That's a line from a song by Gordon Mote: "Don't worry 'bout nothin'; Pray about everything." I love that! We worry about so many things that don't even matter. Isn't it better to pray about it and leave it in God's hands? It's not easy to do sometimes, but God is bigger than all our problems. He can handle it. Trust Him!
I'm always saying, "Don't worry about it." Mom gets tired of hearing me say it. But it's true. We can't change anything by worrying about it, so why worry?
I was blessed when I heard that song again yesterday. Gordon Mote was in Pampa yesterday and sang the song. He even sells T-shirts that say, "Don't worry 'bout nothin'; Pray about everything." I had to get one! Maybe I'll give it to Mom.... or maybe I'll wear it myself.
I've written about Gordon Mote before on this blog, but he really amazes and inspires me. He's best known for playing the piano on the Gaither music videos and tours. He also plays keyboard for many country music stars in the studios in Nashville. He's been named Best Studio Musician by the CMA several times.
The amazing thing about him is that he's blind. At age 3, he sat down at the piano and started playing. Gordon gives glory to God by sharing his testimony and using his amazing talent to play and sing Christian music. Every time I hear his testimony on TV or in a concert, it inspires me.
He's been in Pampa several times, and I love hearing him. He's also very funny. As you can imagine, he has experienced many things as he travels around the world with the Gaithers, and he tells about his experiences in such a funny way.
His songs are uplifting and he encourages people to focus on God, in songs like "Don't Let Me Miss the Glory" and "Pray About Everything." I was so blessed by the concert yesterday, and it reminded me, "Don't worry 'bout nothin'."
Monday, October 31, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Here We Go Again...
This is the time of the year when the crazies start coming out of the woodwork. You have ghosts and ghouls, witches and goblins, and, of course, P.C. liberals.
The politically correct crowd appears about this time every year, trying to take "Christ" out of Christmas and attempting to rid all holidays of their true meanings. This year, the barrage is starting even earlier. An elementary school principal in Massachusetts wants to ban celebrations of fall holidays, such as Columbus Day, because they may be offensive to some.
Here's what the nutty principal had to say: "When we were young, we might have been able to claim ignorance of the atrocities that Christopher Columbus committed against the indigenous peoples. We can no longer do so.... celebrating this particular person is an insult and a slight to the people he annihilated."
I thought this had to be a joke when I read it. But this is real. There are actually warped people who think this way. I just have to laugh at people like that.
I love Columbus Day. But, personally, I think it should be celebrated on Oct. 19 because that's the day this Christopher discovered America! That should be a national holiday, don't you think?
This crazy principal goes on to say we need to ban celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving, too. I understand the concern about Halloween because of its connection to witchcraft, but when did it become offensive to give thanks? The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 to give thanks for the harvest reaped by the Plymouth colony after a harsh winter. It became a national holiday in 1863. It's just as important for the country to give thanks now as it was back then. We are a blessed nation.
People need to lighten up, especially with all this political correctness. If a holiday "offends" you, don't celebrate it. But don't ruin it for the rest of us. I'm going to celebrate anyway! So Happy Columbus Day, Happy Halloween and Merry CHRISTmas!!
The politically correct crowd appears about this time every year, trying to take "Christ" out of Christmas and attempting to rid all holidays of their true meanings. This year, the barrage is starting even earlier. An elementary school principal in Massachusetts wants to ban celebrations of fall holidays, such as Columbus Day, because they may be offensive to some.
Here's what the nutty principal had to say: "When we were young, we might have been able to claim ignorance of the atrocities that Christopher Columbus committed against the indigenous peoples. We can no longer do so.... celebrating this particular person is an insult and a slight to the people he annihilated."
I thought this had to be a joke when I read it. But this is real. There are actually warped people who think this way. I just have to laugh at people like that.
I love Columbus Day. But, personally, I think it should be celebrated on Oct. 19 because that's the day this Christopher discovered America! That should be a national holiday, don't you think?
This crazy principal goes on to say we need to ban celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving, too. I understand the concern about Halloween because of its connection to witchcraft, but when did it become offensive to give thanks? The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 to give thanks for the harvest reaped by the Plymouth colony after a harsh winter. It became a national holiday in 1863. It's just as important for the country to give thanks now as it was back then. We are a blessed nation.
People need to lighten up, especially with all this political correctness. If a holiday "offends" you, don't celebrate it. But don't ruin it for the rest of us. I'm going to celebrate anyway! So Happy Columbus Day, Happy Halloween and Merry CHRISTmas!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
So Long, Mac!
