The local weathermen on TV are in overdrive again. Every time the slightest cool air is headed this way, they hype it up as if it was the Second Coming! They've been calling for a "huge arctic blast" for days now. News Flash: It is winter. It's supposed to be cold, guys!
Maybe they'll even be right this time. But I doubt it. It's supposed to be in the single digits for highs for several days. Then, it will probably be back in the 70s by the weekend. That's Panhandle weather for you.
I love it. I love it all. Last week, it was near 70 degrees, and I got out and enjoyed it by going to the parks. Pampa has several parks that are connected by a walking / hiking trail. I followed it through three of the parks on my scooter. The trail goes on to two other parks after that.
I enjoyed the Indian Summer last week, and I'll enjoy the frigid temperatures this week. I like having a variety. At least it's not boring here.
If it's going to be cold, I hope we do get some good snow out of it. We've only had a measly five inches of snow so far this season, and we really need the moisture. I'm not hoping for a blizzard like they had in New York last week, but I'd like enough snow so the TV weathermen can stand out in their stations' parking lots and pretend they're in Alaska or somewhere. That's hilarious!
I should've been a weatherman. That would be a dream job. Seriously, where else can you get paid for being wrong most of the time? I can predict the weather better than these guys on TV. So, here's my forecast for the week: Cold, then not cold; Snow, then no snow.
As long as the snow doesn't fill the satellite dish and block my signal, I say bring it on.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Race is on...
The dust has barely settled from the 2010 mid-term elections, and the pundits are already prognosticating about who will run in 2012. All of the usual suspects have been mentioned: Romney, Palin, Huckabee and Gingrich.
I've already said I think a lesser known Republican will get the nomination, like Louisiana's Bobby Jindal or Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty. It could even be a Tea Party candidate. That would be great. It's time for someone with fresh ideas.
I love to follow politics. I like all the back-and-forth fighting between the candidates. I got interested in politics while I was in college at WT. The first race I really paid attention to was the 1990 Texas governor's race. Believe it or not, I supported the Democrat in that race. It's shocking, I know, but I backed Ann Richards in the race against oilman Clayton Williams.
I couldn't stand Williams with his "Good Old Boy" approach. During the campaign, Williams made a joke likening rape to bad weather, having quipped: "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it." He also refused to shake hands with Ann Richards during a public debate. It's one of the few times that I voted for a Democrat. Ann Richards won the election, and I thought she was a good governor.
I came to my senses when the 1992 presidential race rolled around. This time, I backed the Republican, George H.W. Bush, and I have supported the Republicans ever since. The '92 election was interesting because there were three major candidates: Bush, Clinton and Texas businessman Ross Perot.
That was the year I started working at the newspaper. I followed the race very closely because we reported so much about it in the paper, especially the allegations about Clinton's affair with Gennifer Flowers. Perot made the election exciting when he got in, then out, then back in the race.
I was working in the newsroom on election night, and that made it even more exciting for me. It was fun watching the returns come in over the AP news wire. There was no Fox News back then. We had CNN on in the newsroom, and everyone was gathered around the TV. It was a very late night as we waited on the results and then worked to get the paper out.
Clinton won the election, and we all know how that turned out. But I've been interested in politics ever since. The 2012 election promises to be exciting, too, especially if Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann decide to run and become the first female presidential candidate.
Regardless of who runs on the Republican ticket, our mission is the same: Make Obama a one-term president!
I've already said I think a lesser known Republican will get the nomination, like Louisiana's Bobby Jindal or Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty. It could even be a Tea Party candidate. That would be great. It's time for someone with fresh ideas.
I love to follow politics. I like all the back-and-forth fighting between the candidates. I got interested in politics while I was in college at WT. The first race I really paid attention to was the 1990 Texas governor's race. Believe it or not, I supported the Democrat in that race. It's shocking, I know, but I backed Ann Richards in the race against oilman Clayton Williams.
