Do all you can while you can. That has been my mantra. Life is short. You have to go and do while you have the ability and the opportunity. You never know when life is going to deal you a blow and suddenly everything changes.
I discovered just how true that is last year -- really just in the last six months.
A year ago at this time, I was working. I was walking. I was fairly active. Life was good, and I was rockin’ along. It was hard sometimes, but God is good and I leaned on Him.
Then, August came and BANG! It hit me. A ruptured disc in my back knocked me off my feet. The disc was pushing against the nerves and causing my legs and feet to become weak.
I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t even stand up.
I felt helpless.
Suddenly, I was having to depend on others to help me do virtually everything.
I hated it because I like my independence. I didn’t want to be dependant on anyone. It was frustrating to say the least.
I didn’t understand why this was happening to me. Why now? Why, why why?
This is certainly not how I planned for life to go. I was completely blind-sided. But, you know, none of this took God by surprise. While I know God did not cause this to happen to me, he was prepared to see me through this difficult time.
I may not understand why this has happened, but I know God has a plan. I am trusting him to work all things for good.
If anything, this has made me focus on what is really important in life: God, family and friends.
The Bible says life is but a vapor. In light of eternity, this life is nothing. I want to be busy doing what God has called me to do. There’s no time to waste.
This life will soon fade away, and I will face eternity.
I want to be found faithful. I must do all I can while I can and do it all for God.
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