Monday, March 18, 2013

Beyond The Walls

Beyond the walls of our houses.... Beyond the walls of our offices.... Beyond the walls of our churches.... Beyond the walls lies a great opportunity. It's the opportunity the share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
God has commanded us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.... and make disciples of all the nations.” I wondered how I, a believer in Jesus Christ, can fulfill this commandment. I likely will never travel the world. So what can I do to take the Gospel into the world?

We have the chance to share Christ everywhere we go. God wants to use us to touch the lives of our unsaved friends and family, our neighbors and even strangers on the street. He wants to use us to change our generation.

This means stepping out and leaving our comfort zone. It means going beyond the walls of familiarity. For me, I like to cling to the familiar, to find my comfort zone and dig in. I don't like change, and I don't like to go beyond the walls I have set up around me. But God is wanting to break down those walls and take me to a new place. Scary? Yes! But if we will just step out of our comfort zone, God can do amazing things.

We must be willing to take that first step. Often, we're just one step away from the next truth God wants us to learn about Him. That's why we can't afford to stay where we are. We must go beyond the walls to take the Gospel to the world around us.

When Jesus called James and John, they were on familiar territory, doing what they were comfortable doing — repairing their fishing nets. But they couldn't stay there and follow Jesus. Mark 1:20 says, "Without delay, He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat and followed Jesus."

They had to leave their comfort zone to fulfill their destiny. That's what God asks us to do. We must leave our comfort zone and trust Him. We can't be satisfied to stay where we are. We must dare to dream and dare to step out. Every great accomplishment began as a dream in somebody's heart.

God wants to take us a deeper dimension in Him — one that will stretch us. But we must be willing to step out and go beyond the walls.

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