As I prepare to leave Amarillo and move back to my hometown of Pampa, a.k.a. Dullsville, I have been thinking back on some of the experiences I've had here in Big A. One funny memory stands out in my mind.
Not too long ago, I was sitting at the McDonald's drive-through on Amarillo Boulevard. I had ordered and was waiting to pull forward. Now, I have had my share of experiences with transients on the Boulevard coming up to the car window and asking for money.
That's one reason I kept a little spare change in the ashtray. It's not much, but I figured it might buy someone a fast-food meal. I don't mind helping people out like that. We all need help sometimes. But this was a whole new experience.
As I was waiting to pull up, a snaggle-toothed, scantily-clad woman (I think it was a woman) came up to my window. She / He offered me "her services" if I could spare a little money. Only she used a different term, if you know what I mean.
I know the Boulevard has a reputation for being a hangout for these "ladies," but this was a first for me. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. I peeled out getting up to the window. I got my food, and I was out of there. Haven't been back to that McD's since!
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