The tragic shootings in Arizona over the weekend should make us all think about how brief this life is. It was so sad watching the coverage on TV. The gunman shot 17 people, killing six of them. One was a 9-year-old girl. How terrible.
I imagine that when those 17 people woke up Saturday morning, they had no idea about what would happen to them that day. It probably started like any other day. They were probably going about the day with no thought of the danger that awaited them. Two days earlier, Congresswoman Giffords had been on the floor of the House of Representatives, reading a portion of the Constitution. She was interviewed on Fox News on Friday morning. How could she have known that she would be shot less than 24 hours later?
It's a miracle that she survived the shooting. Six others didn't survive and went into eternity on that Saturday morning. Think about that.
Most of us will not know when our last day on Earth will be. We hope that we will live long lives, but tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us. A car wreck, heart attack or even a tragedy like the one in Arizona could cut our life short. While we shouldn't live in fear of a tragedy, we should live every day like it could be the last.
The Bible does promise believers certain protections. We can take comfort in the fact that God sends angels to watch over us and keep us safe. I believe I had an angel protecting me on April 18, 2005, when my truck turned over. I could have died that day, but my life was spared.
I can't explain or understand why some people die early. I just know that God holds our lives in His hands every day. He gives us the very breath to live. In James 4, it says, “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”
Did you know that 1.8 people die every second? That's 108 people each minute and nearly 156,000 each day! That's pretty staggering to think about! We simply don't know when our time will come. That alone should motivate us to make sure that our sins are forgiven and we are right with God every day. When we die, we WILL meet God. Are you ready?
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