It was a joyous weekend for my family. My niece Michelle got married Saturday night. It was a beautiful wedding. The ceremony was in an outdoor garden in Amarillo. Very pretty.
Michelle looked so beautiful in her wedding gown. It's hard to believe that our little Michelle is all grown up and is now married.
I remember when I got to hold Michelle for the first time. My sister and her husband were living in Huntsville at the time, and Mom, Dad and I drove down there after the baby was born. I had never been too fond of babies or little kids up until that time. Kids weren't too fond of me either. I think they can sense there is something different about me and they are a little afraid of me.
But my sister let me hold Michelle, and she seemed content to sit in my lap and let me hold her. I have been enamored of her ever since.
I was glad when my sister and her family moved back to Pampa, and we got to see Michelle and her brother Ty grow up. It was fun watching them grow up.
It's amazing how quickly the time has passed. Michelle is married, and she and her husband are planning to move to Florida. Ty turned 16 in May and just got his driver's license. It kind of makes me feel old. So you can imagine how old my sister must be. (Just kidding, Karen.)
Time really does go by so quickly. That should make us cherish the time we have with our family and loved ones. Before you know it, the kids are grown and moving on with their lives. I am truly thankful to be near my family and to have this time to spend with them.
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