It's been kind of boring around here today. Wednesday night's thunderstorm knocked out my satellite TV. No FOX News today. I'm going through withdrawal. Thank God for talk radio, so I can still get my daily fix of Hannity.
I had to call Dish Network to report the outage. I think their service center is out in Timbuktu or somewhere. I can't understand them, and they can't understand me. It creates quite a dilemma.
Fortunately, I have the Relay speech-to-speech operators to interpret for me. These specially-trained operators are great. They are trained to understand people with speech disabilities and can relay messages to the person on the other end of the line. It works great for people like me.
So Dish Network is going to send a technician out Friday morning. I think the problem may be my receiver. It's very old. In the meantime, no TV and no FOX News.
Without the TV to pacify my time, I decided to go to the park. It was a great day to be outside. Temperatures were only in the 70s! In July, that's almost unheard of. This July has been unseasonably cool and rainy. But I'll take it. I love this kind of weather.
I strolled through the park on Big Red (my scooter) and visited my duck down by the lake.
After the park, I headed to Wal-Mart to kill some time. The store has been remodeled, so everything has been moved around. It took twice as long to get my groceries.
It's going to be a long evening. What did people do before TV? Maybe I'll take a drive or go to another park.
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