It's easy to get caught up in so many things, especially at this time of year. I love Christmas time! I love the food, the lights, the food, the presents, the food. . . well, you get the idea. It's a great and fun season, but a lot of people get so busy and anxious about everything that they forget what Christmas is really about. They don't take time out to enjoy the holiday.
I saw those crazy shoppers on Black Friday, running around just to try to save a few dollars on the latest gadget. A lady actually used pepper spray at Walmart because someone was about to get the item she wanted. Another woman left her five kids, including a 1-year-old, in the car for three hours while she waited in line for a store to open. Those people are crazy!
I wonder what God thinks when we do crazy things like that? And why don't people get that fired up about the real meaning of Christmas: The birth of Jesus.
Christmas should be about celebrating Him. Really, we should do that every day. I like the way The Message Bible says it in Philippians: "Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, REVEL in Him!"
That's what it's all about. Revel in God and what He means to us. Instead of worrying about finding the perfect Christmas gift, turn the focus back on God. You'll be amazed how much better the holiday will be when you focus on the right things.
The Message puts it like this: "Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life" (Philippians 4:6-7).
Take a timeout and think about the things that really matter. For me, that's God and being together with family and the ones I love. What's most important to you? Think on those things, and this can be the best Christmas ever!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Lots to be Thankful for
It's hard to believe it's Thanksgiving week! The year has gone by so fast. Everyone says that, but it's true. And I have so much to be thankful for!
Today, I'm thankful that our family is growing. My niece, Michelle, and her husband had their "little man" over the weekend. Kayden Bryce Millikan was born Saturday. He arrived a few weeks early, but I don't think Michelle and Nick minded that at all. They have been so excited. Kayden weighed 5 pounds, 8 ounces.
I'm glad that "Grandma" (my sister Karen) and "Gramps" got to be there for the delivery in Corpus Christi. We're taking Ty to the airport tomorrow so he can be there, too. I know it will be a special Thanksgiving for them.
I'm thankful for e-mail and Facebook so the rest of us can see pictures of Kayden...
We have another newborn in the family. My cousin and his wife had a baby boy last month. He came early, too. But the baby and parents are doing well. They named him Miles after our Granddad Ely.
It will be a little different around the Thanksgiving table this year. While the whole family won't get to be all together on Thanksgiving, we'll be thankful for these two additions to the family. Maybe they will even be here at Christmas, and we can meet the new little ones in person.
Until then... more food for me! Pass the dressing! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

I'm glad that "Grandma" (my sister Karen) and "Gramps" got to be there for the delivery in Corpus Christi. We're taking Ty to the airport tomorrow so he can be there, too. I know it will be a special Thanksgiving for them.
I'm thankful for e-mail and Facebook so the rest of us can see pictures of Kayden...
We have another newborn in the family. My cousin and his wife had a baby boy last month. He came early, too. But the baby and parents are doing well. They named him Miles after our Granddad Ely.
It will be a little different around the Thanksgiving table this year. While the whole family won't get to be all together on Thanksgiving, we'll be thankful for these two additions to the family. Maybe they will even be here at Christmas, and we can meet the new little ones in person.
Until then... more food for me! Pass the dressing! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Survey Says...
I've always wondered how pollsters pick the people for their presidential polls and surveys. I've always thought it would be fun to take part in a poll. So I was excited when I got a survey in the mail last week from the Republican National Committee in Washington.
I have plenty of opinions on the issues, so I thought this could be fun. Here are a few of the questions and some of my responses (or how I would have responded):
The first section is on General Issues, and one question asks, "How do you rate the Obama administration thus far in dealing with America's major issues?" Since there wasn't a box to check for "Totally Incompetent," I had to settle for "Strongly Disapprove."
The next few questions were on rating the actions of the Democrat-controlled Senate and the GOP-controlled House. Again, the lowest rating was "Strongly Disapprove," so I scored both the House and the Senate with poor ratings. I wish there had been a place to write in comments. I would have said we need to throw out everyone in Congress and start all over.
The next section dealt with Domestic Issues, such as "Do you support repealing ObamaCare?" Of course I want it repealed!! "Do you trust the Obama administration to better secure America's borders?" Are you kidding me? "Do you support efforts to grant amnesty and American citizenship to illegal immigrants living within our borders?" I answered a big "NO" on that one, too.
Then, the survey asks our opinion on Social Issues. I gave "Strong Support" for school prayer, faith-based initiatives and for a ban on flag burning. I also "Strongly Disapproved" same-sex marriage and abortion.
Finally, the survey asks for a donation to the Republican National Committee. That's the only question I left blank! Once you get on their donor list, you can never get off of it. My grandmother sent the RNC a donation ONE TIME, and she was on their mailing list forever. They continued to send her mail for at least a year after she passed away.
Maybe I'll get a survey from the Democrat Party, too. I could really have some fun with that!