I couldn't stand Williams with his "Good Old Boy" approach. During the campaign, Williams made a joke likening rape to bad weather, having quipped: "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it." He also refused to shake hands with Ann Richards during a public debate. It's one of the few times that I voted for a Democrat. Ann Richards won the election, and I thought she was a good governor.
I came to my senses when the 1992 presidential race rolled around. This time, I backed the Republican, George H.W. Bush, and I have supported the Republicans ever since. The '92 election was interesting because there were three major candidates: Bush, Clinton and Texas businessman Ross Perot.
That was the year I started working at the newspaper. I followed the race very closely because we reported so much about it in the paper, especially the allegations about Clinton's affair with Gennifer Flowers. Perot made the election exciting when he got in, then out, then back in the race.
I was working in the newsroom on election night, and that made it even more exciting for me. It was fun watching the returns come in over the AP news wire. There was no Fox News back then. We had CNN on in the newsroom, and everyone was gathered around the TV. It was a very late night as we waited on the results and then worked to get the paper out.
Clinton won the election, and we all know how that turned out. But I've been interested in politics ever since. The 2012 election promises to be exciting, too, especially if Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann decide to run and become the first female presidential candidate.
Regardless of who runs on the Republican ticket, our mission is the same: Make Obama a one-term president!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wake-up Call
We all know the story about Noah's ark and the flood, but why did God send the flood? The answer to that will tell us what it will be like when Christ returns.
Christ told us that as it was in the days of Noah so also will it be at the coming of the Lord. I don't know exactly what conditions were like in Noah's day, but I imagine things must have been very evil and corrupt if God sent the flood.
Genesis 6 says God saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of man's heart was evil. Noah warned people that God was going to send a flood, but few believed him or even cared. They went about their daily routine, "eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark." Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
People were unaware, and seemingly unconcerned, of the coming judgment, and they were wiped out. It seems that there are many people like that today. Evil runs rampant in the world today, yet people don't seem to care. Many have adopted an attitude of "anything goes." They accept sinful behavior as normal, unconcerned about what God says about sin.
I heard an interview recently with Susan Seymour, an Amarillo author who wrote a book called "Apostasy: The Deceived Generation." She taught in a Christian school and saw firsthand the cavalier attitude of many, including many believers, toward sin.
She says much of the younger generation has been lulled into a false sense of security. Because sin has become so widely accepted, many think they can live however they wish and not worry about the consequences or penalty of sin.
But it's time for people to wake up to the truth. If God was grieved by the evil that went on in Noah's day, you can be sure that His attitude toward sin hasn't changed. He hates all sin. He IS a loving and merciful God, but He will send judgment upon all who do not repent and accept Jesus as their lord and savior.
That day of judgment will catch many like "a thief in the night," just as the flood caught many unprepared in Noah's day. Only God knows the exact time of the return of Christ, but He does expect us to know the seasons. Look around. The signs are all around us. That should motivate us all to make sure we are living holy lives. Don't be caught unprepared on the day of His return.
Christ told us that as it was in the days of Noah so also will it be at the coming of the Lord. I don't know exactly what conditions were like in Noah's day, but I imagine things must have been very evil and corrupt if God sent the flood.
Genesis 6 says God saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of man's heart was evil. Noah warned people that God was going to send a flood, but few believed him or even cared. They went about their daily routine, "eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark." Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
People were unaware, and seemingly unconcerned, of the coming judgment, and they were wiped out. It seems that there are many people like that today. Evil runs rampant in the world today, yet people don't seem to care. Many have adopted an attitude of "anything goes." They accept sinful behavior as normal, unconcerned about what God says about sin.
I heard an interview recently with Susan Seymour, an Amarillo author who wrote a book called "Apostasy: The Deceived Generation." She taught in a Christian school and saw firsthand the cavalier attitude of many, including many believers, toward sin.
She says much of the younger generation has been lulled into a false sense of security. Because sin has become so widely accepted, many think they can live however they wish and not worry about the consequences or penalty of sin.
