Heaven is real. That was made very clear by many of the people in John Burke's book, Imagine Heaven. But not everyone who had a near-death experience (NDEs) saw heaven. Some saw a very different place. They got a glimpse into the hellish afterlife that awaits those who aren't saved. They found that hell is also real.
A lot of us, including some Christians, believe in a "fairly tale" version of hell, complete with a little red devil with a tail and holding a pitchfork. We know hell is a bad place, but it is far worse than we can ever imagine.
The NDErs who "visited" hell don't like to talk about their experience. It's too painful. Those who did share their experiences in the book say it felt like they were trapped in a cave or deep pit where there is complete darkness. They describe a putrid smell like feces, burning sulfur or death. The odor was so overwhelming that it was nearly impossible to breathe.
The ones who visited heaven said they felt such incredible love and acceptance, but those who went to hell said they felt totally alone and abandoned. They could hear the cries and screams from others, but the complete darkness kept them for seeing another soul. They felt such isolation in hell because they had been separated from God forever.
The NDErs who saw hell believe their experience was meant to be a warning. They were given a chance to come back to their earthly lives so they could change and avoid spending eternity in that place of torment.
We all have that same chance now. God never intended for humans to be in hell. He created hell for Satan and his angels. God gives us a choice. We can accept Jesus and live for Him and spend eternity in that wonderful place called heaven, or we can reject Him and spend eternity in hell.
Heaven is real, and hell is just as real. Which will you choose?
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