As I watch the news coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, there's one thing missing in the reporting. Every network has its analysts and "experts" on foreign relations, but they all leave out a key element: Prophecy.
What we're seeing take place in Israel today is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. I haven't studied Bible prophecy like my friend Jimmy Phillips, who has studied and taught on prophecy for years. But I know enough to see that we are living in the last days.
The Bible predicted that end-time events would revolve around Israel, and that's what we're seeing take place in the Israel-Hamas war. Hamas is a terrorist group funded by Iran. Iran's objective is to destroy Israel. It has openly said it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
The Bible also says that all nations will turn against Israel to try to destroy it. That's what is taking place right now. More and more nations are turning against Israel. But the Bible is clear in Zechariah 12:4: "All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves,"
Some think this war is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 and 38, which describes a large force from the north attacking Israel. It's all coming together right before our eyes. I read one quote that said, "If you want to know what's happening, read the newspaper. If you want to know why it's happening, read the Bible."
As Christians, we have hope. Luke 21:28 says, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near." That's what we should be doing. We should be watching for Jesus to return. He is coming soon, but you won't hear that reported on the news.