I have plenty of opinions on the issues, so I thought this could be fun. Here are a few of the questions and some of my responses (or how I would have responded):
The first section is on General Issues, and one question asks, "How do you rate the Obama administration thus far in dealing with America's major issues?" Since there wasn't a box to check for "Totally Incompetent," I had to settle for "Strongly Disapprove."
The next few questions were on rating the actions of the Democrat-controlled Senate and the GOP-controlled House. Again, the lowest rating was "Strongly Disapprove," so I scored both the House and the Senate with poor ratings. I wish there had been a place to write in comments. I would have said we need to throw out everyone in Congress and start all over.
The next section dealt with Domestic Issues, such as "Do you support repealing ObamaCare?" Of course I want it repealed!! "Do you trust the Obama administration to better secure America's borders?" Are you kidding me? "Do you support efforts to grant amnesty and American citizenship to illegal immigrants living within our borders?" I answered a big "NO" on that one, too.
Then, the survey asks our opinion on Social Issues. I gave "Strong Support" for school prayer, faith-based initiatives and for a ban on flag burning. I also "Strongly Disapproved" same-sex marriage and abortion.
Finally, the survey asks for a donation to the Republican National Committee. That's the only question I left blank! Once you get on their donor list, you can never get off of it. My grandmother sent the RNC a donation ONE TIME, and she was on their mailing list forever. They continued to send her mail for at least a year after she passed away.
Maybe I'll get a survey from the Democrat Party, too. I could really have some fun with that!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Don't Be Stupid
If common sense prevails, Obama will be a one-term president. His support has really fallen off among most groups of people. But he still could be re-elected if he holds on to support from one particular group. That group: Stupid people!
Stupid people are everywhere. It was stupid people who helped elect Obama in 2008, and it will take the support of stupid people to get him re-elected.
I'm not saying if you voted for Obama the first time that you're stupid. I'll be nice. I'll just say you were terribly "misguided." But anyone who would consider voting for him AGAIN seriously needs to have their head examined. That would be really stupid.
Some people will vote for Obama only because he's a Democrat. I know a lot of really smart people who vote 'Democrat' no matter who the candidate is. They've always voted for the Democrats, so they think they have to keep supporting the Democrat ticket. People need to wise up. We all need to examine the candidates carefully and vote for the best one, regardless of party affiliation.
I'd consider voting for a Democrat if he's the best candidate. It's not likely, but I'd consider it!
And speaking of stupid, Obama made a very stupid remark to French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the G20 Summit last week. The two were talking about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and didn't know their mics were still on. Sarkozy called Netanyahu "a liar" and said "I can't stand him." Obama then responded, saying, "You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day."
That's not only stupid. It's insulting to Israel. I think Obama should just stick to the teleprompter...
Stupid people are everywhere. It was stupid people who helped elect Obama in 2008, and it will take the support of stupid people to get him re-elected.
I'm not saying if you voted for Obama the first time that you're stupid. I'll be nice. I'll just say you were terribly "misguided." But anyone who would consider voting for him AGAIN seriously needs to have their head examined. That would be really stupid.
Some people will vote for Obama only because he's a Democrat. I know a lot of really smart people who vote 'Democrat' no matter who the candidate is. They've always voted for the Democrats, so they think they have to keep supporting the Democrat ticket. People need to wise up. We all need to examine the candidates carefully and vote for the best one, regardless of party affiliation.
I'd consider voting for a Democrat if he's the best candidate. It's not likely, but I'd consider it!
And speaking of stupid, Obama made a very stupid remark to French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the G20 Summit last week. The two were talking about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and didn't know their mics were still on. Sarkozy called Netanyahu "a liar" and said "I can't stand him." Obama then responded, saying, "You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day."
That's not only stupid. It's insulting to Israel. I think Obama should just stick to the teleprompter...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Beware of the Times
As I watch the "Occupy Wall Street" protests on TV, it looks more like something in a third-world country than America. I never thought I'd see street protests like that here. The chaos is spreading, and violence continues to grow the longer these protests go on.
I have a theory about the protests. I think they are leading up to the new world order, and Barack Obama is behind this effort. Obama supports and agrees with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement through his class warfare mantra. As a puppet of the new world order, Obama is working to bring about anarchy in America and eventually usher in a new economic system.
I've been reading articles by prophecy teacher / evangelist Jonathan Hansen. He believes there's about to be an escalation in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, leading to the new world order. He warns about a total stock market collapse, Social Security collapse, natural disasters, civil unrest, earthquakes and other disasters across the United States.
Hansen writes, "the stock market and economy have already crashed. . . but they have been propped up again. The New World Order is determined to cause them to have an irreparable collapse, pushing us into the New World Economic Order. . . which will eventually include the Mark of the Beast. There will be a New World Order politically, a New World Economic Order and a New World Religious Order."
That's pretty deep stuff, I know. But it should make us realize the times we're living in. Whether we want to believe it or not, America is headed in that direction. We can see it all around us in the recent earthquakes, floods, fires and now in the protests and financial upheaval.