I said goodbye to a good friend this week. Mac and I spent a lot of time together, especially in the last couple of years. I will miss spending time with Mac.
Mac was very smart. Whenever I had a question about anything, I could always turn to Mac to find the answer. Mac helped me in so many ways over the years. We did nearly everything together. We played games together; we listened to music; Mac even helped me with my writing.
I noticed Mac starting to slow down in the last couple of years. There just wasn't the same zip as there used to be. Mac's memory wasn't what it used to be either. It wasn't Mac's fault. Mac was getting really old.
Mac had several procedures in recent years, and that seemed to help for a while. But, over time, Mac started to slow down again. Some days, it seems that all Mac wanted to do was sleep. And, after so many years of working hard and doing so many things, Mac deserved the rest.
It was really hard to let go of Mac, but I knew the time had finally come. Yes, it was time to pull the plug.
So, with great sadness, I bid farewell to my Apple iMac G3 Bondi blue computer! I loved you, iMac!
And though I got another computer several years ago, it can never replace you, Mac. Sure, it has a flat screen and more speed, but it's not the same. It will never be the same again.
So long, Mac!
Mac was very smart. Whenever I had a question about anything, I could always turn to Mac to find the answer. Mac helped me in so many ways over the years. We did nearly everything together. We played games together; we listened to music; Mac even helped me with my writing.
I noticed Mac starting to slow down in the last couple of years. There just wasn't the same zip as there used to be. Mac's memory wasn't what it used to be either. It wasn't Mac's fault. Mac was getting really old.
Mac had several procedures in recent years, and that seemed to help for a while. But, over time, Mac started to slow down again. Some days, it seems that all Mac wanted to do was sleep. And, after so many years of working hard and doing so many things, Mac deserved the rest.
It was really hard to let go of Mac, but I knew the time had finally come. Yes, it was time to pull the plug.
So, with great sadness, I bid farewell to my Apple iMac G3 Bondi blue computer! I loved you, iMac!

And though I got another computer several years ago, it can never replace you, Mac. Sure, it has a flat screen and more speed, but it's not the same. It will never be the same again.
So long, Mac!
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Great Debate
We had an interesting discussion in Sunday school yesterday. The teacher told us last week that we'd be talking about a controversial subject, and he was right. Using a lesson from Max Lucado's book "3:16," we talked about the "Once saved, Always saved" debate. Once you give your life to God, are you always saved? Or can you do something to lose your salvation?
This debate has been around as long as I can remember. Like the church in general, our Sunday school class was split on the subject.
Lucado's book uses John 10:27-30 to argue for eternal security. It says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand."
Some say, based on that Scripture, that once you are saved, you can never do anything to be "snatched" out of God's hand and lose your eternal salvation.
I believe it's possible to lose your salvation IF you deliberately continue to sin once you've come to the truth. We all make mistakes. Thank God, the Lord is patient and gives us chance after chance to come to Him and be forgiven. But if we continue to stubbornly go our own way after we know the right way, there comes a point when we're in danger of losing our salvation.
I've struggled with this issue in my life. Growing up, I thought every time I told a lie or said a bad word, I needed to go to the altar to get "saved again." I was haunted with fear as a child because I was afraid Jesus would come back before I got right again.
I realize now that God is not waiting to zap me the minute I do something wrong. He is a kind and loving God, and He's full of compassion and forgiveness. I love Lamentations 3:22-23, which says, "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Still, we can't live any way we want to and expect to make it to heaven. The Bible has some clear warnings for believers. In Revelation 2-3, Jesus had some strong words for the seven churches. To the church in Ephesus, He said they had forsaken their first love. He tells them to repent or He would remove their lampstand from its place.
God, in His love, gives us warnings. In the Old Testament, He sent the prophets to warn His people to turn from their sin. If they refused, God's judgment came upon them. The New Testament says that some will fall away in the last days.
In 1 Timothy 4:1, it says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits.
To me, the "Once saved, Always saved" debate comes down to a matter of the heart. God knows what's in a man's heart. Our class had differing opinions on this debate, but I think we all agreed that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him, as it says in Hebrews 11:6. We may fall sometimes, but if we serve the Lord with all our heart, He will see us through to the day of salvation.
I love debates like this, so I enjoyed yesterday's class. There are arguments that can be made on both sides. It's up to each of us to weigh all the arguments and then let the Bible and our hearts guide us on what we believe.
So I wonder what we'll debate next Sunday....
This debate has been around as long as I can remember. Like the church in general, our Sunday school class was split on the subject.
