It's been a long, hot record-setting summer. The Texas Panhandle has seen more triple-digit temperatures this year than any other year as a severe drought continues in this area.
It's been crazy, and we've all complained about the heat. But it could be a lot worse. I read that in Africa nearly 11 million people are facing a hunger crisis, caused by the deadly drought there. It's Africa's worst drought in 60 years. Thousands have died in countries like Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, and many more continue to be at risk.
As dry as it has been here, we can be thankful that we have food and water, and we are not facing famine conditions in our country.
As bad as things seem sometimes, we can still be thankful that things aren't worse. Hurricane Irene did a lot of damage over the weekend. I pray for those who lost loved ones and others whose homes were destroyed. Irene was a terrible storm, but it could have been much worse. If the storm hadn't veered a little to the west when it made landfall near New York City, it could have gone right through the heart of the city. The damage and loss of lives could have been much more widespread than it was.
When bad things happen to us, we should try to look for the good in it. It takes a long time sometimes to find the good in a bad situation, but if we look long enough we can find something to be thankful for.
Last week, my truck was broken into along with several other cars in the parking lot of my apartment complex. The dirty thieves took some change from the ashtray, some papers and, most importantly, the remote that controls the lift for my scooter. It was frustrating to be left without use of my lift, but I was very thankful the thieves didn't rip out the whole control box for the lift. The thieves unplugged and took the remote but left the control box and all the wiring intact. Thank God!
I'm also thankful the repair shop had the remote in stock and I was able to get it so quickly. After a trip to Amarillo to get the new remote, I was back in business.
What are you thankful for? Take some time to count your blessings and give thanks!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Changing Times
I have always been a newshound. Even when I was young, I would beg to stay up and watch the 10 o'clock news. When I worked for the newspaper, I had to stay up on current events. Now, it's especially important to follow world events because things are getting verrrry interesting.
I've been watching the fighting that's happening right now in Libya. It looks like Libyan dictator Qaddafi's reign is about to come to an end after nearly 40 years.
That's just one example of world leaders who have been toppled in the last year. Since December, there have been revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, which led to the overthrow of their leaders. Protests in Jordan also have caused the resignation of the government there, and several other world leaders have said they will step down at the end of their current terms.
It seems that this is setting the stage for the anti-Christ to emerge and a one-world government to follow. It's going to happen, and it's getting closer every day. That means the return of Jesus must be very near.
I look at other events happening now and know that something big is about to take place. The financial system in the U.S. is ready to collapse. We've seen earthquakes this week on the East Coast, and a monster hurricane is headed toward the Coast. Do you think God is trying to get our attention?
God has given us all the signs. He's told us what to watch for. How will we respond?
Luke 21:28 says, "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." And Mark 13:29 says, "Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door."
Things are changing fast. For believers, it's a very exciting time because we know our Savior is coming soon to take us home! For others, this may be a scary time. But it doesn't have to be scary. You can come to Jesus right now and ask Him to be Lord of your life. That's the only way to escape the tribulation period that's coming to the earth after the rapture of the church.
Don't wait if you aren't right with God. The time to act is now. Tomorrow may be too late...
I've been watching the fighting that's happening right now in Libya. It looks like Libyan dictator Qaddafi's reign is about to come to an end after nearly 40 years.
That's just one example of world leaders who have been toppled in the last year. Since December, there have been revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, which led to the overthrow of their leaders. Protests in Jordan also have caused the resignation of the government there, and several other world leaders have said they will step down at the end of their current terms.
It seems that this is setting the stage for the anti-Christ to emerge and a one-world government to follow. It's going to happen, and it's getting closer every day. That means the return of Jesus must be very near.
I look at other events happening now and know that something big is about to take place. The financial system in the U.S. is ready to collapse. We've seen earthquakes this week on the East Coast, and a monster hurricane is headed toward the Coast. Do you think God is trying to get our attention?
God has given us all the signs. He's told us what to watch for. How will we respond?
Luke 21:28 says, "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." And Mark 13:29 says, "Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door."
