There's been a lot of big events in the news this week. Here's a summary of a few of them, from my viewpoint:
Turmoil is mounting around the world. Egypt is only the latest country to erupt in violence and protests. Jordan, Tunisia, Yemen and other Mid-East countries are in a state of unrest. The significance of this is in these countries' relationship and proximity to Israel. The unrest is only going to get worse, and eventually it's all going to revolve around Israel. This is another clear sign of the End Times. When all this violence comes to a boil, that's when the anti-Christ will come onto the scene with promises of peace. The key is: Watch Israel.
Barack Obama spoke about his faith this week at the National Prayer Breakfast. Of course, this was a complete farse. He was there for one reason only -- to promote his health-care law which suffered a major setback in the courts. Obama is trying to garner support from Christian groups as he gears up for his re-election campaign. Remember that Obama did not participate in the National Day of Prayer in May, and he has spurned Christian activities at the White House. But now he suddenly has a change of heart and wants to talk about his faith. If someone has to keep telling people that he's a Christian, how good of a Christian is he actually?
We survived the "Big Chill of 2011." The forecasters were right about one thing. We got some of the coldest temps in nearly 20 years. The snow that was predicted mostly bypassed our area and hit Oklahoma and the Midwestern states. I would have liked to have had more snow here. Even Dallas and Houston had more snow than the Panhandle. Not to worry, though. Global Cooling is set to make another visit next week. Let's hope for less wind and more moisture then. We really need the moisture.
Both sides are gearing up for the big match-up on Sunday. It should be a fierce face-off. Fans on both sides are pumped. No, I'm not talking about the Steelers and the Packers going to the Super Bowl. I'm referring to O'Reilly vs. Obama. Bill O'Reilly is interviewing Obama during the pre-game show before the Super Bowl. This should be interesting. I'm sure O'Reilly will hammer Obama on health care, Egypt and other hot topics. No fluff questions here. This is the no-spin zone.
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