But it's time for people to wake up to the truth. If God was grieved by the evil that went on in Noah's day, you can be sure that His attitude toward sin hasn't changed. He hates all sin. He IS a loving and merciful God, but He will send judgment upon all who do not repent and accept Jesus as their lord and savior.
That day of judgment will catch many like "a thief in the night," just as the flood caught many unprepared in Noah's day. Only God knows the exact time of the return of Christ, but He does expect us to know the seasons. Look around. The signs are all around us. That should motivate us all to make sure we are living holy lives. Don't be caught unprepared on the day of His return.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Under Attack
There is a war on words in the media. Oops. We're not supposed to use the word 'war' anymore. Other words "under attack" include 'kill,' 'target' and 'battleground.' Basically, any word that might promote violence is on the "hit list."
A CNN anchor actually apologized on the air after a commentator used the term "cross hairs" during an interview. The anchor said CNN is trying to get rid of that kind of language.
This "assault" on words is completely ridiculous. It stems from the mass shootings in Arizona. Within hours of the tragedy, many Left-wing loons came out and said the horror could be traced to the tough talk of conservatives; members of the Tea Party; right-wing pundits Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck; Sarah Palin; and Fox News.
Of course, there is no evidence to link conservative rhetoric to the Arizona shooter. But that hasn't stopped many on the Left from blaming conservatives. These leftists said when politicians and commentators use terms like "cross hairs" and "target," it can incite violence.
So now the "battle" against such terms has begun. Are we supposed to ban all words relating to guns and war?
The American people are smart enough to know when a gun reference is being used as a metaphor. When I was a copy editor, we used gun phrases like "target" in headlines all the time. The readers knew it was a metaphor and that we weren't really calling for violence. These terms have been used in political campaigns for years, too.
So what has changed that we now have to ban certain words and phrases?
We need to stop all this hypersensitive political correctness that is "invading" our society. This is still America. We still have freedom of speech in this country. If they were to "outlaw" certain words now, what's to stop them from "attacking" other words later. And that would be a sad day in America.
A CNN anchor actually apologized on the air after a commentator used the term "cross hairs" during an interview. The anchor said CNN is trying to get rid of that kind of language.
This "assault" on words is completely ridiculous. It stems from the mass shootings in Arizona. Within hours of the tragedy, many Left-wing loons came out and said the horror could be traced to the tough talk of conservatives; members of the Tea Party; right-wing pundits Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck; Sarah Palin; and Fox News.
Of course, there is no evidence to link conservative rhetoric to the Arizona shooter. But that hasn't stopped many on the Left from blaming conservatives. These leftists said when politicians and commentators use terms like "cross hairs" and "target," it can incite violence.
So now the "battle" against such terms has begun. Are we supposed to ban all words relating to guns and war?
The American people are smart enough to know when a gun reference is being used as a metaphor. When I was a copy editor, we used gun phrases like "target" in headlines all the time. The readers knew it was a metaphor and that we weren't really calling for violence. These terms have been used in political campaigns for years, too.
So what has changed that we now have to ban certain words and phrases?
We need to stop all this hypersensitive political correctness that is "invading" our society. This is still America. We still have freedom of speech in this country. If they were to "outlaw" certain words now, what's to stop them from "attacking" other words later. And that would be a sad day in America.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Second Chances
I read this statement on a friend's blog: "We only have one life on this planet, but whoever said we only have one chance? Christ is the God of the second chance and more if we need it."
How true that is. It's amazing to consider that God takes us as we are with all our faults and frailties. He cleans us up and gives us a new life. Then, what do we do? We blow it. But when we come back to Him and ask for forgiveness, He graciously gives us another chance. . . and another. . . and another. That's the goodness of God.
We are all going to make mistakes. We are all going to fall. It has been this way since the beginning of time. We can read in the Bible where even great men and women of faith fell short sometimes. They messed up just like we do. Yet, God picked them up and was still able to use them to do mighty things.
I got this list in an e-mail and it seemed to fit here. The next time you feel like God can't use YOU, just remember...