Things are changing fast. For believers, it's a very exciting time because we know our Savior is coming soon to take us home! For others, this may be a scary time. But it doesn't have to be scary. You can come to Jesus right now and ask Him to be Lord of your life. That's the only way to escape the tribulation period that's coming to the earth after the rapture of the church.
Don't wait if you aren't right with God. The time to act is now. Tomorrow may be too late...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Obama Vacation Diaries
I have received exclusive access to Barack Obama's vacation diary while he's in Martha's Vineyard.... It's very interesting! Here's a look at one entry from the diary:
Dear Diary:
After my grueling bus tour across America, I'd say I've earned a vacation. I had to get away from those pesky reporters! All they do is ask me questions about the economy. Don't they know by now that I know absolutely nothing about economics?
It's great to be here at Martha's Vineyard. Michelle and I had to take separate planes to get here. She wanted to come early. It cost a little more, but, hey, it's only money! Besides, I just got an increase in the debt limit... Let's paaaarty!!
I had a round of golf this morning. I shot a 39 on the front nine, matching my approval rating. Later, I'm hoping to shoot some hoops. Gotta sharpen my skills for the next ESPN match.
The girls and I went for a swim last night. The water felt great, so I took a double dip. It was so nice at the beach... but why did that lifeguard keep calling me Mr. Carter? I don't get it.
There was a mix-up on our rooms here on the Vineyard. They downgraded us. Michelle was NOT happy! Oh well, what do you expect for $50,000 a week?
I have to take some time this week to work on that silly jobs plan I promised to have by September. How am I supposed to come up with a plan? The great thing about vacations... you don't need a plan!
I haven't got to be out on the golf course as much as I wanted because it's been raining here. It just seems like a black cloud is following me wherever I go. Must be Bush's fault!
Hope everything is all right back home at the White House. I left Joe in charge. That might have been a mistake. I sure hope he doesn't screw up my stellar record while I'm gone. I have to get re-elected next year!
Yep, I sure needed this vacation. I've had so much on my mind lately. With low poll numbers and high unemployment, life's a beach!
Dear Diary:
After my grueling bus tour across America, I'd say I've earned a vacation. I had to get away from those pesky reporters! All they do is ask me questions about the economy. Don't they know by now that I know absolutely nothing about economics?
It's great to be here at Martha's Vineyard. Michelle and I had to take separate planes to get here. She wanted to come early. It cost a little more, but, hey, it's only money! Besides, I just got an increase in the debt limit... Let's paaaarty!!
I had a round of golf this morning. I shot a 39 on the front nine, matching my approval rating. Later, I'm hoping to shoot some hoops. Gotta sharpen my skills for the next ESPN match.
The girls and I went for a swim last night. The water felt great, so I took a double dip. It was so nice at the beach... but why did that lifeguard keep calling me Mr. Carter? I don't get it.
There was a mix-up on our rooms here on the Vineyard. They downgraded us. Michelle was NOT happy! Oh well, what do you expect for $50,000 a week?
I have to take some time this week to work on that silly jobs plan I promised to have by September. How am I supposed to come up with a plan? The great thing about vacations... you don't need a plan!
I haven't got to be out on the golf course as much as I wanted because it's been raining here. It just seems like a black cloud is following me wherever I go. Must be Bush's fault!
Hope everything is all right back home at the White House. I left Joe in charge. That might have been a mistake. I sure hope he doesn't screw up my stellar record while I'm gone. I have to get re-elected next year!
Yep, I sure needed this vacation. I've had so much on my mind lately. With low poll numbers and high unemployment, life's a beach!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Political Prognosticating
One jumped in, one dropped out, and one moved up. It was a very big weekend for Republicans and a very bad weekend for President Downgrade.
After a lively debate in Iowa on Thursday night, GOP presidential candidates headed into the Ames Straw Poll to fight it out for the top spot. It's always interesting to see who wins this poll. Four years ago, Mike Huckabee came out on top. This time, it was Michele Bachmann who came in at first place.
That's good news for her, I guess. I like Michele Bachmann. I think she'll make someone a good V.P. candidate. Ron Paul, "the crazy uncle in the basement" candidate, took second place in the poll, and Tim Pawlenty was third. Pawlenty spent all his money on Iowa, though, so now he's out of money and out of the race.
