Friday, March 22, 2013

Political Observations

Hillary Clinton must have been injured more seriously than we thought when she fainted back in December, giving her a concussion. Not only did it make her forget everything she knew about the deaths of four American heroes in Benghazi, Hillary's fall obviously knocked the sense right out of her!

Hillary "came out" with a video this week endorsing same-sex marriage. She previously opposed gay marriage. So why now? Why did Hillary flip-flop on the issue? It's simple political expediency. She is positioning herself for a run for the White House. She knew she better get on board in backing same-sex marriage now, so the party faithful will support her in 2016.

Hillary had to change her position. Support for same-sex marriage now is embedded in the party platform. Other leading Democrats, like goofball V.P. Joe Biden and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who are also contenders in the next presidential race, already voiced their support of gay marriage. Hillary is just following the pack.

I'm disappointed over Hillary's reversal. Even though I disagree with her on virtually every political issue, I respected her as someone who has strong convictions and stood up for her principles. Now, after caving in to pressure on gay marriage, it looks like she's just another typical politician, who will do or say anything to get elected.

Hillary isn't the only one who has lost their way on the gay issue. Republican Senator Rob Portman also changed his view about gay marriage. His son is gay, and Portman says he now believes gays should have the right to marry. I understand he loves his son and wants to support him, but this isn't the way to do it. Portman is supposed to be a "good conservative" Republican, but he's wrong on this issue. I won't support any candidate or party, Democrat or Republican, that goes against the biblical view of marriage. 

Who needs enemies when you have "friends" like Obama? Barack Obama went to Israel this week for the first time since becoming president. He put on a good show for the cameras, but he's not fooling anyone, especially Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu. Obama is the most anti-Israel president since that nation's founding. Pray for Israel and Netanyahu!

There's a war on Easter. School districts and cities across America are holding “Spring egg hunts” and similar events, omitting the word “Easter” from calendars and public announcements. These eggheads want to ban Easter, like they want to ban Christmas. Both holidays are rooted in the Christian faith, making them easy targets for attacks. For Christians, Easter is a day to remember Christ's death and resurrection, and we should celebrate it. So let me be the first to wish you all a HAPPY EASTER!

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