Lucado's book uses John 10:27-30 to argue for eternal security. It says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand."
Some say, based on that Scripture, that once you are saved, you can never do anything to be "snatched" out of God's hand and lose your eternal salvation.
I believe it's possible to lose your salvation IF you deliberately continue to sin once you've come to the truth. We all make mistakes. Thank God, the Lord is patient and gives us chance after chance to come to Him and be forgiven. But if we continue to stubbornly go our own way after we know the right way, there comes a point when we're in danger of losing our salvation.
I've struggled with this issue in my life. Growing up, I thought every time I told a lie or said a bad word, I needed to go to the altar to get "saved again." I was haunted with fear as a child because I was afraid Jesus would come back before I got right again.
I realize now that God is not waiting to zap me the minute I do something wrong. He is a kind and loving God, and He's full of compassion and forgiveness. I love Lamentations 3:22-23, which says, "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Still, we can't live any way we want to and expect to make it to heaven. The Bible has some clear warnings for believers. In Revelation 2-3, Jesus had some strong words for the seven churches. To the church in Ephesus, He said they had forsaken their first love. He tells them to repent or He would remove their lampstand from its place.
God, in His love, gives us warnings. In the Old Testament, He sent the prophets to warn His people to turn from their sin. If they refused, God's judgment came upon them. The New Testament says that some will fall away in the last days.
In 1 Timothy 4:1, it says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits.
To me, the "Once saved, Always saved" debate comes down to a matter of the heart. God knows what's in a man's heart. Our class had differing opinions on this debate, but I think we all agreed that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him, as it says in Hebrews 11:6. We may fall sometimes, but if we serve the Lord with all our heart, He will see us through to the day of salvation.
I love debates like this, so I enjoyed yesterday's class. There are arguments that can be made on both sides. It's up to each of us to weigh all the arguments and then let the Bible and our hearts guide us on what we believe.
So I wonder what we'll debate next Sunday....
Friday, October 14, 2011
New Adventures
Some call it a nightmare. I prefer to think of it as an adventure. Either way, I'm sure it's no fun and a lot of frustration.
I'm talking about Medicare. I got the packet in the mail this week to sign up for Medicare. I will be eligible for coverage starting in February. No, I'm not turning 65. I'm not that old yet. I'm eligible for Medicare because I've been on Social Security Disability nearly two years. I'm still think it's silly that you have to wait two years to qualify for Medicare if you're already getting Social Security. It should come at the same time. But that's another rant.
I got the packet and began reading the mountain of information, describing the options and decisions you have to make to start Medicare. It's a lot of government mumbo jumbo. How do you know which option is best?
Thank God for the Internet! I went to the Internet, where you can find the answers to almost anything.
I started searching to try to find the right prescription drug plan. There are hundreds of companies to choose from. By the way, why don't prescription plans come with Medicare? That's the government for you! Why make things easy?
I printed out a long list of companies that offer drug plans in this area. I've been studying it to try to find the best deal. It may actually take until February to figure out all the paperwork! Of course, by then, Medicare could be bankrupt.
I'm sure it will all work out... eventually! The secret is to never put your trust in the government. Put your trust and hope in God, and He will never fail you. He is the answer to all our problems. Just trust in Him!
I'm talking about Medicare. I got the packet in the mail this week to sign up for Medicare. I will be eligible for coverage starting in February. No, I'm not turning 65. I'm not that old yet. I'm eligible for Medicare because I've been on Social Security Disability nearly two years. I'm still think it's silly that you have to wait two years to qualify for Medicare if you're already getting Social Security. It should come at the same time. But that's another rant.
I got the packet and began reading the mountain of information, describing the options and decisions you have to make to start Medicare. It's a lot of government mumbo jumbo. How do you know which option is best?
Thank God for the Internet! I went to the Internet, where you can find the answers to almost anything.
I started searching to try to find the right prescription drug plan. There are hundreds of companies to choose from. By the way, why don't prescription plans come with Medicare? That's the government for you! Why make things easy?
I printed out a long list of companies that offer drug plans in this area. I've been studying it to try to find the best deal. It may actually take until February to figure out all the paperwork! Of course, by then, Medicare could be bankrupt.
I'm sure it will all work out... eventually! The secret is to never put your trust in the government. Put your trust and hope in God, and He will never fail you. He is the answer to all our problems. Just trust in Him!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Be Bold
Finally, some good news in the war on Christianity in America. A Christian business owner is stepping out to try to spread the Gospel at his shop. The Kwik Kar Lube & Service in Plano is offering customers a discount on oil changes if they recite John 3:16 when they bring their cars in.