The really big news of the weekend, though, was that Rick Perry finally made his candidacy official. He didn't even take part in the straw poll, but he had enough write-in votes to put him at sixth place, ahead of Mitt Romney.
Like Donald Trump, Perry has a lot of gumption. But Perry has better hair than Trump! I think Perry is going to give Romney a real run for his money... on economic issues and on hair. Perry hit the ground running, kicking off a bus tour in Iowa.
Meanwhile, President "Downgrade" Obama is on his own bus tour today. It should be dubbed the "Throw America Under The Bus" tour because that's exactly what Obama's economic policies have done. If he thinks he has a chance of winning re-election with his record, he's even dumber than I thought he was. Right now, I think anyone can beat him if they just changed their name to "Not Obama."
It's going to be an interesting campaign, so let the mudslinging begin! We have 450 days to show America what a disaster the Obama presidency has been. I'm sure going to do my part to make sure we elect "Not Obama" in 2012...
After a lively debate in Iowa on Thursday night, GOP presidential candidates headed into the Ames Straw Poll to fight it out for the top spot. It's always interesting to see who wins this poll. Four years ago, Mike Huckabee came out on top. This time, it was Michele Bachmann who came in at first place.
That's good news for her, I guess. I like Michele Bachmann. I think she'll make someone a good V.P. candidate. Ron Paul, "the crazy uncle in the basement" candidate, took second place in the poll, and Tim Pawlenty was third. Pawlenty spent all his money on Iowa, though, so now he's out of money and out of the race.
The really big news of the weekend, though, was that Rick Perry finally made his candidacy official. He didn't even take part in the straw poll, but he had enough write-in votes to put him at sixth place, ahead of Mitt Romney.
Like Donald Trump, Perry has a lot of gumption. But Perry has better hair than Trump! I think Perry is going to give Romney a real run for his money... on economic issues and on hair. Perry hit the ground running, kicking off a bus tour in Iowa.
Meanwhile, President "Downgrade" Obama is on his own bus tour today. It should be dubbed the "Throw America Under The Bus" tour because that's exactly what Obama's economic policies have done. If he thinks he has a chance of winning re-election with his record, he's even dumber than I thought he was. Right now, I think anyone can beat him if they just changed their name to "Not Obama."
It's going to be an interesting campaign, so let the mudslinging begin! We have 450 days to show America what a disaster the Obama presidency has been. I'm sure going to do my part to make sure we elect "Not Obama" in 2012...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I've been getting more responses about my blog since I started posting it on my Facebook page, too. More people see it there and leave comments. Most of the comments have even been good, although some of my favorite liberal FB friends like to debate my politics. That's OK, though. I like hearing from readers.
I enjoy doing the blog. It lets me spout off about whatever's on my mind.
I have to be careful what I write, though. I have to use good grammar because one of my junior high English teachers is a regular reader of the blog. I have to keep it clean because the preacher's wife sometimes reads it. And I can't write about my love life because Mom reads it. HA! HA!
That leaves religion and politics to write about. Some people may find the political ones boring. But, the most read post is the Anthony "Weiner Roast" column. It's had nearly 100 hits since I posted it. I guess I know where your minds are!
Another popular post is the one about my encounter with the hooker at the McDonald's drive-thru. It's one of my earliest posts from February of last year, but I still get comments about it. If you missed it, you can find it in the archives for February 2010.
I also get comments about the religious posts. Some people may think I'm trying to "preach" at them. Well, I am, but I'm mostly preaching to myself. I write about things I learn or think about during my Bible study time or hear at church. By writing them down, it helps ME remember them. Along the way, maybe it will help someone else, too. I hope so. I hope it encourages people to think a little more about their lives and makes them want to get closer to God.
That's really my goal in writing this blog. I like to write anyway, and if it can help and encourage someone, then I'm glad for that, too. Thanks for reading, everyone. And keep those comments coming... even if you are one of those wacky liberals!
