Just when I thought I'd heard everything.... I thought the dumbest thing I could hear this week was Obama saying that all of the wildfires in Texas are the result of global warming. How stupid is that! I thought that had to be the dumbest thing of the week. But wait.... now I've heard something even dumber.
A California teacher banned students from saying "God bless you" when a classmate sneezes in his classroom, claiming the blessing is "disruptive" and "disrespectful." Say what?
The teacher knocked 25 points off a student's grade to deter other students from saying "bless you" and other religious phrases that offend the teacher's sensibility. Parents were outraged, and they should be. The parents protested, saying the teacher doesn't have the right to impose his beliefs on others. The school agreed.
This nut isn't smart enough to be a teacher. He claimed the ban had nothing to do with religion. But this is really just another assault on Christianity in America. First, prayer is removed from school; then, they try to ban the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, some want to take all mention of God out of the public arena.
It's sad but really not surprising. The Bible says persecution will grow against believers in the last days.
I never thought America could become a country where Christians could face persecution and even danger because of their beliefs. We're not to that point yet, but America is headed in that direction. Could it become illegal to read our Bibles and worship God in the United States? I pray that never happens here, but the truth is that it could happen.
We must be diligent and pray for our country; we must hold on to our Christian beliefs, and we must stand for God and never back down. God is faithful. He will see us through if we take our stand and persevere until the end. We're almost there. So just hold on to God!
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