Noah was a drunk
Abraham was too old
Isaac was a daydreamer
Jacob was a liar
Leah was ugly
Joseph was abused
Moses had a stuttering problem
Gideon was afraid
Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
Rahab was a prostitute
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
David had an affair and was a murderer
Elijah was suicidal
Isaiah preached naked
Jonah ran from God
Naomi was a widow
Job went bankrupt
John the Baptist ate bugs
Peter denied Christ
The Disciples fell asleep while praying
Martha worried about everything
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
Zaccheus was too small
Paul was too religious
Timothy had an ulcer...
AND Lazarus was dead!
Don't let your past keep you from doing your best to serve God. If you mess up, ask for forgiveness and get back up. Christ really IS the God of second chances.
How true that is. It's amazing to consider that God takes us as we are with all our faults and frailties. He cleans us up and gives us a new life. Then, what do we do? We blow it. But when we come back to Him and ask for forgiveness, He graciously gives us another chance. . . and another. . . and another. That's the goodness of God.
We are all going to make mistakes. We are all going to fall. It has been this way since the beginning of time. We can read in the Bible where even great men and women of faith fell short sometimes. They messed up just like we do. Yet, God picked them up and was still able to use them to do mighty things.
I got this list in an e-mail and it seemed to fit here. The next time you feel like God can't use YOU, just remember...
Noah was a drunk
Abraham was too old
Isaac was a daydreamer
Jacob was a liar
Leah was ugly
Joseph was abused
Moses had a stuttering problem
Gideon was afraid
Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
Rahab was a prostitute
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
David had an affair and was a murderer
Elijah was suicidal
Isaiah preached naked
Jonah ran from God
Naomi was a widow
Job went bankrupt
John the Baptist ate bugs
Peter denied Christ
The Disciples fell asleep while praying
Martha worried about everything
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
Zaccheus was too small
Paul was too religious
Timothy had an ulcer...
AND Lazarus was dead!
Don't let your past keep you from doing your best to serve God. If you mess up, ask for forgiveness and get back up. Christ really IS the God of second chances.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Who says miracles don't happen? I know they do. I've heard testimonies this very week of God's miracle-working power in the lives of family members and others. I want to share a couple of those testimonies to show that God DOES perform miracles today. And I want to give Him thanks for what He has done!
My cousin went to the doctor last week for some tests. The scans showed she had a mass in her abdomen. The doctor could even feel the mass. They scheduled her for surgery yesterday to try to remove it. During the surgery, the doctor couldn't find the tumor. It had vanished! It was gone!
When the doctor came out to talk to the family, she couldn't explain what happened to the mass. But we know! My cousin's mom told the surgeon that she knew exactly what happened to it: God had removed it! I don't think the doctor agreed, but we know it's true. God healed my cousin!
My family is praising God today for this miracle. My cousin is 14 years old, and she has great faith. She often posts Bible verses or encouraging words on her Facebook page. She has a big family, and we were all praying for her. God answered our prayers. Thank you, Lord.
The other testimony I heard this week came from the doctors and friends of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the mass shootings last week. She is still in critical condition, but she is responding well. She opened her eyes for the first time yesterday. Her own doctor says she has a 101 percent chance of recovery.
This is nothing less than a miracle, and I even heard one doctor say so. The doctor was interviewed on one of the news shows, and he said it was divine intervention that kept her alive and has allowed her to respond as well as she has. I was surprised to hear a doctor admit that on TV, but I believe it is miraculous.
Yes, God does perform miracles. Nothing is too hard for our God! If He's done it for these two, He'll do it for you and for me. Let these testimonies build your faith. Praise God for His miracle-working power!
My cousin went to the doctor last week for some tests. The scans showed she had a mass in her abdomen. The doctor could even feel the mass. They scheduled her for surgery yesterday to try to remove it. During the surgery, the doctor couldn't find the tumor. It had vanished! It was gone!