I enjoy doing the blog. It lets me spout off about whatever's on my mind.
I have to be careful what I write, though. I have to use good grammar because one of my junior high English teachers is a regular reader of the blog. I have to keep it clean because the preacher's wife sometimes reads it. And I can't write about my love life because Mom reads it. HA! HA!
That leaves religion and politics to write about. Some people may find the political ones boring. But, the most read post is the Anthony "Weiner Roast" column. It's had nearly 100 hits since I posted it. I guess I know where your minds are!
Another popular post is the one about my encounter with the hooker at the McDonald's drive-thru. It's one of my earliest posts from February of last year, but I still get comments about it. If you missed it, you can find it in the archives for February 2010.
I also get comments about the religious posts. Some people may think I'm trying to "preach" at them. Well, I am, but I'm mostly preaching to myself. I write about things I learn or think about during my Bible study time or hear at church. By writing them down, it helps ME remember them. Along the way, maybe it will help someone else, too. I hope so. I hope it encourages people to think a little more about their lives and makes them want to get closer to God.
That's really my goal in writing this blog. I like to write anyway, and if it can help and encourage someone, then I'm glad for that, too. Thanks for reading, everyone. And keep those comments coming... even if you are one of those wacky liberals!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Claim Your True Identity

There's a new reality TV show, "Who Do You Think You Are?", that takes celebrities on a quest to trace their family trees. Along the way, they learn some surprising facts about their ancestors. Sometimes, they find out they're not who they thought they were.
Before we come to God, we all may struggle to "find ourself" and discover our purpose in life. It can be a lifelong journey discovering your true identity — trying to learn who you are and what you were put on this earth to do.
For those who commit their lives to Jesus, we can be secure in who we are. The Bible is clear about who we are once we decide to follow God. It’s comforting to know exactly who God intends us to be:
I am forgiven. Before I accepted Jesus as my savior, I wasn’t proud of “who I was” or some of the things I did. But when I turned to God, I found forgiveness. Jesus came into my life and forgave my sins.
I am a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone; the new has come!” Those who accept Jesus are made a new creation and become a part of God’s family. No matter what you have done in the past, you have a new start when you come to Christ.
I am a child of God. When we put out trust in God, we become children of God. “Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).” I know that God will take care of me because He is my heavenly Father and will never leave me.
I am more than a conqueror. The world is full of trials and tribulations, but God’s Word says, “in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).” We can't do it on our own, but it is through God’s power that we will overcome this world and become victorious.
I'm also an heir. Romans 8:17 says, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.”
What a promise! God has so many good things for His children, and when this life is over, we can know that we will spend eternity in heaven with Him!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Happy Birthday, Mr. President
Barack Obama is so out of touch with middle America that it's hard to imagine. After weeks of bickering with Congress over the national debt, Obama jets off to Chicago for a lavish 50th birthday celebration.
He invited about 1,000 of his closest donors. . . I mean, friends, to a huge birthday bash / campaign fund-raiser. It's kind of sad that his "friends" had to pay to go to the party. Some paid nearly $40,000 to attend the extravaganza! The highlights of the night were when Joe Biden made a toast after having a little too much to drink and then Nazi Pelosi popped out of a cake.
Now that the debt dilemma is behind him (for now, anyway), Obama can concentrate on doing his job. In other words, it means he will be campaigning full time for his re-election. He's already well on his way to raising $1 billion for his campaign.
Did you get that -- $1 BILLION!! That's more than any other presidential candidate has ever raised for an election campaign. Meanwhile, the country's economy is still spiraling downhill fast.
I have an idea. If politicians can raise all this money for their campaign war chests, why don't we have a fund-raiser to save the economy? I'm sure that billionaires like George Soros and Donald Trump would be glad to kick in a couple of million dollars. We could wipe out the debt in no time.
Instead, Obama and the other candidates are too focused on their political futures to try to come up with a real solution to the debt problem. They're out of touch with reality. When will they start doing what's best for the country instead of trying to save their own skin in the next election? Sigh....
Well, happy birthday, Little Barack. I have a gift for you, but it won't arrive until next year. It's a personally engraved eviction notice from the White House. It's from the whole country, and it's something we can all use!
