I live a pretty dull life... most of the time! We're all busy, but what are we busy doing? Sometimes, it's good to stop and look at how we're living. Are we making the most of every day?
Life can be pretty mundane sometimes. But I've always believed that life is what you make of it. If you sit around and do nothing, that's what you'll end up with: Nothing. I like to get out, go places, do something! Even if it's just getting out and going to the park or taking a ride around the neighborhood, I try to get out a little while every day. I don't always do it, but I feel better when I do.
The good doctor even tells me I should get out and go places. Mom worries about me going places sometimes, but good 'ol Doc keeps telling me: "Go, go, go!" So I keep going.
Life's also about taking chances. Learn to live a little. Order that extra dessert. Splurge sometimes. You're worth it! Have a beer (but make it root beer). And go out there and have some fun. Your easy chair will be there when you get back!
The group Point of Grace has a great song, "How You Live." If you listen to the words, it has a great life message. I love this line: "And Have What You Want / But Want What You Have / And Don't Spend Your Life Looking Back."
The whole song is great, so I posted the video here:
Remember, "it’s not who you knew and it’s not what you did.... it’s how you live!"
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