Thursday, September 24, 2015


There are some things you just have to wonder about....

Why does the media defend Obama, insisting he's a Christian, but the same lame-stream media ridicules godly men like Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson who live out their Christianity with their actions?

What's wrong with Carson saying he wouldn't support a Muslim for president?  Isn't he allowed to state his opinion?   

Why is it OK for Trump to insult John McCain and Carly Fiorina but the media pounced on him because he didn't challenge a supporter who said Obama is a Muslim?

When did it become a slur to call someone a Muslim anyway?

Does anyone actually believe Obama is a Christian?
Why all the hoopla over the pope's visit?  Do you think Jesus will get the same reception when he returns?

Shouldn't the pope stick to warning people about the heat in hell instead of worrying about global warming?

When the pope was talking about climate change, poverty and same-sex marriage, do you think he left any mention of Jesus out of his speech by accident?

Isn't it time for the pope to go home so the media can take its sensationalized coverage off of him and put it back on Trump?

I was just wondering.

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