He invited about 1,000 of his closest donors. . . I mean, friends, to a huge birthday bash / campaign fund-raiser. It's kind of sad that his "friends" had to pay to go to the party. Some paid nearly $40,000 to attend the extravaganza! The highlights of the night were when Joe Biden made a toast after having a little too much to drink and then Nazi Pelosi popped out of a cake.
Now that the debt dilemma is behind him (for now, anyway), Obama can concentrate on doing his job. In other words, it means he will be campaigning full time for his re-election. He's already well on his way to raising $1 billion for his campaign.
Did you get that -- $1 BILLION!! That's more than any other presidential candidate has ever raised for an election campaign. Meanwhile, the country's economy is still spiraling downhill fast.
I have an idea. If politicians can raise all this money for their campaign war chests, why don't we have a fund-raiser to save the economy? I'm sure that billionaires like George Soros and Donald Trump would be glad to kick in a couple of million dollars. We could wipe out the debt in no time.
Instead, Obama and the other candidates are too focused on their political futures to try to come up with a real solution to the debt problem. They're out of touch with reality. When will they start doing what's best for the country instead of trying to save their own skin in the next election? Sigh....
Well, happy birthday, Little Barack. I have a gift for you, but it won't arrive until next year. It's a personally engraved eviction notice from the White House. It's from the whole country, and it's something we can all use!
Monday, August 1, 2011
God's Hand of Protection
My friend, Greg, came over this weekend, and we had one of our movie nights. It's a miracle that he's here at all, though. A fire that started behind his house last week caught his backyard shed on fire and quickly spread to the house while he slept. Greg woke up and saw a glow outside his window and managed to get out of the house safely.
A Globe-News carrier saw the flames from the road and ran to the door to help him get out. By the grace of God, Greg wasn't hurt. But he lost almost everything in the house.
Greg said everything in the bedroom where he was sleeping was burned up.... except his Bible! He said the Bible was near the outside wall, but for some reason it wasn't touched by the fire. Greg said himself that it's a miracle that he got out alive, and I believe it was.
God surely had His hand on Greg that night and protected him. It could have turned out much different.
This made me think. How many times do we go about our daily lives and God protects us without us even knowing it? Many times, we are unaware of danger around us. And if God hadn't been watching over us, we might have been hurt or even died. I can remember several times when God protected me from danger. Who knows how many other times the Lord kept me from harm and I didn't even realize it? I'm sure there have been many times!
God is such a great God! As believers, we are under His protection. We can feel safe and secure, knowing He is watching over us and will keep us from dangers.
I thank God that Greg wasn't hurt in the fire that night. And I thank God for protecting me all those times when I faced danger and was unaware of it. I'm sure He's done the same for you, too. Each day we wake up, we can praise Him for another day. Our lives truly are in His hands, and He is watching over us, so let's praise Him for it today.
A Globe-News carrier saw the flames from the road and ran to the door to help him get out. By the grace of God, Greg wasn't hurt. But he lost almost everything in the house.
Greg said everything in the bedroom where he was sleeping was burned up.... except his Bible! He said the Bible was near the outside wall, but for some reason it wasn't touched by the fire. Greg said himself that it's a miracle that he got out alive, and I believe it was.
God surely had His hand on Greg that night and protected him. It could have turned out much different.
This made me think. How many times do we go about our daily lives and God protects us without us even knowing it? Many times, we are unaware of danger around us. And if God hadn't been watching over us, we might have been hurt or even died. I can remember several times when God protected me from danger. Who knows how many other times the Lord kept me from harm and I didn't even realize it? I'm sure there have been many times!
God is such a great God! As believers, we are under His protection. We can feel safe and secure, knowing He is watching over us and will keep us from dangers.
I thank God that Greg wasn't hurt in the fire that night. And I thank God for protecting me all those times when I faced danger and was unaware of it. I'm sure He's done the same for you, too. Each day we wake up, we can praise Him for another day. Our lives truly are in His hands, and He is watching over us, so let's praise Him for it today.
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