The good part of living in a small town like Pampa is.... everyone knows your name.
The bad part of living in a small town like Pampa is.... everyone knows your name. I live at the Pampa Nursing Center, and I ride a mobility scooter around town. Yes, I'm the guy on the flashy red scooter with an orange safety flag. I ride to one of the nearby parks or sometimes I just sit in the parking lot near the old Hastings and watch the people passing by.
People often notice me and will stop to make sure I'm all right. Some think I've "escaped" from the nursing center and call the center to report that I'm out. Others call or text my sister and tell her I'm out and I'm not even wearing a coat! Trust me, I'm almost never cold, so I hardly ever wear a jacket.
I appreciate everyone watching out for me, and I want to assure everyone that they don't have to worry. I'm all right. I'm really a safe rider. I never text and ride. I try to keep it under the speed limit.... since the scooter only goes 6 mph. And I stay off I-40 (especially in Carson County near Groom).
Pampa drivers are also friendly. A lot of them wave as they pass me.... and most of them use more than the middle finger. You'll have to forgive me if I don't wave back. I have to keep both hands on the scooter.
Seriously, though, I do thank everyone for their concern. We have to watch out for each other. That's what makes Pampa a great place to live.