President Obama said he can sympathize with Americans who have been hard hit by the recession. The president said his daughters' college savings fund has dropped in value. Poor guy! How will he get by?
Of course, the president didn't have a problem sending his wife and daughter on a $375,000 vacation to Spain! Not to mention the multiple other extravagant vacations the first family has indulged in this summer. And don't forget the countless golf outings Obama has taken.
But then all of that was on the taxpayers' dime. Obama doesn't have a problem spending other people's money.
That's the reason our country is going broke. Obama has wasted so much money on programs like his health-care initiative and auto bailouts. All of this is money that could have been spent on trying to create new jobs. It's ridiculous.
This president is out of touch with the American people. I read that he doesn't even start working until 9:30 each morning. In contrast, President Bush was in the Oval Office by 7 a.m. every day. Then, Obama spends his evenings bringing in big name entertainers or flying to New York to take in a Broadway show or concert.
It's fine for the president to relax or take a vacation, but Obama treats his job as a joke. Instead of a part-time president, we need someone who has executive experience. We have some serious problems in this country, and it's going to take hard work to fix the problems.
Obama has proved that he's not up to the job. That's just one more reason why Obama will join Jimma Karta in the history books as a one-term president!
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