My new three favorite words: Ex. Speaker. Pelosi. Yesterday was an historic day in America as the 112th Congress was sworn in, and Republicans took control of the House. I had to hold back a tear as Nazi Pelosi passed the gavel to new Speaker John Boehner. A tear of happiness, that is!
Now, the Republicans have to prove themselves and keep the promises they made during the campaign. They have their work cut out for them. The Demoncrats (misspelling intended) have done a lot of damage in just the last two years.
It will be interesting to see if Republicans really can turn things around. It's sad to see what has happened to our country. America is going broke. Congress has to find a way to cut federal spending. That should be the first priority. This is a land of plenty, but if spending is not brought under control, future generations may not enjoy what we have today. And that would be a shame.
The new Congress must also make job creation a top priority. With the unemployment rate at nearly 10 percent, something must be done. There are too many good people looking for work who can't find it. The government needs to cut taxes so companies can start hiring again.
I'm optimistic that the new Congress can make things better, but it won't happen overnight. We may have to endure two more years of Obama until we can throw him out of office and reverse his socialist policies. That's when we'll begin to see real change. Positive change.
There was more good news coming out of Washington yesterday. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs announced that he is leaving. Gibbs, or as I call him, Robert Fibs, is a total doofus. He was good at covering up for Obama, but he did the country a disservice by not telling the truth. I'm glad to see him go.
Yesterday was a good day all around. We got a new Congress and a new hope for America. Now, in two more years, I'll be able to use three more of my favorite words: Ex. President. Obama.
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