Dark days are ahead, but we don't have to be afraid. If we have put our hope and trust in Jesus Christ and made Him the lord of our lives, we have the promise that God is with us. Matthew 28:20 says, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
We are very near the end of this age. Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready to meet Him in the air? Don't wait until it's too late. Get ready now. Then, you can be confident that whatever happens in the coming days, God will be with you!
I have a theory about the protests. I think they are leading up to the new world order, and Barack Obama is behind this effort. Obama supports and agrees with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement through his class warfare mantra. As a puppet of the new world order, Obama is working to bring about anarchy in America and eventually usher in a new economic system.
I've been reading articles by prophecy teacher / evangelist Jonathan Hansen. He believes there's about to be an escalation in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, leading to the new world order. He warns about a total stock market collapse, Social Security collapse, natural disasters, civil unrest, earthquakes and other disasters across the United States.
Hansen writes, "the stock market and economy have already crashed. . . but they have been propped up again. The New World Order is determined to cause them to have an irreparable collapse, pushing us into the New World Economic Order. . . which will eventually include the Mark of the Beast. There will be a New World Order politically, a New World Economic Order and a New World Religious Order."
That's pretty deep stuff, I know. But it should make us realize the times we're living in. Whether we want to believe it or not, America is headed in that direction. We can see it all around us in the recent earthquakes, floods, fires and now in the protests and financial upheaval.
Dark days are ahead, but we don't have to be afraid. If we have put our hope and trust in Jesus Christ and made Him the lord of our lives, we have the promise that God is with us. Matthew 28:20 says, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
We are very near the end of this age. Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready to meet Him in the air? Don't wait until it's too late. Get ready now. Then, you can be confident that whatever happens in the coming days, God will be with you!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Fair and Balanced
People say I pick on Democrats too much. Well, they deserve it! But to show you that I am fair and balanced, I decided to poke a little fun at some Republicans in the current field of presidential candidates. Here goes:
Herman Cain had a bad week after Politico reported that two women made sexual harassment claims against him in the '90s. Cain denies the accusations.... and says he will personally spank any women who claim otherwise!
If Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination, I think he should consider Donald Trump for his vice president. Not because Trump is an expert in economics or foreign policy..... but compared to Trump, Mitt can never be accused of having a bad hair day.
My man Rick Perry let his hair down and was having a good 'ol time during a speech he gave this week in New Hampshire. Some say he looked a little tipsy and called the governor a hypocrite for taking a drink after all his talk about being a Christian..... but it's OK, though, he's a Baptist.
Jon Huntsman hasn't been seen or heard from since the last GOP debate. Some wonder what kind of president he would make. I say that's exactly the kind of president we need.... one who knows how to keep quiet and stay out of the way.
Newt Gingrich has come out with his 21st Century Contract With America. It's a 10-point plan to revive America, which he says would take eight years in office to accomplish. Eight years? At his age, I'd be worried that Newt would expire before the contract does.
Rick Santorum has complained that he doesn't get enough camera time at the debates. He should be grateful for that. If people begin to hear some of the things he's proposing, he could soon be out of the debates altogether. He'll be better off if he just stands there and looks pretty.
Some have questioned Michele Bachmann's ability to be president because she suffers from migraine headaches. They may have a point. Just imagine what would happen if the phone rings at the White House at 3 o'clock in the morning and she picks it up and says.... "Not tonight. I have a headache!"
That's it for the Republicans..... now back to my regularly scheduled liberal bashing!
Herman Cain had a bad week after Politico reported that two women made sexual harassment claims against him in the '90s. Cain denies the accusations.... and says he will personally spank any women who claim otherwise!
If Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination, I think he should consider Donald Trump for his vice president. Not because Trump is an expert in economics or foreign policy..... but compared to Trump, Mitt can never be accused of having a bad hair day.
My man Rick Perry let his hair down and was having a good 'ol time during a speech he gave this week in New Hampshire. Some say he looked a little tipsy and called the governor a hypocrite for taking a drink after all his talk about being a Christian..... but it's OK, though, he's a Baptist.
Jon Huntsman hasn't been seen or heard from since the last GOP debate. Some wonder what kind of president he would make. I say that's exactly the kind of president we need.... one who knows how to keep quiet and stay out of the way.
Newt Gingrich has come out with his 21st Century Contract With America. It's a 10-point plan to revive America, which he says would take eight years in office to accomplish. Eight years? At his age, I'd be worried that Newt would expire before the contract does.
Rick Santorum has complained that he doesn't get enough camera time at the debates. He should be grateful for that. If people begin to hear some of the things he's proposing, he could soon be out of the debates altogether. He'll be better off if he just stands there and looks pretty.
Some have questioned Michele Bachmann's ability to be president because she suffers from migraine headaches. They may have a point. Just imagine what would happen if the phone rings at the White House at 3 o'clock in the morning and she picks it up and says.... "Not tonight. I have a headache!"
That's it for the Republicans..... now back to my regularly scheduled liberal bashing!
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