Will he or won't he? That's the question everyone is asking about Joe Biden. Will he drop out of the race for president?
It's clear that Biden is declining, and it's looking more and more like he's not going to be able to be the nominee. His handlers tell him what to say, but he can't remember. That's when he goes off script and just rambles or he'll start making up stories.
The storyteller-in-chief has told some whoppers like saying he was arrested in South Africa while trying to see Nelson Mandela. He also claimed he was offered a job by an Idaho lumber company, but there's no record of it. Then there's this tall tale: He said he used to drive an 18-wheeler! It's a lie.
Biden doesn't even know where he is sometimes. Remember when the Easter had to show him where to go?
There's a lot of speculation about when and how he will bow out of the race. I have my own theory. I think he will lay low until the convention next summer. He'll come out of the basement for an occasional photo op, but we're not going to see much of Biden this fall.
At the Democrat convention, something is going to happen to Biden, and he'll have to withdraw from the race. It will be either due to health reasons, or it could be because of criminal charges filed against him related to the Hunter Biden investigation. The party bosses will throw Joe under the bus and have a replacement candidate waiting in the wings. But who will it be?
Some say it will be California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and others are saying Michelle Obama. (God forbid!) But no. I predict it will be someone much worse. Riding in on a white horse... Here she comes to save the day.... It's CROOKED HILLARY!! She's never given up her schemes to become president, and she's going to take one final shot at it.
I know that probably won't happen. (I hope not anyway.) But whatever the Dems decide to do, I'm sure it will be something just as crazy.