"When we have done our best, we also have to learn that we still need to rely on God. Our best -- no matter how good -- is incomplete if we leave God out of the picture." That sounds like something a preacher would say. You wouldn't expect to hear a politician say that, but that's exactly what Ben Carson said.
Those words are not only good advice but also show the character of the man who said them. Carson recognizes that he can do nothing without God. That's probably why Carson is such a brilliant surgeon. He uses his knowledge and skill to do his best but then relies on God to help him be the best.
That applies to our Christian walk too. We can try our best to be a "good" person, but our best still falls short. We have to have Christ to make us right with God. When God looks at us, he doesn't see our shortfalls if we have relied on Christ as our savior. God only sees his sinless Son He makes the difference in our lives.
Carson's words show that he knows where his strength comes from. If he's elected, I think Carson would look to God to help him make good decisions. That's what this country needs.
Character counts, whether it's Democrats or Republicans. Ten of the Republican candidates for president have conceded that same-sex marriage is the "law of the land." They have kowtowed to five unelected judges on the Supreme Court rather the fight for the real definition of marriage.
I'm thankful that we do have a few godly men running for president. Besides Carson, we have Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum in the race. Any one of them would be a good and godly leader. We've seen what happens when we elect a godless heathen as president. Now, it's time to elect a real Christian to the presidency.
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