When the doctor came out to talk to the family, she couldn't explain what happened to the mass. But we know! My cousin's mom told the surgeon that she knew exactly what happened to it: God had removed it! I don't think the doctor agreed, but we know it's true. God healed my cousin!
My family is praising God today for this miracle. My cousin is 14 years old, and she has great faith. She often posts Bible verses or encouraging words on her Facebook page. She has a big family, and we were all praying for her. God answered our prayers. Thank you, Lord.
The other testimony I heard this week came from the doctors and friends of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the mass shootings last week. She is still in critical condition, but she is responding well. She opened her eyes for the first time yesterday. Her own doctor says she has a 101 percent chance of recovery.
This is nothing less than a miracle, and I even heard one doctor say so. The doctor was interviewed on one of the news shows, and he said it was divine intervention that kept her alive and has allowed her to respond as well as she has. I was surprised to hear a doctor admit that on TV, but I believe it is miraculous.
Yes, God does perform miracles. Nothing is too hard for our God! If He's done it for these two, He'll do it for you and for me. Let these testimonies build your faith. Praise God for His miracle-working power!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Is Eternity Closer Than You Think?
The tragic shootings in Arizona over the weekend should make us all think about how brief this life is. It was so sad watching the coverage on TV. The gunman shot 17 people, killing six of them. One was a 9-year-old girl. How terrible.
I imagine that when those 17 people woke up Saturday morning, they had no idea about what would happen to them that day. It probably started like any other day. They were probably going about the day with no thought of the danger that awaited them. Two days earlier, Congresswoman Giffords had been on the floor of the House of Representatives, reading a portion of the Constitution. She was interviewed on Fox News on Friday morning. How could she have known that she would be shot less than 24 hours later?
It's a miracle that she survived the shooting. Six others didn't survive and went into eternity on that Saturday morning. Think about that.
Most of us will not know when our last day on Earth will be. We hope that we will live long lives, but tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us. A car wreck, heart attack or even a tragedy like the one in Arizona could cut our life short. While we shouldn't live in fear of a tragedy, we should live every day like it could be the last.
The Bible does promise believers certain protections. We can take comfort in the fact that God sends angels to watch over us and keep us safe. I believe I had an angel protecting me on April 18, 2005, when my truck turned over. I could have died that day, but my life was spared.
I can't explain or understand why some people die early. I just know that God holds our lives in His hands every day. He gives us the very breath to live. In James 4, it says, “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”
Did you know that 1.8 people die every second? That's 108 people each minute and nearly 156,000 each day! That's pretty staggering to think about! We simply don't know when our time will come. That alone should motivate us to make sure that our sins are forgiven and we are right with God every day. When we die, we WILL meet God. Are you ready?
I imagine that when those 17 people woke up Saturday morning, they had no idea about what would happen to them that day. It probably started like any other day. They were probably going about the day with no thought of the danger that awaited them. Two days earlier, Congresswoman Giffords had been on the floor of the House of Representatives, reading a portion of the Constitution. She was interviewed on Fox News on Friday morning. How could she have known that she would be shot less than 24 hours later?
It's a miracle that she survived the shooting. Six others didn't survive and went into eternity on that Saturday morning. Think about that.
Most of us will not know when our last day on Earth will be. We hope that we will live long lives, but tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us. A car wreck, heart attack or even a tragedy like the one in Arizona could cut our life short. While we shouldn't live in fear of a tragedy, we should live every day like it could be the last.
The Bible does promise believers certain protections. We can take comfort in the fact that God sends angels to watch over us and keep us safe. I believe I had an angel protecting me on April 18, 2005, when my truck turned over. I could have died that day, but my life was spared.
I can't explain or understand why some people die early. I just know that God holds our lives in His hands every day. He gives us the very breath to live. In James 4, it says, “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”
Did you know that 1.8 people die every second? That's 108 people each minute and nearly 156,000 each day! That's pretty staggering to think about! We simply don't know when our time will come. That alone should motivate us to make sure that our sins are forgiven and we are right with God every day. When we die, we WILL meet God. Are you ready?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Real Change
My new three favorite words: Ex. Speaker. Pelosi. Yesterday was an historic day in America as the 112th Congress was sworn in, and Republicans took control of the House. I had to hold back a tear as Nazi Pelosi passed the gavel to new Speaker John Boehner. A tear of happiness, that is!
