I loved the snow yesterday! It came down heavy and hard for a little while in Pampa, but it didn't add up to much over an inch. It was enough to try out the new scooter in the snow. That was fun. The new scooter has bigger, fatter wheels, so it's great for doing doughnuts in the parking lot!
The neighbor across the parking lot has a little dog. He really gets excited when I ride by on my scooter. He's on a leash, so he can't reach the sidewalk. It's fun to watch him run and play in the snow!
Political commentators are saying the Republican infighting between Mitt and Newt is hurting the GOP, but I love a good catfight.
Four years ago at this time, Obama and Hilary were tearing into each other like Rosie O'Donnell ripping into a box of Ho-Hos®! It wasn't pretty, but it sure was fun to watch. Their attacks on each other didn't hurt the Democratic Party. In the end, they came together. Obama gave Hilary a top post in his Cabinet, and they've lived happily ever after with each other ever since. Yeah right...
The commentators also say Newt should drop out of the race. Again, I disagree. I think he should stay in to let more voters have a say in the process. Only a few states have voted in the primaries so far. So I say let all the candidates stay in and slug it out to the finish.
After coming in dead last in Maine's caucus over the weekend, Newt doesn't seem to have much of a chance of a comeback, but he'll keep the race interesting. It's fun to watch Newt when he's angry. Who knows what he'll say?
If anyone needs to drop out, it should be Ron Paul. He's just crazy. But as long as he's out on the campaign trail, at least it will keep him from coming home to Texas..... For that, I think all Texans will be grateful!
The fun is just beginning. There's a long way to go until the Republican convention this summer, and anything could happen. So hang on. It could be a bumpy ride!
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