I have to be more diligent in seeking Him. That means reading the Bible, praying and going to church. I've done all these things in past years, but I want to press in in seeking Him and drawing closer to Him.
Matthew 22:37 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
I want to do more to serve the Lord with ALL my heart. I've fallen short so many times. I'd read the Bile without thinking about how to apply it to my life and do what it says. I'd pray without taking time to stop, be still and listen for the Lord to speak to my heart and spirit.
The start of the new year is a good time to make a new commitment or renew your dedication to God. I believe God has more He wants to do in my life, and He will if I just yield to Him and seek Him more than I ever have before.
I hope you will join me in pressing in more and finding more of Him in 2024!