Now, the Republicans have to prove themselves and keep the promises they made during the campaign. They have their work cut out for them. The Demoncrats (misspelling intended) have done a lot of damage in just the last two years.
It will be interesting to see if Republicans really can turn things around. It's sad to see what has happened to our country. America is going broke. Congress has to find a way to cut federal spending. That should be the first priority. This is a land of plenty, but if spending is not brought under control, future generations may not enjoy what we have today. And that would be a shame.
The new Congress must also make job creation a top priority. With the unemployment rate at nearly 10 percent, something must be done. There are too many good people looking for work who can't find it. The government needs to cut taxes so companies can start hiring again.
I'm optimistic that the new Congress can make things better, but it won't happen overnight. We may have to endure two more years of Obama until we can throw him out of office and reverse his socialist policies. That's when we'll begin to see real change. Positive change.
There was more good news coming out of Washington yesterday. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs announced that he is leaving. Gibbs, or as I call him, Robert Fibs, is a total doofus. He was good at covering up for Obama, but he did the country a disservice by not telling the truth. I'm glad to see him go.
Yesterday was a good day all around. We got a new Congress and a new hope for America. Now, in two more years, I'll be able to use three more of my favorite words: Ex. President. Obama.
Now, the Republicans have to prove themselves and keep the promises they made during the campaign. They have their work cut out for them. The Demoncrats (misspelling intended) have done a lot of damage in just the last two years.
It will be interesting to see if Republicans really can turn things around. It's sad to see what has happened to our country. America is going broke. Congress has to find a way to cut federal spending. That should be the first priority. This is a land of plenty, but if spending is not brought under control, future generations may not enjoy what we have today. And that would be a shame.
The new Congress must also make job creation a top priority. With the unemployment rate at nearly 10 percent, something must be done. There are too many good people looking for work who can't find it. The government needs to cut taxes so companies can start hiring again.
I'm optimistic that the new Congress can make things better, but it won't happen overnight. We may have to endure two more years of Obama until we can throw him out of office and reverse his socialist policies. That's when we'll begin to see real change. Positive change.
There was more good news coming out of Washington yesterday. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs announced that he is leaving. Gibbs, or as I call him, Robert Fibs, is a total doofus. He was good at covering up for Obama, but he did the country a disservice by not telling the truth. I'm glad to see him go.
Yesterday was a good day all around. We got a new Congress and a new hope for America. Now, in two more years, I'll be able to use three more of my favorite words: Ex. President. Obama.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
We hear all kinds of advice this time of year on how to have a good new year. On New Year's Day, many people eat black-eyed peas for luck. (Does listening to the Black Eyed Peas music group count? That's the closest I'm ever going to get to peas of any kind!)
TV talk shows all have tips for having a happier and more prosperous year. Some of the advice is good and can be helpful. But I really don't believe in luck. I did, however, find this advice on the Internet. It's an acronym using HAPPY NEW YEAR:
H - Hear God's Word
A - Answer God's call
P - Pardon receive
P - Peace Pursue
Y - Yield To God
N - Never give up
E - Encourage somebody
W - Witness For Jesus
Y - Yearn to please God
E - Earnestly seek the Lord
A - Anticipate blessings
R - Rejoice in the Lord
I didn't come up with that myself, but I thought it was good advice. If we will do those things, we'll not only have a better year, we'll have a better life!
