not a big fan of Joel Osteen, and I'm certainly not crazy about Oprah. But there didn't happen to be another presidential debate on at the time, so I tuned in to watch the interview. It was.... interesting.
Joel's dad, John Osteen, was a powerhouse preacher. I still hear his sermons on the radio sometimes. That man preached the truth, and he didn't sugarcoat it, either! Joel, on the other hand, will hardly touch the tough issues.
To me, Joel is almost more of a motivational speaker than a preacher. His messages encourage and build up his audience, which is part of a pastor's responsibility, but many of Joel's sermons leave out an important part of the Gospel message: the need for repentance.
I think it's very strange that Joel's Lakewood Church in Houston doesn't have any pictures of Jesus or even a cross in the church. Church is supposed to be all about Jesus, so why are there no pictures of Him?
Oprah asked the usual questions, and Joel did his best to skirt the tough issues. Oprah asks, "Is there more than one path to God?" He says Jesus is the only way to God, but there may be more than one path to Jesus. Why not speak more boldly so that there's no question about it?
In John 14:6, Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That's pretty plain, isn't it?
Then, Oprah hits him with the "BIG" question: "Is homosexuality a sin?" He sounded reluctant to come out and say it directly, but Joel said he does see it as a sin, based on the Scriptures. But then he talked like sin is really no big deal.
"Sometimes we look at gay being a bigger sin than being proud or not telling the truth," he said. "I don't think God categorizes sins.... To think that we're all going to be without one sin? I hope that's true, but I don't think any of us would make it to heaven."
That is true. Sin is sin, whether it's a lie or murder. But ALL sin is a very big deal, and people need to know that their sins WILL keep them out of heaven.
Preachers like Joel Osteen offer people a false security when they downplay sin. God hates sin, and anyone who continues to sin deliberately won't make it into heaven. In 1 John 3:6, it says, "No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him."
That doesn't mean we're all going to be perfect when we come to Christ. We're going to fall sometimes. But if we do sin, God forgives us if we will confess it and be quick to repent of it. 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
We will struggle with temptations and sin as long as we're in this life, but we can live a life without sin through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I'm not trying to condemn anyone. I just don't want my friends and others to be deceived into thinking sin isn't a big deal. I want them to know the full message of the Gospel: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
Jesus preached a bold and direct message when He came to earth: Repent for the kingdom of God is near. But He did it out of love and compassion. He told the woman caught in adultery "....Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."
I want to be like Jesus in sharing the Gospel. I want to be bold to proclaim the truth but do it out of love and concern for the lost. If you haven't made Jesus your lord and savior, I would just repeat those words that Jesus spoke.... "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."
Joel's dad, John Osteen, was a powerhouse preacher. I still hear his sermons on the radio sometimes. That man preached the truth, and he didn't sugarcoat it, either! Joel, on the other hand, will hardly touch the tough issues.
To me, Joel is almost more of a motivational speaker than a preacher. His messages encourage and build up his audience, which is part of a pastor's responsibility, but many of Joel's sermons leave out an important part of the Gospel message: the need for repentance.
I think it's very strange that Joel's Lakewood Church in Houston doesn't have any pictures of Jesus or even a cross in the church. Church is supposed to be all about Jesus, so why are there no pictures of Him?
Oprah asked the usual questions, and Joel did his best to skirt the tough issues. Oprah asks, "Is there more than one path to God?" He says Jesus is the only way to God, but there may be more than one path to Jesus. Why not speak more boldly so that there's no question about it?
In John 14:6, Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That's pretty plain, isn't it?
Then, Oprah hits him with the "BIG" question: "Is homosexuality a sin?" He sounded reluctant to come out and say it directly, but Joel said he does see it as a sin, based on the Scriptures. But then he talked like sin is really no big deal.
"Sometimes we look at gay being a bigger sin than being proud or not telling the truth," he said. "I don't think God categorizes sins.... To think that we're all going to be without one sin? I hope that's true, but I don't think any of us would make it to heaven."