Other than the fact that the shop owner obviously can't spell (Kwik Kar?), I think he's doing a great thing. He has taken a stand by showing he's not afraid to share his faith.
Charlie Whittington came up with the deal to give customers an oil change for $19.99 if they will recite a Bible verse. He says it is a way to get people started talking about the things of God. Of course, some customers have complained. When one customer refused to say the verse, his bill went up to $46.
Whittington is standing firm on his faith and says he will continue to offer the deal, despite a few complaints. Good for him!
He believes he has every right to offer the special discount, and, for once, the law agrees. The district attorney has said that as a private business Whittington's Bible-based discount is within the law. But the D.A. added, “The study of the Bible has many rewards. I’m not sure that God intended a lube discount to be among its many riches.”
It's great to see the law on the side of Christians for once. After seeing so many stories where the law tries to limit our rights as believers, this is good news. It should encourage others to step out and take a stand for what they believe in. Of course, some people will always complain and try to shut us up, but we should speak up anyway.
I'm glad to see there are business owners like Whittington who are spreading the light of God in the workplace in a bold way. I only wish there were more like him!
Other than the fact that the shop owner obviously can't spell (Kwik Kar?), I think he's doing a great thing. He has taken a stand by showing he's not afraid to share his faith.
Charlie Whittington came up with the deal to give customers an oil change for $19.99 if they will recite a Bible verse. He says it is a way to get people started talking about the things of God. Of course, some customers have complained. When one customer refused to say the verse, his bill went up to $46.
Whittington is standing firm on his faith and says he will continue to offer the deal, despite a few complaints. Good for him!
He believes he has every right to offer the special discount, and, for once, the law agrees. The district attorney has said that as a private business Whittington's Bible-based discount is within the law. But the D.A. added, “The study of the Bible has many rewards. I’m not sure that God intended a lube discount to be among its many riches.”
It's great to see the law on the side of Christians for once. After seeing so many stories where the law tries to limit our rights as believers, this is good news. It should encourage others to step out and take a stand for what they believe in. Of course, some people will always complain and try to shut us up, but we should speak up anyway.
I'm glad to see there are business owners like Whittington who are spreading the light of God in the workplace in a bold way. I only wish there were more like him!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Ins and Outs
He's in; he's out; he's in. Now, Chris Christie is definitely out of the race for president. Ask me if I care. I don't.
Chris Christie may be a good governor for New Jersey, but he's not a true conservative. I don't see why so many people were pushing him to get into the race. I want a true conservative as our next president, and Christie doesn't fill the bill. His views on gun control, civil unions for gays, immigration and global warming are all wrong. I'm glad he's finally ended the charade and made it clear that he won't run.
Sarah Palin has finally decided that she won't run either. It's about time. I was getting tired of watching her race around the country in her bus acting like she was already a candidate. I think she knew all along that she wasn't going to run. She just likes all the attention.
Palin is a true conservative, and I like her and what she stands for. But she's too polarizing to get elected. She's the Hilary Clinton of the Republican party. You either love her or hate her.
My man, Rick Perry, took a hit in the last debate, but he's still in the race. He made some mistakes in the debate, but so what? He'll be all right; he's a Texan. Unlike the Dallas Cowboys, Perry can still make a comeback. (Come on, Cowboy fans, you know it's true.) It will be fun to watch Perry claw his way back to the top of the polls.
You can't count Herman Cain out either. He's been on a roll lately. I like Cain but wonder if he has enough experience in foreign affairs. Then again, he has to be better than Obama. Anyone is better than Obama!
After the next debate, I think we'll see several of the candidates drop out, such as Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson. They don't have much of a shot of winning the nomination. Michele Bachmann is fading fast, too. Newt and Santorum need to hustle if they want to stay competitive.
I think it will come down to a three-way race between Romney, Perry and Cain. Whoever comes out on top will take on Obama to make him a one-term president, and that's really all that matters.
Chris Christie may be a good governor for New Jersey, but he's not a true conservative. I don't see why so many people were pushing him to get into the race. I want a true conservative as our next president, and Christie doesn't fill the bill. His views on gun control, civil unions for gays, immigration and global warming are all wrong. I'm glad he's finally ended the charade and made it clear that he won't run.
Sarah Palin has finally decided that she won't run either. It's about time. I was getting tired of watching her race around the country in her bus acting like she was already a candidate. I think she knew all along that she wasn't going to run. She just likes all the attention.
Palin is a true conservative, and I like her and what she stands for. But she's too polarizing to get elected. She's the Hilary Clinton of the Republican party. You either love her or hate her.
