Monday, August 15, 2011

Political Prognosticating

One jumped in, one dropped out, and one moved up. It was a very big weekend for Republicans and a very bad weekend for President Downgrade.

After a lively debate in Iowa on Thursday night, GOP presidential candidates headed into the Ames Straw Poll to fight it out for the top spot. It's always interesting to see who wins this poll. Four years ago, Mike Huckabee came out on top. This time, it was Michele Bachmann who came in at first place.

That's good news for her, I guess. I like Michele Bachmann. I think she'll make someone a good V.P. candidate. Ron Paul, "the crazy uncle in the basement" candidate, took second place in the poll, and Tim Pawlenty was third. Pawlenty spent all his money on Iowa, though, so now he's out of money and out of the race.

The really big news of the weekend, though, was that Rick Perry finally made his candidacy official. He didn't even take part in the straw poll, but he had enough write-in votes to put him at sixth place, ahead of Mitt Romney.

Like Donald Trump, Perry has a lot of gumption. But Perry has better hair than Trump! I think Perry is going to give Romney a real run for his money... on economic issues and on hair. Perry hit the ground running, kicking off a bus tour in Iowa.

Meanwhile, President "Downgrade" Obama is on his own bus tour today. It should be dubbed the "Throw America Under The Bus" tour because that's exactly what Obama's economic policies have done. If he thinks he has a chance of winning re-election with his record, he's even dumber than I thought he was. Right now, I think anyone can beat him if they just changed their name to "Not Obama."

It's going to be an interesting campaign, so let the mudslinging begin! We have 450 days to show America what a disaster the Obama presidency has been. I'm sure going to do my part to make sure we elect "Not Obama" in 2012...

1 comment:

  1. We knew, going in, that President Obama held all the wrong ideas and plans for America, but, in the euphoria of hyperbolic elation, too many people couldn't see clearly then. I hope they see now.
