What's happened to the old adage "agree to disagree"? America has always been divided by politics. It's the liberals vs. the conservatives. I was a senior in college in 1992 when Bill Clinton was running against George H.W. Bush. Many — if not most — of my classmates were liberal Democrats backing Clinton. I supported the Republican Bush. We had many lively debates over politics, but we had respect for each other's views. There was a level of civility.
Not so anymore. Since Donald Trump became president, there has been a growing level of intolerance on both sides. But there's been a wave of liberal rage since Trump took office.
Most of their targets have been on Trump himself with Madonna saying she had "thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House." Kathy Griffin posed for photos with a bloody replica of the president’s decapitated head.
From the first day of his presidency, Trump has been met with resistance on everything he's tried to do. Democrats have been screaming for impeachment and looking for ways to block his agenda.
The latest uproar has been over President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court — Brett Kavanaugh. Even before Trump announced his pick, Democrats vowed to fight the nomination. It didn't matter who he nominated, the Democrats vowed to do whatever it takes to destroy the nominee. And they have kept their promise, using every dirty trick in the book to bring Kavanaugh down.
When attempts to disqualify him based on his judicial record failed and it looked like Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed, the Democrats were desperate to find another way to destroy him. They went after his character. It got nasty.
A former classmate accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a high school party 36 years ago. She had no proof, no evidence, no witnesses, and Kavanaugh unequivocally denied her claim. That didn't matter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, though. Instead of 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty,' he was declared 'Guilty By Accusation' by the liberals on the committee and most in the media.
In a fiery hearing last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the accuser laid out her claims against Kavanaugh. Her story was sketchy and lacked any collaborating details. Kavanaugh also testified, adamantly denying the accusations. Despite the lack of evidence, the Democrats are still demanding an FBI investigation into Kavanaugh's background.
Delay, obstruct and resist has been their plan all along. From the very beginning, Democrats have tried anything and everything to tank Kavanaugh's nomination. If it wasn't Kavanaugh, it would be whoever Trump nominated. The same would be true if the Democrats were in power. Republicans would try to tear down their nominee.
It's one thing to disagree over issues, but it's quite another to make such personal attacks and try to ruin someone's reputation because you don't like his political views.
Why can't we all just get along? We all want the best for the country — whether there's a conservative in the White House or a liberal.