My man, Rick Perry, took a hit in the last debate, but he's still in the race. He made some mistakes in the debate, but so what? He'll be all right; he's a Texan. Unlike the Dallas Cowboys, Perry can still make a comeback. (Come on, Cowboy fans, you know it's true.) It will be fun to watch Perry claw his way back to the top of the polls.
You can't count Herman Cain out either. He's been on a roll lately. I like Cain but wonder if he has enough experience in foreign affairs. Then again, he has to be better than Obama. Anyone is better than Obama!
After the next debate, I think we'll see several of the candidates drop out, such as Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson. They don't have much of a shot of winning the nomination. Michele Bachmann is fading fast, too. Newt and Santorum need to hustle if they want to stay competitive.
I think it will come down to a three-way race between Romney, Perry and Cain. Whoever comes out on top will take on Obama to make him a one-term president, and that's really all that matters.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Stay Off The Sidewalks
Those folks at the DPS office have no sense of humor. I went to renew my driver's license. You know what that means... Stay off the sidewalks! I guess they've heard that one before. They didn't think that was very funny.
I'm always a little nervous when I have to go renew my license. The DPS wasn't too keen on the idea of giving me a license in the first place. It took quite a bit of persuasion to get them to give me a chance, but they finally agreed. I passed my driving test on the first try, and I've had my freedom ever since.
The crew at Pampa's DPS office is much friendlier than Amarillo's office. The clerk was very helpful in getting things set up for me, and I didn't even have to wait in a long line like Amarillo's DPS usually has.
I hate trying to look into that machine for the eye test. I read the numbers just fine with my right eye, but some of the numbers looked smaller with my left eye. It worked out all right, though. The clerk couldn't understand me anyway. I just mumbled some numbers, and she said, "OK, that's good enough!"
Then, it was time to take the picture. It probably didn't help that I backed into the wall with my scooter when I was lining up in front of the camera. She said, "I hope you drive better than that." My picture looks like one of those scary celebrity mug shots you see on TV. I think DPS takes bad pictures on purpose.
I try to be a careful driver. I've had only one accident in the 15 years that I've been on the road, and I've never had a speeding ticket. On my way to work in Amarillo, I used to see Kojak with his Kodak sitting on the side of the road trying to catch speeders headed into downtown. He pulled me over once, but he just gave me a warning.
That reminds me of something that happened to my cousin. He was stopped on the highway for speeding one time. The officer walked up to the car and said, "Son, I've been waiting on you all day." Then, my cousin replied, "Well, I got here as fast as I could!" The officer laughed and let him go with a warning.
I'm relieved that my license was renewed, and I got my new one in the mail last week. Next time, I'll be able to renew it online. That means I won't have to go back to the DPS to renew it in person for 12 years. So, until then, stay off the sidewalks!
I'm always a little nervous when I have to go renew my license. The DPS wasn't too keen on the idea of giving me a license in the first place. It took quite a bit of persuasion to get them to give me a chance, but they finally agreed. I passed my driving test on the first try, and I've had my freedom ever since.
The crew at Pampa's DPS office is much friendlier than Amarillo's office. The clerk was very helpful in getting things set up for me, and I didn't even have to wait in a long line like Amarillo's DPS usually has.
I hate trying to look into that machine for the eye test. I read the numbers just fine with my right eye, but some of the numbers looked smaller with my left eye. It worked out all right, though. The clerk couldn't understand me anyway. I just mumbled some numbers, and she said, "OK, that's good enough!"
Then, it was time to take the picture. It probably didn't help that I backed into the wall with my scooter when I was lining up in front of the camera. She said, "I hope you drive better than that." My picture looks like one of those scary celebrity mug shots you see on TV. I think DPS takes bad pictures on purpose.
I try to be a careful driver. I've had only one accident in the 15 years that I've been on the road, and I've never had a speeding ticket. On my way to work in Amarillo, I used to see Kojak with his Kodak sitting on the side of the road trying to catch speeders headed into downtown. He pulled me over once, but he just gave me a warning.
That reminds me of something that happened to my cousin. He was stopped on the highway for speeding one time. The officer walked up to the car and said, "Son, I've been waiting on you all day." Then, my cousin replied, "Well, I got here as fast as I could!" The officer laughed and let him go with a warning.
I'm relieved that my license was renewed, and I got my new one in the mail last week. Next time, I'll be able to renew it online. That means I won't have to go back to the DPS to renew it in person for 12 years. So, until then, stay off the sidewalks!
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