As I watch the "Occupy Wall Street" protests on TV, it looks more like something in a third-world country than America. I never thought I'd see street protests like that here. The chaos is spreading, and violence continues to grow the longer these protests go on.
I have a theory about the protests. I think they are leading up to the new world order, and Barack Obama is behind this effort. Obama supports and agrees with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement through his class warfare mantra. As a puppet of the new world order, Obama is working to bring about anarchy in America and eventually usher in a new economic system.
I've been reading articles by prophecy teacher / evangelist Jonathan Hansen. He believes there's about to be an escalation in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, leading to the new world order. He warns about a total stock market collapse, Social Security collapse, natural disasters, civil unrest, earthquakes and other disasters across the United States.
Hansen writes, "the stock market and economy have already crashed. . . but they have been propped up again. The New World Order is determined to cause them to have an irreparable collapse, pushing us into the New World Economic Order. . . which will eventually include the Mark of the Beast. There will be a New World Order politically, a New World Economic Order and a New World Religious Order."
That's pretty deep stuff, I know. But it should make us realize the times we're living in. Whether we want to believe it or not, America is headed in that direction. We can see it all around us in the recent earthquakes, floods, fires and now in the protests and financial upheaval.
Dark days are ahead, but we don't have to be afraid. If we have put our hope and trust in Jesus Christ and made Him the lord of our lives, we have the promise that God is with us. Matthew 28:20 says, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
We are very near the end of this age. Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready to meet Him in the air? Don't wait until it's too late. Get ready now. Then, you can be confident that whatever happens in the coming days, God will be with you!
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