First, there was "The View," Barbara Walters' brainchild where five pushy, overbearing, opinionated women sit around a table discussing hot topics of the day. They debate, argue and get into catfights over the silliest things. Then, CBS came out with a copycat show, "The Talk." It has five other cackling hens, also sitting around a table, bloviating over the latest gossip out of Hollywood. Both shows are heavily slanted with liberal views.
Now, finally, there's a show for conservatives like me. Fox News Channel has started a new show, appropriately called "The Five." It uses a format similar to the other two talk shows, with five commentators at a table debating political and pop culture topics.
But unlike "The View" and "The Talk," the Fox program has men and women around the table, and it gives conservative and liberal viewpoints. A libertarian was also thrown into the mix for good measure. All I can say is, it's about time!
On the conservative end, former Bush press secretary Dana Perino gives the view from the right. On the left, USA Today columnist and my favorite liberal Bob Beckel argues the other side. I like Beckel. I don't agree with anything he says, but he's usually fair. He worked in the Carter administration. But, hey, we all make mistakes. One thing about Beckel, he sure can get riled up when he's debating conservatives! Sometimes, I think he must have a case of male PMS. Don't get so worked up, Bob!
The zany Greg Gutfeld is the libertarian on the panel. He's a political satirist and humorist who's good for a little comic relief when the debate gets a little too heated on the show. His blog, The Daily Gut, is always interesting. The other two hosts, Andrea Tantaros and Eric Bolling, fall somewhere in the middle and help keep the discussion fair and balanced.
Fox News made a good move when it put "The Five" on in the timeslot where Glenn Beck's show aired. I miss Glenn Beck's rants, and Beckel is certainly no Beck, but "The Five" promises to be a great show with fair debates. Not like the drivel on "The View!" I hope "The Five" does well in ratings and becomes a prominent show on Fox's already popular lineup. Catch it if you can, I think you'll like it!
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