TV talk shows all have tips for having a happier and more prosperous year. Some of the advice is good and can be helpful. But I really don't believe in luck. I did, however, find this advice on the Internet. It's an acronym using HAPPY NEW YEAR:
H - Hear God's Word
A - Answer God's call
P - Pardon receive
P - Peace Pursue
Y - Yield To God
N - Never give up
E - Encourage somebody
W - Witness For Jesus
Y - Yearn to please God
E - Earnestly seek the Lord
A - Anticipate blessings
R - Rejoice in the Lord
I didn't come up with that myself, but I thought it was good advice. If we will do those things, we'll not only have a better year, we'll have a better life!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
A Year of Possibilities
Happy new year! There is something about the start of a new year that brings a renewed hope. It's like a blank canvas with limitless possibilities. If you can dare to believe it, you can achieve it.
It's always at the start of a new year that people make resolutions. Their intentions may be good, but the resolutions usually go out the window by the second or third week of the year. Resolutions are hard to keep. I stopped making them a long time ago.
Instead of resolutions, I prefer to make commitments. I am committed this year to improve on things I've already started in all areas of life. Here are a few things I'm committed to this year:
I'm committed to improving my walking by working to get stronger and stronger. Even though I finished my physical therapy, I still have a lot of work ahead. But I believe I can do it. God promises us in His word to deliver us from ALL our infirmities. Jesus bore our sicknesses when He took the 39 stripes on His back. So why should we settle for less than God's best? God wants us to be well. All we have to do is believe it and reach out and receive it.
I'm committed to becoming a stronger disciple of Christ through prayer and Bible study. I want to do more than just read the Scriptures. I want to do all that it says to do. I was reading this week in Romans 12, where it says "do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world." For too long, we have compromised our beliefs and followed the ways of the world. It's time for believers to stand up for the truth. That will be my goal this year: To be more like Christ and follow all His ways.
I'm committed to being a better witness for the Lord. The Bible says there will be false teachers in the last days who will deceive many. Even some believers will be deceived. We're seeing that today. That's why it's important for us to warn our friends and family not to give in to the ways of the world. Society has accepted many evils, such as drinking and couples living together outside of marriage. But these things are wrong. God will not tolerate sin of any kind. We must take a stand against these evils, even if it is not a popular stand in the world. Unless we warn people to turn from their sin, how will they know? It's our duty to tell others about Christ.
Time is short before the return of Jesus. This could be the year He returns. It's time to get serious and serve God wholeheartedly, with all our strength, all our mind, all our soul. That's my desire this year. How about you?
It's always at the start of a new year that people make resolutions. Their intentions may be good, but the resolutions usually go out the window by the second or third week of the year. Resolutions are hard to keep. I stopped making them a long time ago.
Instead of resolutions, I prefer to make commitments. I am committed this year to improve on things I've already started in all areas of life. Here are a few things I'm committed to this year:
I'm committed to improving my walking by working to get stronger and stronger. Even though I finished my physical therapy, I still have a lot of work ahead. But I believe I can do it. God promises us in His word to deliver us from ALL our infirmities. Jesus bore our sicknesses when He took the 39 stripes on His back. So why should we settle for less than God's best? God wants us to be well. All we have to do is believe it and reach out and receive it.
I'm committed to becoming a stronger disciple of Christ through prayer and Bible study. I want to do more than just read the Scriptures. I want to do all that it says to do. I was reading this week in Romans 12, where it says "do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world." For too long, we have compromised our beliefs and followed the ways of the world. It's time for believers to stand up for the truth. That will be my goal this year: To be more like Christ and follow all His ways.
I'm committed to being a better witness for the Lord. The Bible says there will be false teachers in the last days who will deceive many. Even some believers will be deceived. We're seeing that today. That's why it's important for us to warn our friends and family not to give in to the ways of the world. Society has accepted many evils, such as drinking and couples living together outside of marriage. But these things are wrong. God will not tolerate sin of any kind. We must take a stand against these evils, even if it is not a popular stand in the world. Unless we warn people to turn from their sin, how will they know? It's our duty to tell others about Christ.
Time is short before the return of Jesus. This could be the year He returns. It's time to get serious and serve God wholeheartedly, with all our strength, all our mind, all our soul. That's my desire this year. How about you?
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