They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It prepares us
for the day ahead Yet, many of us skip breakfast because we're too busy. Some
of us skip spending time with God for the same reason. Starting each day in the
presence of the Lord is key to starting each day off on the right foot.
In our busy lives, it's easy to fall into a habit of starting the day
without giving any thought to God. We hit the floor running without taking time
to thank God for the day or to ask Him to direct our steps.
I was that way for years. I'd get up and jump right into my
morning routine, without taking time to pray or seek the Lord. "I'll do it
later," I always told myself (and told God). At the end of the day, I found I'd
gone all day without spending time with the Lord. I'd lay down at night, mutter
a quick prayer and drift off to sleep.
It shouldn't be that way for Christians, and it doesn't have to be that
way. We can make God a priority in our lives. There are some simple things we
can do each day to show God that He is first place in our lives:
Start the day in His Word. Just a few short verses or a chapter a day in
the morning is a great way to open our hearts to God and get in tune with His
plan for our lives.
Pray in the mornings. Prayer helps relieve stress and brings us closer to
God. You can do this while driving to work, and you'll be amazed what
a difference it will make in your day.
Stay positive. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in the morning with the challenges of the day. So start your morning by counting your blessings. This will help you start the day in a positive way.
Leave all your worries at the foot of the bed. It’s easy to start the day dwelling on negatives of yesterday. As believers, we shouldn't dwell on our past mistakes and failures but concentrate on our future with the Lord. Cast all your cares on Him and make a fresh start each day.
Just spend time sitting in God's presence. What a great way to start the day!
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