That's a line from a song by Gordon Mote: "Don't worry 'bout nothin'; Pray about everything." I love that! We worry about so many things that don't even matter. Isn't it better to pray about it and leave it in God's hands? It's not easy to do sometimes, but God is bigger than all our problems. He can handle it. Trust Him!
I'm always saying, "Don't worry about it." Mom gets tired of hearing me say it. But it's true. We can't change anything by worrying about it, so why worry?
I was blessed when I heard that song again yesterday. Gordon Mote was in Pampa yesterday and sang the song. He even sells T-shirts that say, "Don't worry 'bout nothin'; Pray about everything." I had to get one! Maybe I'll give it to Mom.... or maybe I'll wear it myself.
I've written about Gordon Mote before on this blog, but he really amazes and inspires me. He's best known for playing the piano on the Gaither music videos and tours. He also plays keyboard for many country music stars in the studios in Nashville. He's been named Best Studio Musician by the CMA several times.
The amazing thing about him is that he's blind. At age 3, he sat down at the piano and started playing. Gordon gives glory to God by sharing his testimony and using his amazing talent to play and sing Christian music. Every time I hear his testimony on TV or in a concert, it inspires me.
He's been in Pampa several times, and I love hearing him. He's also very funny. As you can imagine, he has experienced many things as he travels around the world with the Gaithers, and he tells about his experiences in such a funny way.
His songs are uplifting and he encourages people to focus on God, in songs like "Don't Let Me Miss the Glory" and "Pray About Everything." I was so blessed by the concert yesterday, and it reminded me, "Don't worry 'bout nothin'."
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