It's a step in the right direction. House Republicans came out with their Pledge To America, a conservative agenda they hope will help them get control of the House in the November mid-term elections. The pledge is a welcome change from the radical ideas of the far left.
This pledge has commonsense ideas and focuses on the conservative values that our country was founded upon. It's a promise to honor families, traditional marriage and life.
You wouldn't think that we would need a pledge to uphold family and marriage in America. But our country has gotten so far out of balance that the Republicans felt they had to draft this document to put the focus back on traditional values.
Like Newt Gingrich's "Contract With America," which helped Republicans take control of the House in 1994, the pledge will help power the GOP back into the majority in just 36 days from now.
As a conservative, I'm excited about the things the pledge stands for. Among other things, the pledge calls for a cut in federal spending to 2008 levels and would require all bills to be posted online three days before votes. Imagine that, lawmakers could actually read a bill before voting on it!
It also is a pledge to repeal Obama's disastrous health-care bill. If Republicans can stop Obama-Care, it would be a huge victory and a major step toward blocking Obama's Socialist agenda and returning power to the people.
With this pledge, Republicans are well on their way to taking back the House. Democrats are in for a rude awakening. I can't wait until Nov. 3 (the day after the election) when we can begin putting the country back on the right track!
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