Monday, May 4, 2015

Chillin' Out

Wondering what to do this weekend? You might consider relieving stress just by finding a peaceful place to sit around and contemplate.  That was a tip from Bill O'Reilly, and it's a good one.  That's something I've done for a long time.

When I was still driving, I would load up the scooter and go out to the City Lake at Recreation Park and ride around the mile-and-a-half walking trail.  It was always so calm and peaceful.  There was often geese out on the water.  It is really a great place just to sit and think.  I would  add to O'Reilly's tip that this is also a good way to spend time praying and meditating on God and the Scriptures.

Now that I can't drive anymore, I have several spots where I like to go and just "veg out."  I often ride my scooter to one of the nearby parks and sit and enjoy the outdoors.  I look up at the clouds and marvel at the awesome works of God.  I feel closer to God when I'm out there. 

Sometimes, I ride over to the shopping center and just sit in the parking lot and watch the people.  It's fun to people-watch.  Everybody seems to be in such a hurry.  Why is everyone in such a rush?  Everyone needs to slow down and enjoy life a little more!

Everyone is always friendly and helpful to me.  I can't tell you how many times I've just been sitting in the parking lot and a car will pull up to see if I'm OK or if I need some help,   That happens at least  once a week.  It's nice to know that so many care enough to stop and check on me.  I just thank them and tell them I'm watching the world go by.

I've told the story before about the woman who pulled up and asked if I was lost.  I just smiled and said "No. I'm saved!"  Another time, a man stopped and offered me his jacket.  He said I looked so cold.  HA! 

You don't have to go anywhere special to enjoy a peaceful moment.  Just go outside for a few minutes and take in the fresh air. Every day is a gift from God, so  slow down from the hectic pace of life and enjoy the day.  You'll be glad you did!

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