That is true. Sin is sin, whether it's a lie or murder. But ALL sin is a very big deal, and people need to know that their sins WILL keep them out of heaven.
Preachers like Joel Osteen offer people a false security when they downplay sin. God hates sin, and anyone who continues to sin deliberately won't make it into heaven. In 1 John 3:6, it says, "No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him."
That doesn't mean we're all going to be perfect when we come to Christ. We're going to fall sometimes. But if we do sin, God forgives us if we will confess it and be quick to repent of it. 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
We will struggle with temptations and sin as long as we're in this life, but we can live a life without sin through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I'm not trying to condemn anyone. I just don't want my friends and others to be deceived into thinking sin isn't a big deal. I want them to know the full message of the Gospel: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
Jesus preached a bold and direct message when He came to earth: Repent for the kingdom of God is near. But He did it out of love and compassion. He told the woman caught in adultery "....Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."
I want to be like Jesus in sharing the Gospel. I want to be bold to proclaim the truth but do it out of love and concern for the lost. If you haven't made Jesus your lord and savior, I would just repeat those words that Jesus spoke.... "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."
Monday, January 2, 2012
Put First Things First
Happy New Year and welcome to 2012: The year Obama is defeated! I know I've been soft on Obama in this blog, so my new year's resolution will be to be tougher on the lame-duck president (emphasis on LAME)! HA HA HA!!
The first caucus in the 2012 election is Tuesday. Everyone is making their predictions, so here's mine: Ron Paul (gag), first place; Santorum, second place; Romney, third. Of course, I'm still hoping Rick Perry will surprise everyone and win, but it doesn't look likely. We'll see how my predictions turn out....
.... But first things first. That was the theme of the sermon yesterday: Put God first in everything in our lives. That's what I want to try to do better in 2012. A lot of times, we give God our leftovers. If there's time left at the end of our day, we'll pray. If there's money left at the end of the paycheck, we'll give something to God. I've been guilty of doing that. Maybe you have, too.
God wants our first fruits, not the leftovers, in our lives. Abel brought God an offering from some of the firstborn of his flock. He gave God his best offering from the firstborn, and God looked with favor on Abel and his offering.
God gave us HIS firstborn when He sent Jesus to redeem us from our sins. God didn't hold back His firstborn, but freely gave Him so we could be saved.
He deserves first place in our lives, and there are benefits when we put Him first. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
If we seek God first, He will give us so much more than we can imagine. I learned yesterday that "seek" means "to pursue will all diligence." Let's learn to pursue God in 2012 will all diligence by giving Him first place in our lives. That's my goal this year. I want God to be first in everything I do!!
The first caucus in the 2012 election is Tuesday. Everyone is making their predictions, so here's mine: Ron Paul (gag), first place; Santorum, second place; Romney, third. Of course, I'm still hoping Rick Perry will surprise everyone and win, but it doesn't look likely. We'll see how my predictions turn out....
.... But first things first. That was the theme of the sermon yesterday: Put God first in everything in our lives. That's what I want to try to do better in 2012. A lot of times, we give God our leftovers. If there's time left at the end of our day, we'll pray. If there's money left at the end of the paycheck, we'll give something to God. I've been guilty of doing that. Maybe you have, too.
God wants our first fruits, not the leftovers, in our lives. Abel brought God an offering from some of the firstborn of his flock. He gave God his best offering from the firstborn, and God looked with favor on Abel and his offering.
God gave us HIS firstborn when He sent Jesus to redeem us from our sins. God didn't hold back His firstborn, but freely gave Him so we could be saved.
He deserves first place in our lives, and there are benefits when we put Him first. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
If we seek God first, He will give us so much more than we can imagine. I learned yesterday that "seek" means "to pursue will all diligence." Let's learn to pursue God in 2012 will all diligence by giving Him first place in our lives. That's my goal this year. I want God to be first in everything I do!!
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